Roosevelt's Maltese Cross cabin. S. M. Ferris in
buckboard and S. N. Lebo on horseback. Courtesy E. S.
Roosevelt the Buffalo Hunter
Roosevelt's avowed reason for coming to the Badlands
was to hunt buffalo and other big game. He arrived there on the morning
of September 8, 1883, at the depot of Little Missouri in predawn
After spending a night in Little Missouri's Pyramid
Park Hotel, Roosevelt met Joe Ferris near the cantonment buildings.
Ferris agreed to act as Roosevelt's guide and the two set off for the
Maltese Cross Ranch. Five miles south of Little Missouri they passed
near Howard Eaton's Custer Trail Ranch which was later to develop into
one of the first dude ranches in the United States. After fording the
river twice they came to the Maltese Cross ranchhouse about 3 miles
south of Howard Eaton's place. Here Roosevelt met William Merrifield
and Sylvane Ferris. Joe's brother. Roosevelt spent the night in the
crude log cabin. The next day the three men continued south along the
river to Gregor Lang's place at the mouth of Little Cannonball Creek
near the scoria hills 50 miles south of Medora. Lang and his son Lincoln
had arrived there from Scotland that spring to operate the Neimmela
Ranch for Sir John Pender.
While utilizing the ranch as headquarters for his
buffalo hunt, Roosevelt spent several evenings with Gregor Lang
discussing politics and prospects for the cattle industry in the
Badlands. Meanwhile, his search for buffalo was beset with many
disappointments. After a week of hunting in almost continuous rains,
Roosevelt and Joe Ferris discovered fresh buffalo tracks which they
followed through the rough Badlands. Finally they came upon an old
buffalo bull which galloped speedily away. Several miles of hard riding
in pursuit brought them out of the Badlands onto the prairie. In the
afternoon they sighted three old bulls, and dismounted. Roosevelt crept
to within 150 feet of one of them and fired. Although he hit
the buffalo, it raced off seemingly uninjured. The chase continued for
another 7 or 8 miles when they finally overtook the bull. Rough ground
and the speed at which they were riding caused Roosevelt to miss a shot
from close range, and the animal got away.

The Maltese Cross chuckwagon. Courtesy
Houghton-Mifflin Co.
The discouraged hunters camped for the night. The
next morning they renewed the hunt and soon sighted several buffalo.
Because of rain and cold, Roosevelt missed again and the whole group
thundered away. The two men spent another rainy, miserable night on the
prairie. But Roosevelt continued doggedly in the hunt and shortly after
noon of the third day the hunters again came upon buffalo tracks.
Roosevelt approached within 50 yards of a large bull and, before the
animal disappeared over a ridge, poured three shots into him. The young
hunter could scarcely contain his joy when he found the bull dead in the
next gully.
Not fan from where Roosevelt hunted, the only sizable
buffalo herd then left in the world was making its last stand. At the
beginning of 1883 about 10,000 buffalo ranged south of Dickinson near
the Rainy Buttes and the headwaters of the Moreau and Grand Rivers. As
the year progressed, slaughter by white hide hunters reduced the herd to
about 1,200. At that point James McLaughlin, superintendent of the
Standing Rock Indian Agency, authorized the Sioux Indians under his
authority to participate in the hunt. Between September 14 and October
23, 1883, most of the remaining buffalo were quickly killed.
The town of Sully Springs (2 miles from the South
Unit of the park) was one of the most important shipping points for
hides on the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad. One of the
last shipments of buffalo hides on the Northern Pacific was from
Dickinson in 1884. That year about 250 buffalo were sighted 7 miles
south of Medora. Soon only bleaching bones were left on the prairie. For
several years these towns did a thriving business in buffalo bones which
were shipped east to be converted into fertilizer. As the great buffalo
herds were destroyed, domestic cattle began to take their place on the
vast open range.

Buffalo hide hunter. Photo of a diorama in the
Scotts Bluff National Monument Museum. Courtesy Downey's Midwest