Rules and Regulations
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The Rocky Mountain National Park is under the control and supervision of the director of the National Park Service, who is represented in the administration of the park by a superintendent, assisted by a number of park rangers who patrol the reservation. Mr. L. Claude Way is superintendent of the park, and his office address is Estes Park, Colo.

The park season is May 1 to November 1, but the reservation is accessible throughout the year, and in the winter snow carnivals are regularly held.

Map showing railroad routes to Rocky Mountain and Mesa Verde National Parks.


The Rocky Mountain National Park is the most accessible of our large scenic national parks; that is, it is nearest to the large centers of population in the East and Middle West. Both sides of the park may be reached from Denver.

Estes Park village, the eastern and principal entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park, is connected by automobiles of the Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Co. with Denver, as well as with the railroad stations at Fort Collins, on the Colorado & Southern and Union Pacific Railroads; Loveland, on the Colorado & Southern; Lyons, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad; Longmont, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and Colorado & Southern Railroads; and Boulder, on the Denver Interurban Railroad.

The west side of the park may be reached from Denver by way of Granby, on the Denver & Salt Lake Railroad. From Granby stages run to Grand Lake.

Map showing position of Rocky Mountain, Glacier, Yellowstone, Mesa Verde, and Zion National Parks with principal connecting roads

Denver is reached by the following railroads: Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; Chicago, Rock Island, & Pacific; Colorado & Southern; Denver & Rio Grande; Denver, & Salt Lake; and Union Pacific.

During the summer season round-trip excursion tickets at reduced fares are sold at practically all points in the United States to Rocky Mountain National Park as a destination. Choice of several routes in each direction is generally offered. Passengers wishing to visit Rocky Mountain National Park as a side trip in connection with a journey to other destinations will find stop-over privileges available on round-trip and one-way tickets. The fare from Denver via automobiles to Estes Park is $6 one way, $10 round trip. The fare via automobiles from Longmont, Lyons, Loveland, or Fort Collins to Estes Park is $4 one way, $7 round trip, entering and leaving same gateway; $8 round trip, diversified route.

The Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Co. will inaugurate and maintain during the summer season automobile service from Boulder, Colo., on the Denver Interurban Railroad to Estes Park, via the southeastern entrance. Morning and afternoon trips are scheduled from both Boulder and Estes Park, and hourly service from Denver to Boulder is available on the trains of the Interurban Railroad. The round-trip fare from Denver is $10.

From many sections trips may be planned to include visits to two or more of the following National Parks in the Rocky Mountain region: Rocky Mountain, Mesa Verde, Yellowstone Glacier.

During park season baggage may be checked through on tickets reading to Rocky Mountain National Park. Usual free allowance will be made by railroads, and a charge of $1.25 per hundred pounds, minimum $1.25, will be made by the Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Co. for all weight in excess of 20 pounds of hand baggage. Storage charges on baggage checked to certain railroad termini only will be waived for actual length of time consumed by passengers in making park side trip.


For further information regarding railroad fares, service, etc., apply to railroad ticket agents or P. S. Eustis, passenger traffic manager, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, Chicago; L. M. Allen, passenger traffic manager, Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, Chicago; W. S. Basinger, assistant passenger traffic manager, Union Pacific Railroad, Omaha, Nebr.; F. A. Wadleigh, passenger traffic manager, Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, Denver, Colo.; or H. A. Johnson, traffic manager, Colorado & Southern Railroad, Denver, Colo.


The post office covering the hotels and resorts of the east side is at Estes Park, Colo. There are post offices at Longs Peak and Moraine Park, but letters addressed to Estes Park will be forwarded. The west side post office is at Grand Lake, Colo. There is also a post office at Allens Park.

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Last Updated: 25-Aug-2010