The Unigrid System
solves two primary problems of folder planning. First, it organizes the
editorial and graphic components within a format. Second, it quickly
helps determine how a folder will be printedthe inks, the paper,
and the sheet size. The measurements for the 10 formats are derived from
the B6 size, the system's largest printed sheet. This Unigrid base has
12 panels on each side. All dimensions for text, maps, and art are
reckoned from this base on acetate grid overlays. Because this network
of points is constant, designers can quickly locate graphic components
in the layout stages leading to mechanical art.
From this base, all
formats can be imposed on the two printing sheets with minimal waste. By
reducing production variables to one paper, in two sizes, it is possible
to economize on paper, presswork, and folding. The size of the basic
folded panel in the Unigrid System replaces four previously used, none
of which had their origins in modern printing methods. Brief
specifications for the Unigrid System are indicated here as planning
aids for those working on folder projects. These standards open the way
for graphic improvements, the elimination of production inefficiencies,
and increased usefulness for NPS folders.
Unigrid Graphic Components
Size and Scale
No format in the Unigrid System requires any
alteration in size of type, maps, or illustrations. Small formats are
not miniatures of larger formats. Graphic components retain the same
size regardless of format chosen. Scale may vary, however, with the
different formats.
A sensitive handling of scale is essential to
properly detailing any composition. It is the essence of harmonious
layouts in the Unigrid System, and this need increases when the
broadside carries a large map, or composite picture presentation. The
designer has far more latitude with such assemblies to make shifts in
elements, and therefore scale, than is possible when layouts are
controlled by the small panels of a folder. The need is to keep forms,
colors, and spatial arrangements of a composition balanced and optically
These broadside compositions are highly suited to the
kind of information carried in NPS folders. Involved stories can be
reduced to summary presentations. Complicated technical or mechanical
processes can be simplified through visual demonstrations. Historical
settings can be reconstructed and important events reenacted by way of
painted scenes. To these ends, pictorial matter can be gigantic or
minuscule, or both, as long as the designer respects optical effects and
regulates the relationships. Illustration takes on great freedom with
the broadside, and the range of spatial effects is extended. NPS folders
will gain vitality from this opening up of form and space.
The grid, used as an organizational base, helps the
designer overcome problems of size and scale by determining the
fundamental relationships between parts. Providing this proven
framework, the grid sets up ratios for the elements. It makes
workable layouts, and therefore, workable folders, predictable.
The Unigrid System detailed here is based on an
evaluative analysis of NPS folders by consulting designer Massimo

(click on image for a PDF version)
Throughout the two series of formats, cover title
bars and type treatment are uniform. In practice, the title bar assumes
the quality of a logotype for the folder program. Therefore, it is not
altered in form or printed in color. All titles reverse in white against
a 100 point black edge bar. Park names with fewer than 12 letters are
set in 60 point Helvetica Medium C/lc flush left with the first grid
module. Longer park names are set in 42 point C/lc.
The site designation and location are set in 12/14 or
8/9 Helvetica Medium C/lc aligned with the seventh grid module, service
and Departmental designations follow the same pattern, aligned with the
tenth grid module. Subordinate titling on general broadsides can be set
optionally in 18/25 Helvetica Light C/lc.
All type is hung 10 points below the top trim. The
title bar is used in combination with a single-color cover panel, or it
can be used with a pictorial panel. In the A-Series, the park name is
positioned in the bar as indicated above. The site designation and the
agency entries are located in the black title bar in 8/9 Helvetica
Medium C/lc aligned with the fifth grid module.
Cover Illustrations and Color
In previous Park Service folders, two panels were
reserved for cover purposes. In the Unigrid System, that continues but
with some options which alter the cover concept. In this plan, the cover
illustration generally sets the tone for the full broadside and its
In the A-Series, where it is possible to have only
one panel as the cover, a color, or photographic band, can serve that
In larger B-Series folders, up to four panels can be
devoted to cover and display. This might be a large photograph, drawing,
or historical composite of such quality that it sets the visual tone for
the full folder. Color and density must be related to the tonality of
the broadside and the subject matter that it carries.
The Unigrid cover concept insists on a purposeful
approach to a folder's introductory passages. No longer is the cover a
miniature poster set apart from the main body of the presentation. By
integrating cover with broadside, the space formerly used for the cover
is now unified with the overall graphic composition and purpose of the
The black masthead with its standardized site
designation is, in a sense, the cover. Its complement is the folder's
text, map, and pictures taken in their entirety. The full broadside,
with type, color, and imagery working together, provides the unifying
force. Such graphics, repeated through millions of impressions, offer
continuity and identification for the National Park Service, in addition
to the functional application of the folder itself.
Color, through appropriate applications and repeated
effects, distinguishes the series. The 24 standard colors are:
Process/yellow, magenta, cyan, and black. Neutral Beiges/PMS 451, 452,
453, and 454. Neutral Grays/PMS 414, 415, 416, and 417. Blues/PMS 279,
293, 298, and 304. Greens/PMS 354, 368, and 375. Yellows/PMS 109 and
116. Oranges/PMS 144 and 159. Super Warm Red.
This plan depends on brief texts with strong
divisions between differing levels of information. The purpose is to
avoid those tiresome arrangements and hodge podge effects that are the
enemy of good layout and the death of thought.
Text entries are set in Helvetica Regular or Medium.
For the A-Series, the specifications are 8/10 and 9/10 in measures of 14
or 21½ picas. For the B-Series, the specifications are 8/10 or 9/10
in measures of 15 or 23 picas. Text is set in justified columns, with
top and bottom margins flush to accent the horizontals. The far
righthand columns may fall short of the bottom flush line as required.
No indents are used, and paragraph spaces are one open line.
Type prints black on white in most cases, but it may
be handled in color or against color backgrounds to suit overall design
requirements. Safety and other high priority information may be
indicated in Helvetica Medium. All maps and tabular entries are composed
in Helvetica.
Major Display and Margins
Major display type is set in 12, 18, or 24 point
Helvetica Medium C/lc positioned 10 points above the related text.
Display type may also be reversed from a black divider bar. In such
cases, the white type is 12 point Helvetica Medium C/lc aligned with the
related text, and superimposed on a 14 or 25 point bar.
Margins, like other components in the Unigrid System,
must be handled with precision. The vertical margins are established by
the grid. Horizontal margins must consistently carry a 40 point space
above text entries to provide a fascia, or horizontal banding. This
space can also be used for display type. The margin below a bank of text
carries at least a 20 point drop.
Captions and Minor Display
Captions are set in Helvetica Regular or Medium,
Roman or Italic, in 7/7, 7/8, or 8/9. Helvetica Bold may be used in some
circumstances with restraint. Preferred caption measures are 6½ or 14
picas for the A-Series and 7 or 15 picas for the B-Series. Columns are
set rag right. Captions usually print in black but can be printed in
color for special effects. A clear demarcation must exist between text
entries and caption entries.
Minor display type is set in Helvetica Medium C/lc,
no larger than 12 point if isolated. If run-in, it is set in the same
size as the text or caption it describes.
Bars and Dividers
The prototype folder shows that the horizontals are
accented through the placement of type, by the use of horizontal
margins, and especially by the use of bars and toned divider panels.
These devices organize and contain the layout. Designers should find
them helpful in arriving at a modular makeup for the broadside
composition. Maintenance is a continuing process in NPS publications.
These horizontal devices lend a regularity to the parts, and they can be
easily interchanged in revision.
The 25 point bottom and divisional bars, like the
title bar at the top, define the limits of the graphic presentation. The
dominant black tone of these dividing elements sets off text and other
information, making it easier to locate.
Three different units of measurement are used to
specify components in the Unigrid System.
The outer dimensions of the sheets, or trim sizes,
are always indicated in millimeters. The prototype B6 folder shown here
would be 420 mm wide by 594 mm high.
All horizontal measurements within the grid,
including internal margins, are indicated in picas. All vertical
measurements within the grid are indicated in points.
The measurements of modules within the two formats
are slightly different. For the A-module, the width is 6½ picas, and
the height 80 points. The vertical spaces between modules are always 1
pica wide. The horizontal spaces between modules are always 10 points
high. For the B-module, the width is 7 picas, and the height is the same
80 points.
Photographs and illustrations used in the composition
should be specified in picas only unless they are folder width or
height, in which case they are indicated in millimeters.
This combination of millimeters, points, and picas is
necessary because typographers and compositors use these latter two

(click on image for a PDF version)
The Grid Behind the Layout
Hold this sheet to a strong light
(simulated above) to see how Unigrid
serves as the understructure for the graphic entries on the prototype
folder above. This demonstration folder shows the locations, and
handling, of the primary graphic elements in the Unigrid System. Shown
is the B6 format at approximately half its original size. Most folders
will be printed using smaller formats.
House Typeface
The house typeface for the Unigrid System is
Helvetica. This modern typeface was selected because it has crisp, clean
details and typographic texture that make it esthetically appealing and
easy to read. It has a clearly defined hierarchy of sizes and weights
with known typographic results and thus is compatible with such special
applications as maps and tabular material found in NPS folders. Park
names, set in Helvetica display in the title bar, establish the folder's
typographic scale and serve as a logotype for the series.
Helvetica is particularly suited to the offset
process used for printing NPS folders because of its line strength,
consistent color, a lack of idiosyncrasies, and large x-height.
Helvetica's large x-height, the height of lower case letters, such as
the x, strengthens the word form and therefore the text's legibility.
Helvetica is one of the few typefaces with this large x-height that is
also neutral in style.
This type is available in a wide range of sizes and
weights in both metal and film composition. It serves large display and
small caption purposes without loss of character. Helvetica, when used
as specified, promises legibility, a savings in time and money in the
design process, and a consistent typographic appearance for the
Preferred Colors
The Unigrid System addresses the inherent strengths
and weaknesses of the offset printing process. The success of the
graphic plan depends on the designer's respect for the means and
materials of the process. Nowhere is this more true than in the use of
color. Consistency and workable effects are important; bizarre effects
should be avoided.
In this plan, process color is a unifying element,
used as a basis for NPS maps and for the muted background tones that set
off the text and pictorial components of most park folders. With color
thus available, it is used when handling complicated interpretive
problems that require a natural spectrum to tell the park story. Color
helps shape contrast, simplifying difficult landform presentations or
describing flora and fauna in their finest detail. It is used to
faithfully depict important historical materials such as paintings or
objects, for scientific illustrations, or for specimen identification.
It is used for safety and other visitor protection purposes. And where
folders are sold, color greatly enhances their appeal at the point of
When flat inks are specified, a dozen colors in the
bright range are preferred as are eight colors in the muted range. These
colors offer a broad palette while facilitating a family look for the
As a step toward achieving greater utility for
cartographic materials, maps are presented in larger sizes and given
more uniform graphic treatment. Maps, under this plan, fit squarely into
the formats and are not combined with text matter. They are also not a
clustering place for pictures or other kinds of decoration. This
simplification makes it easier for users to locate information within
the folder. It also establishes the parameters by which cartographers
shape and maintain the maps.
NPS maps are based on carefully devised
specifications, the purpose of which is to assure legibility and
economical printing. Flat maps gain in reference value through the
improved use of form, color, and typographic variations. Shaded relief
is used to express a variety of landforms, but especially mountains.
Dimensional and schematic views are called upon for complex landscapes
or geological phenomena. And in every effort is made to show historical
maps where these support a park story. Graphic approaches to map
presentation include the framing of large maps with a 25 point border
carrying location keys where these are helpful. Fully developed maps are
preferred to phantom or fragmented versions. Park property is contrasted
with lands beyond the boundaries. Finally, NPS graphic specifications
dominate and unify the mapmaking process for purposes of economy and
Pictorial Features
The Unigrid System handles text as text and
illustration as illustration; the elements are separate and distinct.
Pictorial treatments therefore follow certain approaches supporting this
The first of these is a band, or toned panel, in
which pictures and photographs are clustered to set them off from text
or map. When color photographs are used, this band is often black for
maximum contrast. Neutral background colors are used for more muted
A second method is to locate pictorial subjects in
the cover assembly. This may be a single dramatic entry, or many
pictures, presented in multiples of the grid from small parts up to
two, three, or four large segments.
A third method is to assemble pictures and story in
an illustrated essay in which visual images dominate. The illustrated
essay requires the full width of the broadside and lets pictures be
composed against a toned field and set apart. Users can thus view a
range of interpretive information much as they might an exhibit. As with
illustrated charts, this technique juxtaposes large and small images in
a pattern of major and minor pictorial themes. Text is integrated with
pictures much like captions for an exhibit.
Unigrid is a system of standardized graphic and
production components developed for NPS site folders. Its graphics
include a house typeface, preferred colors, simplified maps, consistent
pictorial treatments. Production follows a broadside approach, one
folded size, one printing paper in two sizes, 10 basic formats. The
system's pivotal component is a grid of horizontal and vertical lines
creating small rectangles over the 10 basic formats. This grid provides
an unseen, supporting structure for the layouts. It is the key to
organizing the many variables of print production. The formats set by
this predetermined grid unite work at the drafting table with work at
the printing plant.
Unigrid Production Components
Resolving the Design Platform
"Design," it is said, "is essentially the art and
science of arranging the parts of an object, or of objects in a group,
so that they serve the purpose for which the whole was designed and at
the same time create seemly, harmonious, and beautiful entities." The
Unigrid idea embraces this scheme of utility combined with beauty.
Facile solutions are not the intent. Unigrid's purpose is to help
organize and develop functional site folders. Participants, following
Unigrid's simple principles, deal quickly with the project's many
intrinsic problems and considerations.
Both park staff and creative team must first agree on
the folder's concept. How big will it be? What parts are wanted? What
percentage space will parts occupy? This apportioning of text, map, and
picture depends on a sound analysis of the folder's planned use. The
space might thus be divided in thirds. Or at a large park, the map might
call for half of the space, leaving the balance for the rest. This
subdivision is then further reduced. For instance, what part of text
space is introduction tourguide, interpretation, or safety message?
Likewise for the others.
Such organization gives the folder its Design
Platform, or ratio of parts, so there must be full agreement between
park staff and creative team on the proportions. To initiate work, then
follow these steps: 1. Theorize on the folder's probable application,
size, format, and number of colors. 2. List the essential components in
the order of their importance. 3. Estimate the space needs of each
component as a percentage of 100. 4. Make a rough dummy incorporating
the above three probabilities. 5. Prepare text, map, and picture
materials according to the plan.

(click on image for a PDF version)
The Broadside
The broadside, or fully opened sheet of paper, is the
dominant visual feature in the plan for National Park Service folders.
Fold lines and the panels they create become mere background. They do
not intrude on organization or set the scale.
Designers too often treat folder panels in the
tradition of book production. The process of unfolding is allowed to
determine narrative and illustration sequence just as page turning
controls book design. Folder users approach them differently, however.
They open the folder quickly, ignoring the sequential staging of panels.
The two resulting broadsides are fragmented, with parts often upside
down and even sideways. All of this is confusing to users, and they
wonder why it has happened.
A park folder is not a book but a functioning site
reference. It is much like a chart or map, to be opened as circumstances
The folders in the new NPS series are made with
accordion folds so that they can be opened quickly from either side, and
content is always right side up and positioned to the full frame of the
To achieve this visual unity, the designer need only
consistently position the graphic elements in keeping with the
horizontal axis. The folder's two sides then becomefor both
designer and usermatching entities. Formats, folds, and graphic
components can be standardized. Cover illustration and typography can be
integrated with the full folder.
With the broadside as the dominant organizing feature
of the Unigrid System, rigorous structuring of layouts becomes possible.
Text assumes its proper rank and position by the logic of its purpose.
Maps assume an elevated, central role and are unified with the layout.
Pictorial and editorial matter lend themselves to encyclopedic or
chart-like treatment. How-to-use-the-park information can be featured
for the utmost utility. Brevity, directness, and comprehensiveness
become not just advantages but features of the system.
All Unigrid folders are treated as broadsides, with
each providing different possibilities according to size and shape. The
elongated A-Series pleasingly accommodates vertical elements such as
long maps of riverine or seashore areas. The B-Series, with its wider
dimensions, easily accommodates large elements, such as square maps or
display illustrations like the frigate on the prototype shown on the
reverse of this folder.
The Unigrid System greatly resolves layout problems.
Because important compositional relationships have effectively been
resolved in advance of each assignment, the designer is free to
concentrate on working closely with the creative team to develop the
materials. Costs, looks, function: these become guiding forces as
project participants work through the stages leading to a new
One Paper in Two Sizes
The Unigrid System utilizes one paper, a 70-lb. dull
coated text weight, in two sizes: 635 by 965 and 965 by 1270
millimetersa standard American size. Reducing paper variables to
two sizes in a single stock makes possible its purchase in carload lots
for maximum discounts.
This dull-coated stock takes both flat color and
four-color reproduction. The paper offers many advantages for NPS
folders. It lends richness, brilliance, and warmth to photographic
reproductions. It accepts a range of colors offering needed contrast for
readability and quick reference in NPS maps. Its color fidelity enriches
historical materials such as paintings and objects which must be
depicted faithfully.
The paper offers rigidity, opacity, and toughness
where map-folders will see rough usage over extended periods in possibly
unfavorable weather. Its non-glare surface produces easy reading under
bright skiesan important consideration at many NPS sites.
All formats can be cut from the 965 by 1270 mm sheet,
the size which should be used whenever large quantities are printed.
All formats can also use the 635 by 965 mm sheet
except the A4 and B4 sizes, which are cut from the larger sheet. This
sheet is suited to smaller presses and print runs.
Both sheets run through the press with the short
side. Paper grain is therefore in the long dimension, and fold
considerations have been determined accordingly.
Standard Travel Folders
A primary module within the Unigrid System, constant
throughout the series, is the folded, or cover size, measuring 99 by 210
mm. This folded size, with its 10 basic formats, offers flexibility for
NPS site needs beyond that possible with previous formats. This cover
conforms to the standard international travel folder size and ties NPS
folders to world tourismno small matter of commerce. The cover
size fits pocket, handbag, and ordinary envelopes, and it provides
practical and esthetic advantages developed in the movement toward
This consolidation of paper sizes comes as the
American paper industry turns to metrics and as others seek to reduce
the confusion in graphic arts measurements. The utter simplicity of
metrics is compelling, yet it raises questions on length-to-width
ratios. To work, a format must not only be well proportioned, but it
must permit economical paper cuts as the sheet is subdivided. Unigrid's
B6 base lets the ratio of the initial rectangle continue as folding
occurs. Such paper sizes are in the DIN system of metric
DIN stands for Deutsche Industrie Norm of West
Germany, perhaps the world's most comprehensive system of standards and
specifications. The DIN system of paper measurements is the basis of the
Unigrid formats. The B6 format is equivalent to the DIN A2 size. This
format is a root-two rectangle, which derives from an extension of a
square along the arc of its diagonal. In such a rectangle, length is the
square root of 2, or 1.414, times the width. This aspect of ratio is
retained every time the paper is folded in half across its longer
Basic Formats
The Unigrid System provides a total of 10 basic
formats in two series. These are expected to be used for all folders in
the NPS publications program. All formats are segments of the B6 size.
The basic formats simplify design, contracting, and production because
they reduce trim sizes from more than four dozen to 10 only.
Formats in the A-Series are one panel wide and up to
six panels deep. Formats in the B-Series are two panels wide and up to
six panels deep. There are no A5 or B5 formats because such sizes cannot
be economically cut from the two specified printing sheets. The 3, 4,
and 6 sizes in each series are the most practical for general park
The A6 size can be doubled to become an A12 when an
extra-length map for a parkway, trail, or canal is required. The folds
are simple accordions for all sizes and can be handled on standard
equipment. Acetate overlays with printed grids for the 10 formats are
available as aids to those working on creative or production jobs.

(click on image for a PDF version)
National Park Service
Informational Folder Program
Division of Publications, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.