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The following hotels and chalet groups are operated by the Glacier Park Hotel Co.:


Located at Glacier Park Station, on the main line of the Great Northern Railroad; 200 rooms, accommodations for over 400 people; electric lighted, steam heated, running water, rooms with private bath, cuisine and service of highest order, plunge pool, shower baths, sun parlor, open camp fire in lobby, lounging and music room. Large verandas face the mountains of Glacier Park.


Beautifully located on the east shore of Lake McDermott, 55 miles north of Glacier Park Hotel, on scenic automobile highway. Automobile stage service to and from Glacier Park Station daily.

The Great Northern Railroad operates a daily automobile freight service for the shipment of cars between Glacier Park Station and Belton; rate for this service, $12.50.

This hotel contains accommodations for upward of 500 guests; electric lighted, steam heated, running water, rooms with private bath; dining service the same high standard as at Glacier Park Hotel; open camp fires in lobby.

The spacious observation verandas on this new hostelry command a view of one of the most beautiful mountain and lake panoramas in all America—Altyn Peak, Mount Henkel, Mount Wilbur, Swiftcurrent Peak, Mount Grinnell, Mount Gould, and Allen Mountain.

Authorized Rates at Glacier Park and Many Glacier Hotels.

Rooms without bath, including meals, American plan, per day, per person, $5 and $5.50.

Rooms, with bath, including meals, American plan, per day, per person, $6, $7, $8, $9, and $10.

Room use for any part of a day without bath, $1.

Room use for any part of a day with bath, $2.

Hotel rates will be computed on the basis of $1 for breakfast, $1.25 each for lunch and dinner, and $1.50 and upward for lodging, according to class of accommodations; for instance, on the basis of $5.50 per day, one-half day, consisting of lodging and breakfast, will be $3, viz, $2 for room and $1 for meal. All fractions of a day will be arrived at on this basis.

Meals only: Breakfast, $1; lunch, $1.25; dinner, $1.25.

Children 5 years of age and over, full rate.

Children under 5 years of age, one-half rate.


Throughout Glacier National Park, distant from 8 to 16 miles from each other, the Glacier Park Hotel Co. maintains and operates the following permanent Swiss chalets, taking them in the order in which they may be reached from Glacier Park Station.

Two Medicine Chalets,1 on Two Medicine Lake.—Commands a view of the mountains and lakes of the Two Medicine country, reached by automobile, horseback, or afoot from Glacier Park Hotel.

Cut Bank Chalets, on Cut Bank River.—Located in the Cut Bank Valley, a popular rendezvous for fishermen. From this camp it is a day's side trip to Triple Divide Mountain, where the water flows three ways.

St. Mary Chalets,1 on St. Mary Lake.—Located on lower end of St. Mary Lake. The popular going-in point for all tourists visiting the Going-to-the-Sun and Lake McDermott regions. Side trip is made from here to Red Eagle Lake, a popular fishing trip.

Going-to-the-Sun Chalets,1 on St. Mary Lake.—Located on the northwest shore of St. Mary Lake, commanding a view of the Continental Divide. Reached by boat from St. Mary Chalets or afoot or horseback from interior points.

Many Glacier Chalets,1 on Lake McDermott.—Located one-eighth of a mile from the new Many Glacier Hotel. Side trips from this point same as from Many Glacier Hotel.

Granite Park Chalets.—Located on the west side of the Continental Divide in Granite Park. Reached by horseback or afoot from Many Glacier Hotel via Swiftcurrent Pass.

Sperry Glacier Chalets, in the Sperry Glacier Basin.—Located on the west side of the Continental Divide near Sperry Glacier. Reached by horseback or afoot from Going-to-the-Sun Chalets or Lake McDonald.

Belton Chalets.1—Located on the main line of the Great Northern Railroad at Belton station, on the west side of the Continental Divide, 58 miles west of Glacier Park Station.

1Detached shower or tub baths at these hostelries, 50 cents.

Each of these artistic chalet groups consists of log or stone buildings, attractively grouped, in the vicinity of a central structure used for a dining and lounging room. Most of the dormitory chalets have one or more attractive lounging rooms equipped with large stone fireplaces. The service is less conventional than at the hotels, the aim being to furnish clean, comfortable beds, plain food, well cooked, plenty of it, and served in family style.

Authorized rates at the chalet groups.

Board and lodging, American plan, per day, per person, $4.50.

Chalet rates will be computed on the basis of $1 for breakfast, $1.25 each for lunch and dinner, and $1 for lodging.

Belton Chalets; rooms with running water, $1.50 per day, per person; American plan, per day, per person, $5.

A rate of $28 per week will be made to guests staying one week or more at any one chalet.

Children 5 years of age and over, full rate.

Children under 5 years of age, one-half rate.


The following hotels and camps in or adjacent to the park are located on patented lands. The National Park Service exercises no control over the rates and operations of these hotels. The rates given below are published for the information of the public, but the Service assumes no responsibility for their correctness.

Glacier Hotel, near head of Lake McDonald.—Proprietor, J. E. Lewis, Lake McDonald, Mont. Log hotel of pleasing style of rustic architecture containing 64 rooms. Spacious lounging room; open fire in lobby; large veranda facing Lake McDonald. Hotel is equipped with private baths and laundry, and additional accommodations furnished in 20 log cabins. Reached by auto from Belton (3 miles), thence by launch (8 miles). Rates $5, $6, and $7 per day.

Dow Hotel, at Belton, Mont.—Proprietor, E. E. Dow, Belton, Mont. Frame building. Rate, $3.25 per day.

National Park cabin resort, at foot of Lake McDonald.—Proprietor, H. D. Apgar, Belton, Mont. Two and three-room log cabins equipped for light housekeeping. Reached by auto from Belton (3 miles). Rates $30, $35, and $45 per month. Special day rates.

Park Cabin Resort (Geduhn's), at head of Lake McDonald.—Proprietor, James Conlon, trustee, Belton, Mont. Ten log cabins. Reached by auto from Belton (3 miles), thence by launch (9 miles). Rates $50 to $160, each, per month, wood included.


Charles R. Foster plans to conduct a summer camp-school in Glacier National Park during the 1920 season. The purpose of the school will be to give boys a summer in the park where they may fish, hike, ride horseback, study botany or geology, make up conditions in school work or prepare for college examinations, and to teach them the customs of the camp and the trail. The camp-school will be situated in Two Medicine Valley. For further information address Charles R. Foster, director, University School, Cleveland, Ohio.

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Last Updated: 25-Aug-2010