The following National Park System timeline has been extracted from
Family Tree of the National
Park System written by Ronald F. Lee to commemorate the centennial of the world's
first national park Yellowstone in 1972.
The long period between 1933 and 1964, which began
with the need to assimilate 71 diverse areas into the System, was
crowded with other events also tremendously important to the National
Park Service. The early years were marked by the great social and
economic changes in American life that accompanied the New Deal. Among
many other measures in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt instituted
a broad program of natural resource conservation implemented in large
part through the newly created Civilian Conservation Corps but also
supported by other emergency funds. At the program's peak in 1935, the
Service was allotted 600 CCC camps, 118 of them assigned to National
Park System areas and 482 to State Parks, employing approximately
120,000 enrollees and 6,000 professionally trained supervisors,
including landscape architects, engineers, foresters, biologists,
historians, architects, and archaeologists.
The effects of the CCC and other emergency programs
on Service management, planning, development, and staffing were
profound. Within a few short years, however, came the tragedy of Pearl
Harbor, and the nation turned sharply from domestic programs to total
mobilization for World War II. Not only was the CCC dismantled with
other emergency programs, but regular appropriations for managing the
National Park System were cut from $21 million in 1940 to $5 million in
1943, the number of full-time employees was reduced from 3,510 to 1,974
or 55%, and visits fell from 21 million in 1941 to 6 million in 1942.
There was only a brief lull after 1945 before military needs again
became dominant with the outbreak of the Korean War.
During these years the integrity of the System
required constant defense against wartime pressures. But peace finally
came and the 1950's and early 1960's witnessed a tremendous increase in
travel in our affluent postwar society with personal incomes and leisure
time steadily increasing for growing numbers of people, most of whom
also enjoyed much greater mobility in the automobile age. Visits to the
National Park System mounted from a low of 6 million in 1942 to 33
million in 1950, and 72 million in 1960.
These and other changing conditions, including a
great and growing backlog of deferred park maintenance and development
projects, posed vast new problems for the Service and System. It was an
era marked by the dramatic inauguration and prosecution of Mission 66,
the emergence of a national "crisis in outdoor recreation," creation of
the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission and the Bureau of
Outdoor Recreation, and mounting national concern for better
preservation of America's vanishing wilderness.
These sweeping social, economic, and political
changes are far too important, complex and recent for more extended
treatment here. We will focus our attention on only one aspect of this
periodenlargement of the National Park System.
Between the Reorganization of 1933 and the
Reorganization of 1964,1 102 areas were added to the System
as defined today,2 increasing the total number from 137 to
239. These numerous and diverse areas were established under the able
leadership of four successive Directors Arno B. Cammerer,
1933-1940; Newton B. Drury, 1940-1951; Arthur E. Demaray, 1951 (after
serving seventeen critical years as Associate Director to his two
predecessors); and Conrad L. Wirth, 1951-64. These four Directors were
vigorously supported by successive Secretaries of the Interior and
worked closely with many members of Congress to bring about responsible
growth of the System. They were aided, too, by an increasingly expert
staff whose members, both in Washington and the field, contributed much
to this work, including among others, Thomas C. Vint, long-time Chief,
Division of Design and Construction; Ben H. Thompson, Chief, Division of
Recreation Resource Planning; and Hillory A. Tolson, Assistant
The distribution of the new areas among categories is
significant. Of the new additions, 11 were Natural Areas, increasing
their number from 58 to 69 or 19%. Seventy-five were Historical Areas,
increasing their number from 77 to 152 or 96%. Fifteen were Recreation
Areas, increasing their number from one to 16, or 1500%. It is clear
that during this period the growth rate for Natural Areas noticeably
diminished from previous levels and by comparison with the rate for
other categories, even though very important additions of natural lands
were still being made. On the other hand the growth rates for Historical
and Recreation Areas accelerated sharply. It took the Service a
generation, from 1933 to 1964, to assimilate these 102 diverse new areas
and the 71 areas added by the Reorganization of 1933 and incorporate
them securely into one National Park System.
During this period, with some exceptions, the Service
tended to emphasize the similarities between areas while minimizing
their differences. The System was administered under a single, uniform
code of administrative policies derived historically from National Park
experience and developed primarily for the management of Natural Areas.
Special policies particularly applicable to Historical Areas, however,
were gradually incorporated into the codefor example, the
important restoration policy adopted in 1938. But more than any other
factor, it was Mission 66, under the leadership of Director Conrad L.
Wirth, that at long last provided the resources, beginning 1956, to
bring all the individual areas, regardless of origin or type, up to a
consistently high standard of preservation, staffing, and carefully
controlled physical development, and to consolidate them fully into one
National Park System. Mission 66 generated widespread interest and
support for the National Park System among the American people and
brought new vigor and momentum to all phases of National Park Service
1The precise period meant here is from June 10, 1933, to July
10, 1964, when a new organizational framework was adopted for the
National Park System which clearly differentiated between natural,
historical, and recreational areas.
2These figures include nine National Historic Sites and
one International Park in non-federal ownership and five
reservoir-related Recreation Areas established under cooperative
agreements. Since Sept. 28, 1966, the Service has counted these areas as
units in the National Park System.
NATURAL AREAS, 1933 - 1964
Four new National Parks and seven scientific National
Monuments were added to the System between 1933 and 1964 and three
National Parks were created out of existing reservations, as
1933, | Aug. | 22 |
| Cedar Breaks N.M., Utah |
1934, | May | 30 |
| Everglades N.P., Florida |
1935, | June | 20 |
| Big Bend N.P., Texas |
1936, | Aug. | 16 |
| Joshua Tree N.M., Calif. |
1937, | April | 13 |
| Organ Pipe Cactus N.M., Ariz. |
1937, | Aug. | 2 |
| Capitol Reef N.M., Utah |
1938, | April | 26 |
| Channel Islands N.M., Calif. |
1938, | June | 29 |
| Olympic N.P., Wash. |
1940, | March | 4 |
| Kings Canyon N.P., Calif. |
1943, | March | 15 |
| Jackson Hole N.M., Wyo. |
1950, | Sept. | 14 |
| Grand Teton N.P., (new) Wyo. |
1956, | Aug. | 2 |
| Virgin Islands N.P., V.I. |
1958, | March | 28 |
| Petrified Forest N.P., Ariz. |
1960, | Sept. | 13 |
| Haleakala N.P., Hawaii |
1961, | Dec. | 28 |
| Buck Island Reef N.M., V.I. |
During his first seven years in office, President
Roosevelt established five scientific National Monuments, three of them
very large, without serious difficulty, in the same manner as his
predecessors. They were Cedar Breaks, proclaimed in 1933 to protect a
remarkable natural amphitheater of eroded limestone and sandstone in
southern Utah; Joshua Tree, California, 1936, to preserve a
characteristic part initially 825,340 acres of the famous
Mojave and Colorado deserts; Organ Pipe Cactus, Arizona, 1937, to
protect 325,000 acres of the Sonoran desert; Capitol Reef, also 1937, to
preserve a twenty-mile segment of the great Waterpocket Fold in southern
Utah; and Channel Islands, 1938, to protect Santa Barbara and Anacapa
Islands, the two smallest in a group of eight islands off the coast of
southern California.
Roosevelt's sixth scientific National Monument,
however, was another story. Jackson Hole had been talked of as a
possible addition to Yellowstone as early as 1892, and from 1916 onward
the Service and Department actively sought its preservation in the
National Park System. It was John D. Rockefeller, Jr., however, who
rescued Jackson Hole for the nation after a visit in 1926 left him
distressed at cheap commercial developments on private lands in the
midst of superlative natural beauty dance halls, hot dog stands,
filling stations, rodeo grand stands, and billboards in the foreground
of the incomparable view of the Teton Range.
Rockefeller began a land acquisition program, and in
a few years his holdings in Jackson Hole exceeded 33,000 acres, which he
offered as a gift to the United States. Meanwhile, however, bitter
opposition developed among cattlemen, dude ranchers, packers, hunters,
timber interests, and local Forest Service officials who preferred
livestock ranches or forest crops to a National Park, county officials
who feared loss of taxes, and members of the Wyoming State
administration who were politically concerned. When no park legislation
had been enacted by 1943, Rockefeller indicated he might not be
justified in holding his property, on which he paid annual taxes, much
longer. President Roosevelt decided to act and on March 15, 1943,
proclaimed the Jackson Hole National Monument, consolidating 33,000
acres donated by Rockefeller and 179,000 acres withdrawn from Teton
National Forest into a single area adjoining Grand Teton National
Roosevelt's proclamation unleashed a storm of
criticism which had been brewing for years among western members of
Congress. Rep. Frank A. Barrett of Wyoming and others introduced bills
to abolish the monument and to repeal Section 2 of the Antiquities Act
containing the President's authority to proclaim National Monuments. A
bill to abolish the monument passed Congress in 1944 but was vetoed by
President Roosevelt who pointed out in an eloquent message that
Presidents of both political parties, beginning with Theodore Roosevelt,
had established ample precedents by proclaiming 82 National Monuments,
seven of which were larger than Jackson Hole. The proclamation was
nevertheless also contested in court, where it was strongly defended by
the Departments of Justice and Interior and upheld. Finally, a
compromise was worked out and embodied in legislation approved by
President Harry S Truman on September 14, 1950. It combined Jackson Hole
National Monument and the old Grand Teton National Park in a "new Grand
Teton National Park" containing some 298,000 acres, with special
provisions regarding taxes and hunting. It also prohibited establishing
or enlarging National Parks or Monuments in Wyoming in the future except
by express authorization of Congress.
This long and bitter controversy marked the end of an
era for the National Park Service. Thereafter establishment of large
scientific National Monuments by proclamationcommonly done between
1906 and 1943became almost impossible, not only in Wyoming but
elsewhere. Only two scientific National Monuments were established under
authority of the Antiquities Act during the next 29 yearsBuck
Island Reef, Virgin Islands, containing only 850 acres, proclaimed by
President John F. Kennedy in 1961; and Marble Canyon, Arizona,
containing 25,962 acres proclaimed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on his
last day in office. More significantly, President Johnson declined to
proclaim a proposed Gates of Arctic National Monument, Alaska,
containing 4,119,000 acres; a Mt. McKinley National Monument, also in
Alaska, containing 2,202,000 acres adjoining the National Park; and a
Sonoran Desert National Monument, Arizona, containing 911,700 acres.
After 1943, through its control of appropriations and legislation,
Congress largely nullified Presidential authority to establish new
National Monuments.
The Jackson Hole controversy was accompanied by
mounting pressure from various interests, especially in the west, to
open up protected natural resources in the National Park System for use
during periods of national emergency. This pressure reached new heights
during World War II. Timber interests sought permission to log scarce
Sitka spruce in Olympic National Park for use in airplane production.
Livestock interests sought to reopen many areas to grazing to help food
production. Mining interests sought permission to search for copper in
Grand Canyon and Mount Rainier, manganese in Shenandoah, and tungsten in
Yosemite. The military services requested use of park lands for various
purposes. In 1942 the Service issued 125 permits to the War and Navy
Departments and the next year an additional 403 permits. Troops were
trained in mountain warfare at Mount Rainier, for example, military
equipment for arctic use was tested at Mount McKinley, and desert
warfare units trained at Joshua Tree. Director Drury, supported by
Secretary Ickes, successfully defended the basic integrity of the System
in the face of these exceptional pressures while permitting as a last
resort only those uses absolutely essential to the prosecution of the
war and for which there were no alternative sites.
With the end of World War II a new round of threats
to the System accompanied the post-war development of river basins in
the United States by the Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of
Reclamation. The proposed Bridge Canyon Dam on the Colorado River would
have created a reservoir flooding all of Grand Canyon National Monument
and 18 miles of the National Park; Glacier View Dam on the Flathead
River in Montana threatened to flood 20,000 acres of Glacier National
Park; Echo Park and Split Mountain Dams on the Green and Yampa Rivers
were expected to create large reservoirs inundating long stretches of
wilderness canyons in Dinosaur National Monument; and the reservoir
behind the proposed Mining City Dam on the Green River, Kentucky, would
have periodically flooded the famous underground Echo River in Mammoth
Cave National Park. In the face of strong opposition and national
controversy, conservation organizations and the Service, generally
though not always working together, managed to meet these and other
similar threats and bring the System through this period relatively
In spite of these extraordinary pressures, four new
National Parks were established between 1933 and 1964 and three others
were created out of existing reservations. Everglades National Park,
Florida, was authorized May 30, 1934, to protect the largest subtropical
wilderness in North America, now also the third largest National Park,
situated in the southeastern United States, long under-represented in
the System. Everglades is also a beleagured wilderness threatened by
drainage projects, drought, and an international jetport a
testing ground for modern conservation principles. Big Bend National
Park, Texas, was authorized in 1935 to protect over 700,000 acres of
unique wilderness country along the Mexican border, including the Chisos
Mountains and three magnificent canyons in the great bend of the Rio
Grande. Olympic National Park, Washington, was established in 1938, over
the bitter opposition of timber interests after an ardent campaign by
conservationists, strongly supported by Secretary Ickes and President
Roosevelt. The park was formed around the nucleus of Mount Olympus
National Monument. After a 50-year struggle against power and irrigation
interests, lumbermen, ranchers, cattlemen, sheepmen, and hunters, Kings
Canyon National Park, California, was finally established in 1940 to
protect some 710 square miles of magnificent mountain and canyon
wilderness on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada. Virgin Islands
National Park, our only National Park in the West Indies, was authorized
in 1956 to protect nearly two-thirds of the land mass and most of the
colorful off-shore waters of St. John's Island, in the American Virgin
Islands. The park owes its existence to the generous support of Jackson
Hole Preserve, Inc., and Mr. Laurance S. Rockefeller. Finally, Petrified
Forest, Arizona, long advocated as a National Park, became one in 1958
formed from the National Monument of the same name. The
world-famous crater of 10,023 foot Haleakala, on the island of Maui, was
made a National Park in 1960 by detaching it from Hawaii National Park
and making it a separate reservation.
Four previously authorized National Parks were also
formally established in this period, including the Great Smoky Mountains
in 1934, Shenandoah in 1935, Isle Royale in 1940, and Mammoth Cave in
1941. Until 1943, significant additions were also made to several
existing National Monuments, including, among others, 305,920 acres
added to Death Valley in 1937, 203,885 acres containing the spectacular
wild canyons of Utah's Yampa and Green Rivers added to Dinosaur in 1938,
no less than 904,960 acres added to Glacier Bay to provide more land for
the Alaskan Brown Bear and other wildlife and protect more glaciers, and
150,000 acres added to Badlands in South Dakota both in 1939.
In spite of these achievements, the establishment of
large, new Natural Areas became increasingly difficult during this
period. Sixty-one of the 64 Natural Areas in the System at the time of
the Reorganization of 1964 were originally established or authorized
before World War II. It is a more startling fact that of the 23,840,162
acres of Federal land in all the Natural Areas of the System on April 1,
1971, some 22,913,488 acres, or 96%, were contained in National Parks or
National Monuments established or authorized before World War II.
Congress responded to this and similar realities in other areas of
conservation by authorizing creation of the highly significant Land and
Water Conservation Fund in 1965, beginning a new era in land acquisition
that will be discussed in a later section.
Partly because of the increasing difficulty of adding
new Natural Areas to the System, the Service launched a Natural
Landmarks Program in 1962. Its purpose was to recognize and encourage
the preservation of significant natural lands by diverse owners, mostly
non-federal, including state or local governments, conservation
organizations, and even private persons. It was designed to complement
the Service's Registered National Historic Landmarks program inaugurated
in 1960.
On March 17, 1964, Secretary Stewart L. Udall
announced the first seven sites eligible for entry on the new National
Registry of Natural Landmarks. They were Mianus River Gorge and Bergen
Swamp, New York; Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Florida; Elder Creek and
Rancho La Brea-Hancock Park, California; Fontenelle Forest, Nebraska;
and Wissahickon Valley, Pennsylvania. With this action another tool was
added to those available to the National Park Service to help strengthen
environmental conservation in the United States.
Seventy-five Historical Areas were added to the
National Park System between 1933 and 1964, including nine National
Historic Sites and one International Park in non-federal ownership. For
purposes of clarity these 75 areas are presented under the nine thematic
headings currently used by the National Park Service for Historical
I. The Original Inhabitants: |
| 1934 | Ocmulgee N.M., Ga. |
| 1937 | Pipestone N.M., Min. |
| 1939 | Tuzigoot N.M., Ariz. |
| 1949 | Effigy Mounds N.M., Ohio |
| 1955 | City of Refuge N.H.P., Hawaii |
| 1961 | Russell Cave N.M., Ala. |
II. European Exploration & Settlement: |
| 1940 | Jamestown N.H.S.,* Va. |
| 1941 | Fort Raleigh N.H.S., N.C. |
| 1941 | San Jose Mission N.H.S,* Texas |
| 1948 | DeSoto N. Mem., Fla. |
| 1949 | Saint Croix Island N.M., V.I. |
| 1949 | San Juan N.H.S., P.R. |
| 1950 | Fort Caroline N. Mem., Fla. |
| 1952 | Chicago Portage N.H.S.,* Ill. |
| 1952 | Virgin Islands N.H.S., V.I. |
| 1952 | Coronado N. Mem., Ariz. |
| 1960 | Arkansas Post N. Mem., Ark. |
| 1960 | St. Thomas N.H.S., V.I. |
III. Development of the English Colonies, 1700-1775: |
| 1936 | Fort Frederica N.M., Ga. |
| 1943 | St. Paul's Church N.H.S.,* N.Y. |
IV. Major American Wars: |
| 1935 | Fort Stanwix N.M., N.Y. |
| 1936 | Richmond N.B.P., Va. |
| 1938 | Saratoga N.H.P., N.Y. |
| 1940 | Manassas N.B.P., Va. |
| 1948 | Fort Sumter N.M., S.C. |
| 1948 | Independence N.H.P., Pa. |
| 1951 | Dorchester Heights N.H.S.,* Mass. |
| 1956 | Pea Ridge N.M.P., Ark. |
| 1959 | Minute Man N.H.P., Mass. |
| 1960 | Wilson's Creek N.B.P., Mo. |
V. Political and Military Affairs: |
| 1934 | Thomas Jefferson Mem., D.C. |
| 1935 | Fort Jefferson N.M., Fla. |
| 1935 | Andrew Johnson N.M., Tenn. |
| 1939 | Federal Hall N. Mem., N.Y. |
| 1944 | Home of the F.D.R. N.H.S., N.Y. |
| 1944 | Harpers Ferry N.M., Va. |
| 1946 | Touro Synagogue N.H.S.,* R.I. |
| 1946 | Adams N.H.S., Mass. |
| 1947 | Theodore Roosevelt N. Mem. P., N. Dak. |
| 1958 | General Grant N. Mem., N.Y. |
| 1961 | White House, D.C. |
| 1962 | Lincoln Boyhood N. Mem., Ind. |
| 1962 | Hamilton Grange N. Mem., N.Y. |
| 1962 | Sagamore Hill N.H.S., N.Y. |
| 1962 | Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace N.H.S., N.Y. |
| 1964 | Roosevelt-Campobello Int'l P.,* Canada |
VI. Westward Expansion 1763-1898: |
| 1935 | Jefferson Natl. Exp. Mem., Mo. |
| 1936 | Homestead N.M., Nebr. |
| 1936 | Whitman N.M., Wash. |
| 1938 | Fort Laramie N.M., Wyo. |
| 1940 | Cumberland Gap N.H.P., Ky.-Tenn.-Va. |
| 1941 | McLoughlin House N.H.S.,* Ore. |
| 1948 | Fort Vancouver, Wash. |
| 1951 | Grand Portage N.H.S., Minn. |
| 1954 | Fort Union N.M., N. Mex. |
| 1956 | Horseshoe Bend N.M.P., Ala. |
| 1956 | Chimney Rock N.H.S.,* Nebr. |
| 1958 | Fort Clatsop N.M., Ore. |
| 1960 | Bent's Old Fort N.H.S., Colo. |
| 1961 | Fort Davis N.H.S., Tex. |
| 1961 | Fort Smith N.H.S., Ark. |
VII. America At Work: |
| 1938 | Salem Maritime N.H.S., Mass. |
| 1938 | Hopewell Village N.H.S., Pa. |
| 1938 | Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, Md.-W. Va. |
| 1939 | Old Philadelpelphia Custom House N.H.S., Pa. |
| 1942 | Gloria Dei Church N.H.S.,* Pa. |
| 1943 | George Washington Carver N. Mem., Mo. |
| 1948 | Hampton N.H.S., Md. |
| 1955 | Edison Home N.H.S., Md. |
| 1957 | Golden Spike N.H.S., Utah |
VIII. The Contemplative Society |
IX. Society and Social Conscience: |
| 1940 | Vanderbilt Mansion N.H.S., N.Y. |
| 1946 | Castle Clinton N.M., Va. |
| 1956 | Booker T. Washington N.M., Va. |
| 1961 | Piscataway Park, Md. |
| 1962 | Frederick Douglass Home, D.C. |
*Non-federal ownership. |
It is an impressive list. One immediately notes a new
national system for classifying historical areas. Instead of such
categories as National Military Parks, National Memorials and National
Monuments commonly used before 1933, we find new categories based on the
principal periods or phases in American history. One of the most
important steps taken by the National Park Service to meet its sharply
increased responsibilities for historic preservation following the
Reorganization of 1933 and passage of the Historic Sites Act in 1935 was
adoption of this thematic system of classification.
The origin of this concept so unlike
classification systems found in several European countries based
primarily on architectural styles may be traced to the
Educational Advisory Committee appointed by Secretary Roy O. West in
1928. That committee, headed by Dr. John C. Merriam of the Carnegie
Institution, submitted a number of basic recommendations to the
Secretary in January 1929. One of these, developed by the anthropologist
member, Dr. Clark Wissler, American Museum of Natural History, read in
part as follows:
In view of the importance and the great opportunity
for appreciation of the nature and meaning of history as represented in
our National Parks and Monuments, it is recommended that the National
Parks and Monuments containing, primarily, archeological and historical
materials should be selected to serve as indices of periods in the
historical sequence of human life in America. At each such monument the
particular event represented should be viewed in its immediate
historical perspective, thus not only developing a specific narrative
but presenting the event in its historical background.
Further, a selection should be made of a number of
existing monuments which in their totality may, as points of reference,
define the general outline of man's career on this continent.
Dr. Wissler's idea was embraced by a successor body,
the Advisory Board on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings and
Monuments, appointed in 1935 under provisions of the Historic Sites Act,
and notably by one of its most distinguished members and later its
Chairman, Dr. Waldo G. Leland, Director of the American Council of
Learned Societies. The concept was further developed and refined by Dr.
Verne E. Chatelain, Chief Historian of the Service until 1937, and
members of his staff. Originally numbering some 22 themes, it has
gradually evolved until today it numbers nine major themes and 43
sub-themes. The importance of the concept lies in its comprehensiveness,
providing the historic preservation program with an underlying framework
which embraces the entire history of man on the North American continent
and envisages historical holdings in the National Park System as
preserving and presenting through carefully selected monuments a noble
panorama of the full sweep of that history for the benefit and
inspiration of the people of the United States.
The effect of the thematic approach in broadening
representation of historic sites and buildings in the System may be seen
in the following table:
Historic Sites and Buildings According to Theme
Historical Areas in N.P. System |
I | II | III |
IV | V | VI |
Total* |
1916 |
4 | 4 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
8 |
1933 |
Before Reorg. |
11 | 5 | 1 |
2 | 1 | 2 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
22 |
After Reorg. |
15 | 8 | 2 |
23 | 6 | 3 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
59 |
1964 |
21 | 20 | 3 |
35 | 22 | 19 |
9 | 1 | 6 |
135 |
1972 |
24 | 22 | 3 |
36 | 32 | 22 |
11 | 3 | 9 |
162 |
*The figures in the table are
cumulative. They do not include eleven National Cemeteries classified as
Historical Areas, some seven areas once authorized but later abolished
or merged into other parks, and a number of other areas not classified
for various administrative reasons.
The National Park System started out in 1916 with
only two of nine themes represented Theme I, The Original
Inhabitants, and Theme II, European Exploration and
Settlement, with four areas each. After the Reorganization of 1933,
five themes were represented by three areas or more; but Theme IV,
Major American Wars, with 23 battlefields and forts not counting
eleven National Cemeteries, was much the most heavily represented,
reflecting the War Department's long emphasis on National Military
Parks. During the last 35 years, however, the historical branch of the
Family Tree has been growing, steadily though unevenly, according
to an intelligible thematic pattern reflecting the broad sweep of
social, cultural, economic, political, and military history in the
United States.
Much of this would not have happened without the
Historic Sites Act of 1935, a logical follow-up to the Reorganization of
1933. On November 10, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt invited his
friend and neighbor, Major Gist Blair, to give consideration "to some
kind of plan which would coordinate the broad relationship of the
Federal Government to State and local interest in the maintenance of
historic sources and places throughout the country. I am struck with
the fact there is no definite, broad policy in this matter
[underlining supplied]." Roosevelt asked Blair to talk the matter over
with Secretary Ickes, "who in the transfer of government functions has
been given authority over national monuments," and observed that
legislation might be necessary. Before 22 months had elapsed, through
the efforts of many persons including Major Blair and his associates in
the Society of Colonial Wars, Dr. W. A. R. Goodwin of Williamsburg Va.,
Secretary Ickes, Assistant Solicitor Rufus G. Poole, J. Thomas
Schneider, Director Cammerer, Chief Historian Chatelain Senator Harry F.
Byrd of Virginia, Rep. Maury Maverick of Texas, and others, the Historic
Sites Act was conceived, drafted, introduced, considered in hearings,
amended, passed, and signed by the President on August 21, 1935.
The Act declared "that it is a national policy to
preserve for public use historic sites, buildings and objects of
national significance for the inspiration and benefit of the people of
the United States." This new and greatly broadened national policy has
been the cornerstone of the Federal Government's historic preservation
program ever since 1935, reaffirmed both in the Act of October 26, 1949,
which created the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and in the
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. To carry out the policy, the
Act assigned broad powers, duties and functions to the Secretary of the
Interior to be exercised through the National Park Service, among them:
(1) make a national survey of historic and archaeological sites,
buildings, and objects to determine which have "exceptional value as
commemorating or illustrating the history of the United States;" (2)
acquire real or personal property for the purpose of the Act; (3)
contract or make cooperative agreements with states, municipal
subdivisions, corporations, associations, or individuals to preserve
historic properties. The Act established an Advisory Board on National
Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings and Monuments. Soon after its passage
the Secretary of the Interior established a Code of Procedure for
designation of National Historic Sites and created a Branch of Historic
Sites and Buildings headed successively during this period by Chatelain,
1935-37; Ronald F. Lee, 1938-51, the war years excepted; and Herbert E.
Kahler, 1951-64.
This sweeping legislation had important consequences
for the Family Tree. It resulted in establishment of the National
Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings to evaluate all historic sites
and buildings thereafter proposed for addition to the System and after
1956 all National Historic Landmarks. It provided legal authority for
the Secretary of the Interior to designate National Historic Sites which
successive Secretaries exercised during this period to add 18 Historical
Areas to the System including the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial,
Federal Hall, the Old Philadelphia Customs House, the Home of Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, and the Adams National Historic Site, and to designate
nine other National Historic Sites in non-federal ownership. The Act
provided a new and stronger legal foundation for the Historic American
Buildings Survey and the Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage Program. It
created a national Advisory Board to help guide the entire program. In
brief, the Act gave new impetus, scope, and direction to National Park
Service participation in a rising national movement for historic
preservation in the United States.
It may be useful at this point to present a
comparative table showing the legal basis for all the Historical Areas
now in the System. Of 169 areas shown in the following table, 39 were
proclaimed by the President under the Antiquities Act, 28 were
designated by the Secretary of the Interior under the Historic Sites Act
and 102 were authorized by separate Acts of Congress.
Sources of Legislative Authority for Historical Areas*
Period | Antiquities Act |
Historic Sites Act
Individual Acts of Congress |
Federal Ownership | Non-Federal Ownership |
1916 | 7 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 8 |
1933 |
After Reorg. | 26 | 0 |
0 | 33 | 59* |
1933-1951 | 4 | 13 |
7 | 20 | 44 |
1951-1964 | 2 | 3 |
3 | 22 | 30 |
1964-1972 | 0 | 2 |
0 | 26 | 28 |
| 39 | 18 |
10 | 102 | 169* |
*Not including 11 National Cemeteries authorized by
1867 legislation; but counting seven Historical Areas authorized but not
activated, later abolished or absorbed into other areas.
Of 58 Historical Areas established during the last
twenty years, 48 were authorized by individual acts of Congress, only
eight were designated by the Secretary, and two were proclaimed by the
President. It is clear that since World War II the power of the
President or the Secretary to establish Historical Areas by proclamation
or designation has, largely under pressure from Congress, almost lapsed
into disuse. On the other hand, Congress has consistently supported
preservation objectives by enacting more than a hundred measures for the
protection of individual historic sites and buildings and has reaffirmed
its commitment by enacting the National Historic Preservation Act of
1966 and subsequently supporting it with significant appropriations.
Returning to our thematic list, we note that the
Service program for preserving prehistoric sites and structures was
carried forward very modestly between 1933 and 1964. Six prehistoric
areas were added to the System, five of them representing Indian
cultures in other geographic and cultural regions than the Southwest
where previous emphasis had been placed. They included Indian mound
groups in Georgia (Ocmulgee) and Iowa (Effigy Mounds), an ancient Indian
quarry in Minnesota (Pipestone), an historic sanctuary and prehistoric
site in Hawaii (City of Refuge), and a cave in Alabama (Russell Cave)
occupied as early as 6000 B. C.
Some of the most important historical additions to
the System between 1933 and 1964 are almost lost to sight in this long
thematic list. Jefferson National Expansion Memorial was the first
National Historic Site established under authority of the Historic Sites
Act. More important, its 37 square blocks embraced a key urban area on
the historic St. Louis waterfront the first major effort of the
Service, after National Capital Parks, to conserve and develop a large
and important urban historic site. Some architectural monuments,
including the Old St. Louis Post Office and the Cathedral, have been
carefully preserved, but the main feature of the area is the only major
national memorial of modern design in the United States, and one of a
small number in the world Eero Saarinen's magnificent stainless
steel Arch.
In 1948, responding to recommendations of a study
commission, Congress authorized another major urban project, the
Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, the most
important historical area in the United States, embracing Independence
Hall and Square, Congress Hall, Carpenters Hall, and many other sites
and buildings intimately associated with the winning of our independence
and the establishment of our government under the Constitution. The
commission method of analyzing complex urban problems was thereafter
adopted for Boston, where it led to authorization of Minute Man National
Historical Park in 1959. Recommendations for other Boston sites,
including the Bunker Hill Monument, Faneuil Hall, and the Old Boston
State House, are still pending today. A commission was also established
for New York City, where a remarkable complex of urban monuments was
developed during this period, adding Federal Hall, Castle Clinton, Grant
Memorial, Hamilton Grange, Theodore Roosevelt's Birthplace, and Sagamore
Hill to the previously authorized Statue of Liberty National Monument,
whose boundaries were extended to include Ellis Island.
Seven Presidents of the United States were honored by
the addition of areas to the System during this period, strengthening a
trend that continues today. The Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington,
D. C., was authorized in 1934, followed in 1935 by Andrew Johnson's Home
and Tailor Shop in Greeneville, Tennessee. The Home of Franklin D.
Roosevelt at Hyde Park, New York, was designated a National Historic
Site in 1944 and his summer home on Campobello Island, Canada, was
established as the Roosevelt-Campobello International Park in 1964,
owned and administered by a special joint United States-Canadian
Commission. The Adams House in Quincy, Massachusetts, became a National
Historic Site in 1946. Theodore Roosevelt's Birthplace in downtown
Manhattan and Sagamore Hill, his home at Oyster Bay, were given to the
United States in 1962. The Grant Memorial was added to the System in
1958 and Lincoln's Boyhood Home in Indiana in 1962. Finally, the White
House itself, by authorization of Congress and consent of the President,
was made subject to the National Park Service enabling act in 1961.
Each area makes its own unique contribution to the
Family Tree but considerations of space preclude much further
comment. The number of historic sites and buildings representing
Westward Expansion increased from 6 to 22 during this period. They
include seven early forts extending across the west from Fort Smith,
Arkansas, and Fort Davis, Texas, to Fort Union, New Mexico, and Fort
Vancouver, Washington. Sites which commemorate the history of westward
migration include Cumberland Gap in Virginia-Tennessee-Kentucky, and
Chimney Rock near the Oregon Trail in Nebraska, the McLoughlin House,
Oregon, Whitman Mission, Washington, and the Homestead National
Monument, Nebraska. A beginning was also made in preserving sites
representing commercial and industrial history, including Salem
Maritime, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Hopewell Village, an early
ironmaking community in Pennsylvania, and the home and laboratory of
Thomas Edison.
During this period the historic preservation program
was also extended well beyond the boundaries of the National Park
System. The Historic American Buildings Survey was the first
Service venture of this kind, organized in 1933 upon the initiative of
Mr. Charles E. Peterson of the National Park Service in cooperation with
officials of the Library of Congress and the American Institute of
Architects. Since 1933 the HABS has gathered more than 30,000 measured
drawings, 40,000 photographs, and 13,000 pages of documentation for more
than 13,000 of the Nation's historic buildings. The HABS has had a deep
and pervasive influence on the entire historic preservation movement,
enormously benefiting scholarship as well as the preservation and
restoration of individual monuments and historic districts.
The staff of the National Survey of Historic Sites
and Buildings, organized after passage of the Historic Sites Act in
1935, has been the principal originator of professional recommendations
to the Director, the Secretary, the Advisory Board, and Congress for the
addition of Historical Areas to the National Park System. Beginning in
1960, however, the responsibilities of this Survey staff were greatly
extended to include recommendation of an important series of National
Historic Landmarks, officially designated by the Secretary of the
Interior. On October 9, 1960 Secretary of the Interior Fred A. Seaton
announced the first official list of 92 historic sites and buildings
eligible for designation as National Historic Landmarks. Almost a
thousand Historic Landmarks situated throughout the United States,
almost all of them in non-federal ownership, have been designated during
the past ten years.
The Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage
Program was organized by the National Park Service in 1946 at the
request of the Committee for Recovery of Archaeological Remains to
coordinate the salvage of irreplaceable pre-historic and historic Indian
artifacts from projected reservoir sites in river valleys throughout the
United States, before flooding. This program, which has been conducted
for a quarter of a century in cooperation with the Smithsonian
Institution and universities, museums, and research institutions
throughout the country, has enormously deepened knowledge of American
Officials of the National Park Service joined with
other preservationists in 1949 to help launch the National Trust for
Historic Preservation, chartered by Congress to further the national
historic preservation policy set forth in the Historic Sites Act by
encouraging greater public participation by the private sector in
preservation work. The Secretary of the Interior is designated by
statute as an ex-officio trustee. The National Trust has become the
major national focus for citizen sentiment and opinion on historic
preservation in the United States.
Through these varied means the National Park Service
reached out between 1933 and 1964, in accordance with its charter in the
Historic Sites Act, to influence historic preservation not only at the
national level, but also in States and communities throughout the
Between 1933 and 1964 important new terms were added
to the National Park Service lexicon"recreation," "land planning"
and "state cooperation." The Service responded to the emerging social
and economic forces of the New Deal era, among other ways, by greatly
expanding its cooperative relationships with the States, securing
enactment of the comprehensive Park, Parkway and Recreation Area Study
Act of 1936, and initiating four new types of Federal park areas
National Parkways, National Recreation Areas, National Seashores and
Recreational Demonstration Areas. By the end of this period fifteen such
areas had been authorized or established under the administration of the
National Park Service. Because they had much in common, they were
collectively designated Recreation Areas in the Reorganization of
National Parkways: |
1933, | June | 16 |
| Blue Ridge, Va.-N.C. |
1934, | June | 19 |
| Natchez Trace, Miss.-Tenn.-Ala. |
1949, | Aug. | 17 |
| Suitland, D.C.-Md. |
1950, | Aug. | 3 |
| Baltimore-Washington, Md. |
Recreational Demonstration Areas: |
1936, | Nov. | 14 |
| Catoctin Mountain Prk, Md. |
1936, | Nov. | 14 |
| Prince William Forest Park, Va. |
Reservoir-related Recreation Areas: |
1936, | Oct. | 13 |
| Lake Mead, Ariz.-Nev. |
1946, | Dec. | 18 |
| Coulee Dam, Wash. |
1952, | June | 27 |
| Shadow Mountain, Colo. |
1958, | April | 18 |
| Glen Canyon, Ariz.-Utah |
1962, | May | 31 |
| Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity, Calif. |
National Seashores: |
1937, | Aug. | 17 |
| Cape Hatteras, N.C. |
1961, | Aug. | 7 |
| Cape Cod, Mass. |
1962, | Sept. | 13 |
| Point Reyes, Calif. |
1962, | Sept. | 28 |
| Padre Island, Texas |
The origin of Recreation Areas as a category in the
National Park System stemmed in important part from widened
responsibilities assigned to the Service beginning in the 1930's. A
central feature of these new responsibilities was administration of
hundreds of CCC camps located in State Parks. The National Park Service
had actively encouraged the state park movement ever since Stephen Tyng
Mather helped organize the National Conference on State Parks at Des
Moines, Iowa, in 1921. It was natural for the Service to be asked to
assume national direction of Emergency Conservation Work in state parks
when that program was launched in 1933. Fortunately for the Service an
exceptional administrator, Conrad L. Wirth, was available to lead this
complex nationwide program. It was a large and dynamic undertaking, at
its peak involving administration of 482 CCC camps allotted to state
parks employing almost 100,000 enrollees on work projects guided by a
technical and professional staff numbering several thousand. As Freeman
Tilden observes in his valuable book, The State Parks: Their Meaning
in American Life, published in 1962, the fruits of CCC work are
still an admired feature of state parks throughout the United
As this program got under way it became painfully
evident that in the 1930's most states lacked any kind of comprehensive
plans for state park systems. Furthermore, the interrelationship of
parks, parkways, and recreational areas was even less understood.
Against this background the Service sought comprehensive new land
planning legislation. The result was the Park, Parkway and Recreation
Area Study Act of 1936. Its purpose was to enable the Service, working
with others, to plan coordinated and adequate park, parkway and
recreational area facilities at federal, state and local levels
throughout the country. In 1941 the Service published its first
comprehensive report, A Study of the Park and Recreation Problem in
the United States, a careful review of the whole problem of
recreation and of national, state, county, and municipal parks in the
United States. Interrupted by World War II, Director Wirth arranged for
these studies to be resumed with the inception of Mission 66, and a
second comprehensive report was published in 1964 entitled Parks for
America, A Survey of Park and Related Resources in the Fifty States and
a Preliminary Plan. Numerous land planning studies of individual
areas, river basins, and regions accompanied and supported these
comprehensive reports. The four new types of Federal Recreation Areas
added to the System between 1933 and 1964 were generally consistent with
recommendations in these studies. Descriptions of these types
National Parkways. The modern parkway, fruit
of the automobile age, appears to have its origins in the Westchester
County Parkways, New York, built between 1913 and 1930. At first,
Congress also applied the idea locally in the District of
Columbia but later undertook projects more clearly national in
scope. Congress authorized its first parkway project in 1913, the
four-mile Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, to connect Potomac Park with
Rock Creek Park and the Zoological Park. In 1928, Congress authorized
the Mount Vernon Memorial Highway to link the District of Columbia with
Mount Vernon in commemoration of the bicentennial of Washington's birth.
This project fulfilled at long last an idea started in 1886 among a
group of Alexandria citizens. In 1930 this highway was renamed the
George Washington Memorial Parkway, and enlarged in concept to extend
from Mount Vernon all the way to Great Falls in Virginia, and from Fort
Washington to Great Falls in Maryland (Alexandria and the District of
Columbia excepted). One leg of this parkway network the one that
links Mount Vernon to the District has been completed for its
entire length and portions of two of the other three legs constructed.
The George Washington Memorial Parkway was added to the National Park
System in the Reorganization of 1933, the first Recreation Area to be
incorporated into the System. During World War II Congress extended the
National Capital parkway network by authorizing the Suitland Parkway to
provide an access road to Andrews Air Force Base, and the
Baltimore-Washington Parkway, whose initial unit provided access to Fort
George G. Meade. The first was added to the National Park System in 1949
and the second in 1950. With these projects National Park Service
responsibility for parkways in the vicinity of the National Capital
reached its present limits.
The Colonial Parkway in Virginia was the first
authorized by Congress beyond the District of Columbia vicinity. It
provided a landscaped 23-mile roadway link between Jamestown Island,
Colonial Williamsburg, and Yorktown Battlefield as part of Colonial
National Monument, authorized in 1930. The National Park Service now
considers Colonial Parkway an integral part of Colonial National
Historical Park rather than a separate area.
A new era for National Parkways began with
authorization of the Blue Ridge and Natchez Trace Parkways during the
1930's. These were not fairly short county or metropolitan parkways
serving a variety of local and national traffic but protected
recreational roadways traversing hundreds of miles of scenic and
historic rural landscape. These different National Parkways started out
as public works projects during the New Deal and were transformed into
units of the National Park System.
The Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park served
as a prototype for the Blue Ridge Parkway. President Herbert Hoover
conceived the idea of the Skyline Drive during vacations at his camp on
the Rapidan. It was planned in 1931 and begun as a relief project in
Following President Roosevelt's election Congress
quickly enacted the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 to
stimulate the economy. Among other provisions it authorized the Public
Works Administrator, Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes, to
prepare a comprehensive program of public works including the
construction, repair, and improvement of public highways and parkways.
Senator Harry F. Byrd of Virginia, aided by others, seized the
opportunity to propose the construction of a scenic roadway linking
Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks as a public works
project. President Roosevelt and Secretary Ickes embraced this proposal
provided the states donated the rights-of-way. They agreed to do so and
on December 19, 1933, the National Park Service received an initial
allotment of four million dollars to start the Blue Ridge Parkway. It
was jointly planned by the National Park Service and the Bureau of
Public Roads. Congress formally added the Blue Ridge Parkway to the
National Park System in 1936.
The Blue Ridge Parkway is considered by many to be a
Service triumph in parkway design, providing the motorist with a serene
environment conducive to leisurely travel and enjoyment while affording
him many insights into the beauty, history, and culture of the Southern
Highlands. The 469-mile parkway, sometimes called a grand balcony,
alternates sweeping views of mountain and valley with intimate glimpses
of the fauna and flora of the Blue Ridge and close-up views of typical
mountain structures, like Mabry's Mill, built of logs by pioneers and
still operating. Begun in 1933 and well on its way toward completion in
1964, the Blue Ridge Parkway is the best known and most heavily used
Recreation Area established by the Service during this period.
The Natchez Trace Parkway is the second major
National Parkway, a projected 450-mile roadway through a protected zone
of forest, meadow, and field which generally follows the route of the
historic Natchez Trace from Nashville, Tennessee, to Natchez,
Mississippi. The Old Natchez Trace was once an Indian path, then a
wilderness road, and finally from 1800 to 1830 a highway binding the old
Southwest to the Union. In 1934 Congress authorized a survey of the Old
Indian Trail known as the Natchez Trace for the purpose of constructing
a national road on this route to be known as the Natchez Trace Parkway.
The survey was completed the next year and in 1938 construction was
authorized. By 1964 about half the parkway had been completed linking
many historic and natural features including Mount Locust, the earliest
inn on the Trace, Emerald Mound, one of the largest Indian ceremonial
structures in the United States, Chickasaw Village and Bynum Mounds in
Mississippi, and Colbert's Ferry and Metal Ford in Tennessee.
Projects for additional parkways proliferated during
the 1930's and many were revived after World War II. Among proposals
seriously advanced, some of which were carefully studied were:
Extensions of the Blue Ridge Parkway, northward to
Maine and southward to Georgia.
Extensions of George Washington Memorial Parkway,
northward for length of C&O Canal and southward to Wakefield and
Washington, D. C. to Gettysburg Parkway.
Mississippi River Parkway.
Oglethorpe National Trail and Parkway.
In 1964 the Recreation Advisory Council, established
by Executive Order 11017, recommended that a national program of scenic
roads and parkways be developed. Following President Johnson's Message
to Congress on Natural Beauty in February 1965, such a program was
prepared by the Department of Commerce entitled A proposed program
for roads and parkways. It contemplated a $4 billion dollar program
between 1966 and 1976. However, the Viet Nam war intervened and no new
National Parkways have been authorized in recent years. With deepening
national concern for the quality of our environment, in which
proliferating automobiles appear to pose more problems than solutions,
it seems likely the parkway branch of the Family Tree will remain
much as it is for sometime to come. It is revealing to recall that the
Wilderness Society was organized in 1935 partly to protest such
crest-of-the-ridge roadways as the Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Park
way, which its members viewed as intolerable intrusions into unspoiled
wilderness. Only a small voice in 1935, the Wilderness Society grew in a
single generation to become the single most influential citizen voice
among many others behind the Wilderness Act of 1964 which, among other
provisions, is intended to keep wilderness roadless.
Recreational Demonstration Areas. Like the
Blue Ridge Parkway, two other Recreation Areas in today's National Park
System trace their origin back to the National Industrial Recovery Act
of 1933 Catoctin Mountain Park, Maryland, and Prince William
Forest Park, Virginia.
Among many other features, the National Industrial
Recovery Act authorized federal purchases of land considered submarginal
for farming but valuable for recreation purposes. The land purchases
were made initially by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, but
later transferred to the Resettlement Administration so the farmers
could be resettled, and then, in 1936, turned over to the National Park
Service as Recreational Demonstration Projects. By 1936, 46 projects
containing 397,000 acres had been set up in 24 different states, mostly
near metropolitan centers, to provide outdoor recreation for people from
crowded cities. It was intended from the beginning that most of these
projects would be turned over to states and cities for operation and in
1942 Congress provided the necessary authority. By 1946 most of the
conveyances had been completed. The National Park Service retained
Catoctin Mountain Park, site of Camp David, but 4,500 of its acres were
transferred to Maryland. Prince William Forest Park (formerly
Chopawamsic) was retained as a unit administrated by National Capital
Some recreational demonstration lands were also added
to Acadia, Shenandoah, White Sands, and Hopewell Village. Now largely
forgotten, recreational demonstration projects left several permanent
marks on the National Park System and illustrated again the ability of
the Service to help meet changing social and economic conditions in the
Reservoir-related Recreation Areas. Five
National Recreation Areas were added to the System between 1933 and
1964. This new type of federal park area grew out of large scale
reclamation projects like Hoover Dam and multi purpose river basin
development programs like the Tennessee Valley Authority which began in
the 1930's and spread to river valleys in all parts of the country after
World War II.
Lake Mead was the first National Recreation Area. The
Boulder Canyon Project Act, passed in 1928, authorized the Bureau of
Reclamation to construct Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. Work began in
1931 and the dam, highest in the Western Hemisphere, was completed in
1935. The next year, under provisions of an agreement with the Bureau of
Reclamation, the National Park Service assumed responsibility for all
recreational activities at Lake Mead. These were to become extensive,
for Lake Mead is 115 miles long with 550 miles of shoreline, several
ancient Indian sites, much natural history, and numerous facilities for
camping, boating, swimming, and fishing. By 1952 Davis Dam had been
built downstream, impounding 67-mile Lake Mohave whose upper waters
lapped the foot of Hoover Dam. The National Park Service accepted
responsibility for recreational activities around Lake Mohave as part of
the Lake Mend National Recreation Area. The great size and importance of
this combined recreational complex is easily under-estimated by persons
who have not seen it. This one National Recreation Area contains
1,913,816 acres, making it roughly the size of Mount McKinley National
Park or Death Valley National Monument. On October 8, 1964, Lake Mead
was formally established as a National Recreation Area by Act of
Coulee Dam National Recreation Area was established
in 1946, under an agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation patterned
after Lake Mead. Construction of Grand Coulee Dam began in 1933 and the
dam went into operation in 1941. It impounds a huge body of water named
Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake, 151 miles long with 660 miles of shoreline.
The National Park Service has developed recreation facilities for
camping, boating, swimming, and fishing at 35 different locations around
the Lake. Coulee Dam is also well known for its visual and educational
interest the immense dam, long views across blue water and
rolling hills, unusual geological features, and a variety of plants and
animals, all in an historic context of Indians, trappers, soldiers, and
Although Millerton Lake, California, Lake Texoma,
Oklahoma-Texas, and the north unit of Flaming Gorge, Utah-Wyoming were
administered by the Service for a time, the first was subsequently
turned over to the State of California, the second to the Army Corps of
Engineers, and the last to the Forest Service.
Three more National Recreation Areas established
during the 1950's are still in the National Park System today. Shadow
Mountain, adjoining the west entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park,
embraces the recreational features of Lake Granby and Shadow Mountain
Lake, two units of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project. Glen Canyon was
established in 1958 to provide for recreational activities on Lake
Powell formed behind Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River, one of the
highest dams in the world. Both these areas are administered by the
Service pursuant to agreements with the Bureau of Reclamation. The
Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area, California, was
established by Act of Congress in 1962. The National Park Service,
however, administers the recreational facilities only at Whiskeytown
Reservoir, while the Forest Service takes care of similar, more
extensive facilities at Shasta and Trinity.
By 1964, application of the National Recreation Area
concept to major impoundments behind Federal dams, whether constructed
by the Bureau of Reclamation or the Corps of Engineers, appeared to be
well accepted by Congress. Eight more reservations of this type were
authorized as additions to the National Park System between 1964 and
National Seashores. The National Park Service
made its first seashore recreation survey in the mid-1930's. It resulted
in a recommendation that 12 major stretches of unspoiled Atlantic and
Gulf Coast shoreline, with 437 miles of beach, be preserved as national
areas. World War II intervened and by 1954 only one of the 12 proposed
areas had been authorized and acquired Cape Hatteras National
Seashore, North Carolina. All the others save one Cape Cod
had long since gone into private and commercial development. Seashore
studies were resumed by the Service in the mid-1950's through the
generous support of private donors. These new shoreline surveys resulted
in several major reports including Our Vanishing Shoreline
(1955); A Report on the Seashore Recreation Survey of the Atlantic
and Gulf Coasts (1955); Our Fourth Shore, Great Lakes Shoreline
Recreation Area Survey (1959); and Pacific Coast Recreation Area
Survey (1959). Detailed studies of individual projects were also
prepared as a part of the Service's continuing efforts for shoreline
conservation. By 1972 fruits of this program included eight National
Seashores and four National Lakeshores of which the first four were
authorized before 1964.
Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, was authorized as the
first National Seashore by Congress in 1937. Land acquisition lagged,
however, until after World War II. Then two generous benefactors, the
Old Dominion Foundation, established by Mr. Paul Mellon, and the Avalon
Foundation, created by Mrs. Ailsa Mellon Bruce, made substantial and
equal grants to the National Park Service which, matched by the State of
North Carolina, made acquisition of Cape Hatteras possible. Cape
Hatteras protects almost 100 miles of barrier islands and beach along
the North Carolina coast. The National Seashore combines preservation of
unspoiled natural and historical areas with provision, at suitable
locations, for beachcombing, surf bathing, swimming at protected
beaches, surf and sport fishing, bird-watching and nature study, and
visits to such historic structures as Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and the
remains of shipwrecks still buried in the sand. Cape Hatteras was a
pioneering example of a new type of area in the National Park
Cape Cod National Seashore, authorized in 1961,
followed Cape Hatteras into the System. But it was the first of the
great series of eleven post-World War II seashores and lakeshores
approved by Congress in the last dozen years. It was the first large
recreational or natural area for which Congress at the very outset
authorized use of appropriated funds for land acquisition. An unusual
provision of the Cape Cod act also authorized the Secretary of the
Interior to suspend exercising the power of eminent domain to acquire
private improved property within seashore boundaries as long as the town
involved adopted and retained zoning regulations satisfactory to him.
This provision resolved serious problems of conflict between
long-settled private owners, the historic towns, and the Federal
Government and helped stabilize the landscape without the forced
resettlement of numerous families. It also created an important
precedent for parallel provisions in legislation authorizing other
national seashores and lakeshores where Federal, State, local, and
private property interests required similar reconciliation.
This National Seashore protects the great outer arm
of Cape Cod, known to mariners from the days of the explorers and
Pilgrims. Thoreau named it the Great Beach and said "A man may stand
there and put all America behind him." For three centuries, Cape Cod,
with its magnificent shoreline, was spared the great industrial buildup
of our eastern coast. Combined with a seafaring way of life and a proud
heritage, this isolation produced a memorable scene: great sand dunes,
salt and fresh water marshes, unique villages, weathered gray cottages,
fishing wharves, windmills, lighthouses, and an abundance of shore
birds, migratory waterfowl, and other natural and historic features.
Real estate subdivisions and commercial development threatened Cape Cod
in the late 1950's, and Congress authorized permanent protection of some
27,000 acres of seashore and dune lands embraced in a narrow strip
almost 40 miles long, from Provincetown to Chatham.
The National Seashore concept reached the Pacific
Coast in 1962 with authorization of Point Reyes, California, embracing
more than forty miles of shoreline including historic Drakes Bay,
Tomales Point, and Point Reyes itself. Acquisition of lands is still in
progress. Protection of this immensely important and relatively
unspoiled shoreline resource, only an hour's drive northward from Golden
Gate, is the objective and obligation of the National Park Service under
the 1962 act.
The National Seashore concept reached the Gulf Coast
in 1962 also with authorization of Padre Island, Texas. This great shore
island stretches for 113 miles along the Texas coast from Corpus Christi
on the north almost to Mexico on the south, and varies in width from a
few hundred yards to about three miles. There is some private
development at each end of the island. The National Seashore boundaries
encompass the undeveloped central part of the island, over eighty miles
long. Padre Island is a textbook example of a barrier island built by
wave action and crowned by wind-formed dunes.
The above account of Recreation Areas added to the
National Park System provides only a partial glimpse of the exceptional
momentum developed by the national movement for parks and recreation
between 1933 and 1964. The National Park Service, especially through the
leadership of Conrad L. Wirth, as CCC administrator, planner and
Director, played an influential role in that movement throughout this
period. The need for more outdoor recreation facilities approached
crisis proportions before the end of the 1950's, the result of growing
population, increasing leisure time, rising incomes, and the automobile
age. In 1958 Congress created an Outdoor Recreation Resources Review
Commission to make a new comprehensive study of recreation facilities in
the United States. The Commission presented its report, Outdoor
Recreation for America, to President John F. Kennedy in 1962. Based
on that report, Secretary Udall established the Bureau of Outdoor
Recreation in the Department of the Interior in April 1962 and
transferred longstanding National Park Service responsibilities for the
formulation of a nationwide outdoor recreation plan and important
aspects of cooperative relationships with States to the new bureau. In
May 1963, Congress passed organic legislation confirming the
responsibilities of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation. With this action a
new chapter in federal participation in outdoor recreation began.