As we continue our celebration of the centennial of the National
Park Service, this month we explore another important period during NPS
history the era (1933-1942) of the Civilian Conservation Corps
(CCC). First appearing in the September 1983 issue of CRM
Bulletin (Vol. 6, No. 3), John Paige's article introduces us to the
significant contributions of the CCC in creating a wide range of visitor
facilities in our national (and state) parks. To learn more details
about their contributions to the National Park Service, you are
encouraged to read
Civilian Conservation Corps and the National Park Service, 1933-1942: An
Administrative History (1985), also written by John Paige, along
with these
additional books.
The CCC: It Gave A New Face To The NPS
On March 4, 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt took the oath of office
as the thirty-second president of the United States. Three and a half
years had passed since the Wall Street Stock Market crash of October 29,
1929 triggered the onset of the Great Depression. Roosevelt had promised
during the election that he would put Americans back to work and revive
the economic life of the nation. Accordingly, in the next one hundred
days, Congress passed a variety of relief and economic measures signed
by the president. One of these bills created the Civilian Conservation
Corps (CCC) which became one of the most popular of all the New Deal

CCC workers in Glacier National Park seen washing and drying laundry.
(NPS photo, HPC-000575)
The intellectual origin of the CCC can be traced back to William
James's essay entitled, "The Moral Equivalent of War," published in
1910. James proposed that youth be conscripted for work camps dedicated
to performing public service through manual labor. Precedent for such
camps came from Europe where, after World War I, work camps were
established in France to rebuild those regions devastated by the war.
Later, youth work camps were instituted in Italy, Germany, Switzerland,
Great Britain, and the Scandinavian countries.
President Roosevelt knew of the ideas expressed by James and of the
European youth camps. He also believed in the need for conservation of
America's natural resources. Five days after his inauguration, he
conferred with the Secretaries of Interior, War, and Agriculture, the
Director of the Budget, the Army Judge Advocate-General, and the
solicitor for the Department of the Interior. During this meeting, the
president outlined his plan for placing one-half million men to work on
conservation projects under the auspices of the assembled departments.
Roosevelt directed the group to draw up the necessary legislation for
submittal to Congress. The result was a bill for the relief of the
unemployed through the performance of useful public works. The bill
quickly passed both houses of Congress and was signed into law on March
31, 1933.
Full implementation of the legislation occurred through a series of
executive orders beginning with one on April 5 which designated Robert
Fechner as the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work (ECW) and
officially established the CCC. Fechner and his staff were responsible
for the policy and coordination of all ECW programs among the
participating agencies. An advisory council consisting of
representatives from the executive Departments of Agriculture, Interior,
Labor, and War was created to resolve any difficulties arising among
agencies and to report on the progress of the various CCC programs.
Later, a representative was appointed from the Veterans' Administration
to join the advisory council.
To efficiently administer the National Park Service (NPS) aspects of
the CCC program, NPS Director Horace Albright appointed Chief Forester
John D. Coffman to supervise CCC work carried out in NPS areas. He also
appointed Conrad L. Wirth, Chief of the Branch of Planning, to
administer the ECW within the state parks program, placed under NPS
auspices. In 1936, Director Arno B. Cammerer consolidated administration
of all CCC programs under Wirth.

CCC cutting up timber in 1933 at Rocky Mountain National Park.
(NPS photo)
The thrust of the CCC program within the NPS was to conserve natural
resources, preserve historical and archeological resources, and develop
recreational resources within park areas. These goals were accomplished
through programs such as fire-fighting, archeological surveys and
excavations, ruins stabilization, road and trail conservation,
reforestation, erosion control, exhibit building, research and guide
services, insect control, campground developments, and construction of
recreational facilities.
When the state parks program was instituted, few states had any type
of parks system. The state parks program sought to accomplish
conservation work, recreational development, and preservation work in
those areas which would eventually form the nucleus for a state parks
system or, if nationally significant, become part of the National Park
System. The work undertaken by the state park CCC camps resembled that
accomplished by these in the national park areas except that CCC camps
received more latitude in developing recreational areas. State park
units developed outdoor amphitheaters, created artificial lakes, and
constructed swimming pools and other recreational facilities, usually
not sanctioned in NPS areas. Among the areas in the state parks program
which eventually became part of NPS were Big Bend National Park, San
Antonio Missions National Historical Park, Buffalo National River, and
Everglades National Park.
The first enrollment period for the CCC began on April 1, 1933, and
lasted until September 30, 1933. During this period, 70 CCC camps were
installed in various state areas under NPS administration. Most of these
camps, each consisting of approximately 200 men, became fully
operational after May, 1933. The Department of Labor recruited and
selected enrollees, while the War Department processed them and
supervised the camps. For those camps established within existing park
areas and for a few state camps, NPS park superintendents determined
project formulation, and supervised the quality of work performed, as
well as the project's completion. Prior to each enrollment period, park
superintendents submitted project lists to the Washington office for
national prioritization. The Washington office then selected these
projects to be completed during the next enrollment period. Originally,
work estimates in park areas prophesied completion in 20 years; however,
the CCC finished all these projects within the first three years of its

CCC camp at Lava Beds. North entrance
on site of Gillenes camp looking north east. (August 12, 1941). (NPS
photo, HPC-000902)
Initially, many inside and outside the NPS expressed concern about
the CCC program. A number of citizen and business groups objected to the
location of the CCC camps near their communities. They called the CCC
recruits "tramps," and contended that the CCC presence would result in
increased crime, and threaten community stability. These fears proved
groundless. The location of camps near towns proved an economic benefit
and studies found that little or no increase in crime resulted.
Within the NPS, park superintendents felt the CCC program would
result in park overdevelopment and in irretrievable losses of natural
and cultural resources. Therefore, a system of project review was
instituted by which all proposed CCC work was submitted for Washington
office approval by landscape architects, engineers, historians,
archeologists, and wildlife experts. These professionals judged each
project on appropriateness and potential impact on park resources.
Through this process, a number of proposed projects were rejected as
having adverse impacts upon either natural or historical resources.
After the first enrollment period, the Roosevelt Administration
decided to continue the CCC program. Quarterly recruiting operations
provided a ready pool of applicants for enrollment. The authorized
number of camps fluctuated every enrollment period. The NPS operated a
larger number of summer camps than winter camps, because a majority of
park areas, such as Isle Royale National Park, could be occupied only in
the summer months, while a minority, such as Death Valley National
Monument, could be used only in winter.

Aerial view of NP1-C CCC Camp in Rocky Mountain National Park.
(NPS photo)
By 1935, the NPS operated camps not only within the United States,
but also in the territories of the Virgin Islands and Hawaii. Later, a
CCC camp opened at Mount McKinley National Park in Alaska Territory.
Besides these traditional areas, the NPS administered the Recreational
Demonstration Areas. Such sites were purchased with Resettlement
Administration funds and turned over to the NPS for recreational
development. Erosion control, drainage, and reforestation were
accomplished on the sites, if required, followed by the construction of
trails, swimming pools, ski facilities, picnic areas, campgrounds and
other recreational facilities. Eventually, most of these areas were
turned over to federal, state, county or city governments for continued
operation and maintenance. Catoctin and Prince William Forest entered
the Service through this program.
The Washington office in 1935 organized a separate Branch of Historic
Sites and Buildings to direct the comprehensive planning and development
needs posed by an expanding NPS historical program after 1933. During
the next several years, this branch lacked adequate staffing, and so
personnel were hired using ECW funds. Later, many of these temporary
jobs were converted to permanent positions.
The year of 1935 represented the high water mark for CCC employment
by the NPS. In that year, the NPS operated 115 CCC camps in national
park areas and administered another 475 camps through the state parks
program. At this point, the Roosevelt Administration decided to start
phasing out the "temporary" New Deal employment programs. Consequently,
a reduction of CCC camps and enrollment was ordered. In 1937, a small
expansion in CCC camps and enrollment was allowed, only to be followed
by increasing cutbacks by the program. The beginning of World War II in
Europe prompted a further reduction in CCC enrollment and the conversion
of camps to defense- related projects. This process greatly accelerated
in December, 1941, when the United States entered the war. In the next
few months, Congress passed a resolution which terminated funding for
the CCC after July 1, 1942. During the last enrollment period, only 19
camps operated in national park areas; 70 were administered under the
state parks program, with 50 of those on military reservations
performing defense-related work.

CCC detail making split shingles at Jockey Hollow in Morristown NHP.
(NPS photo, HPC-000976)

Reconstruction of gabions for
fortification French Battery, York-Hampton Road in Colonial NHP.
(NPS photo, HPC-000996)
In less than ten years, the CCC program left an indelible mark on NPS
history. Many of the presently existing trails, roads and park
facilities in national park areas originated as CCC projects. The corps
dramatically developed and altered the national park areas. Today, CCC
work is gradually being altered or destroyed, with only scattered
examples of this monumental work being preserved. The National Park
Service has begun to recognize the historical importance of many of
these structures . In the Western Region and to some extent in other
regions, an examination of the rustic architecture of CCC construction
has already been made. However, a systematic evaluation of CCC
contribution to individual parks remains to be accomplished on this
fiftieth anniversary of its establishment.