A Geologic and Geographic Sketch of Bryce Canyon National Park
June, 1941
Zion-Bryce Museum Bulletin
Number 4
* Based on studies by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation
with the National Park Service. In part reproduced from the Kaiparowits
Region by Gregory and Moore; in part from descriptions on the
topographic sheet of the Bryce Canyon National Park (1939) and in part
from "The Bryce Canyon National Park Region" a report in preparation.
Published with the permission of the Director, U. S. Geological
As a geographic unit, Bryce Canyon National Park is a
choice portion of the plateau lands of the Colorado drainage basin,
50,000 square miles of rock tables, cliffs, and canyons that seem to
have an unlimited range in color, form, and size.
Of this vast region of unexcelled scenery in Utah and
Arizona, Bryce Canyon National Park is but a short, narrow strip along
the southeastern rim of the Paunsaugunt Plateau, and this plateau is
only one of the seven great tables that dominate the landscape of
southern Utah. In such a setting, the region that includes the park
might have attracted little attention were it not that within its
borders are features of exceptional interest, some of them unique; and
the surroundings are truly magnificent.
In broad outline, the history of the park is the
history of the Paunsaugunt Plateaua fascinating story of
geological events that needs no profound study for interpretation. Few.
if any, places in the world afford better opportunity to realize the
power and persistence of the forces that have shaped the surface of the
earth, for though displayed on an enormous scale, the rock units show a
certain simplicity of mass composition, form, and arrangement that makes
their relations clear.
On the approach roads to the park from Grand Canyon
and Zion Canyon through Hatch (south and west) and from central Utah
through Panguitch (northwest), (See Fig. 1.) visitors are confronted by
the great pink wall of Sunset Cliffs along the Sevier River, easily
recognizable as a single group of strata in plain sight for 30 miles. As
the road leads eastward, the gorgeously colored Red Canyon explains
itselfa ready-made gap in these cliffs that afford passage from
their base to their top. Likewise, little knowledge of geology is
required to recognize the flat land between Red Canyon and the entrance
to Bryce Canyon National Park as the eastward extension of the pink beds
of Sunset Cliffs, here weathered to buff and gray; or that the glorious
pink wall within the park is but the eastern edge of the broad table of
which Sunset Cliffs is the western edge, or that Bryce Canyon is but a
niche in a long, high, painted walla brilliant jewel in a land of
superb texture and workmanship.
Figure 1. Sketch map of a part of Southern Utah including Bryce Canyon
National Park. The Pink Cliffs, White Cliffs, and Vermilion Cliffs are
high escarpments that mark successively lower steps cut into the south
rim of Markagunt, Paunsaugunt, and Aquarius Plateaus. The Plateaus are
outlined by faults. (click on image for an
enlargement in a new window)
The long stretches of even sky line seen on
approaching the park give an impression of extensive flat surfaces that
terminate in lines of cliffs, but view-points within the park reveal a
ruggedness possessed by few other regions. The canyons are so narrow, so
deep, and so thickly interlaced, and the edges of the strata so
continuously exposed that the region seems made up of gorges, cliffs,
and mesas intimately associated with a marvelous variety of minor
erosion forms. These features are developed on a scale that in other
regions would justify the term mountainous.
The canyons and adjoining terraces are spectacular
illustrations of erosion. They show with diagrammatic clearness the work
of running water, rain, frost, and wind, of ground water and chemical
agencies active throughout a long period of time. The horizontal tables
and benches, broken by vertical lines that in distant view appear to
dominate the landscape, are normal features of erosion of plateau lands
in an arid climate. The tabular forms are the edges and surfaces of hard
strata from which softer layers have been stripped. The vertical lines
mark the position of fractures (joints)lines of weakness which
erosion enlarges into grooves and miniature canyons. As they entrench
themselves in horizontal layers of rock that vary in resistance to
erosion, the master streams and their tributaries are developing
stairlike profiles on their enclosing walls. Cliffs in resistant rocks,
and slopes in weak rock constitute risers and treads that vary in
steepness and height with the thickness of the strata involved. These
characteristic erosional features of Bryce Canyon National Park derive
an added meaning from the contemplation of the surrounding region. The
park is famous not only for the scenery within its borders but also for
the marvelous views from the lofty rim of the Paunsaugunt Plateau that
overlooks the spectacular landscapes of southern Utah. (See Fig. 2,
Figure 2. Generalized sketch of the plateaus, mountains, cliffs, and
canyons of south central Utah showing the topographic setting of Bryce
Canyon National Park. From Bryce Point the air-line distance to the
Henry Mountains is approximately 80 miles, to Navajo Mountain 85 miles,
to the mouth of the Paria River 60 miles, and to Cedar Breaks 50 miles.
(click on image for an enlargement in a new
At its eastern border the generally flat Paunsaugunt
Plateau gives way to a region of extreme ruggedness, difficult to
penetrate. In Dutton's picturesque language, "to cross such regions
except in specified ways is a feat reserved for creatures endowed with
wings." Beginning abruptly at Sunset Point, newly made meandering trails
lead steeply downward along trenches between serrated walls to the floor
of Paria Valley, 2,000 feet below. Beyond this flat floor appear
interlocking ridges, trenched by narrow, deep canyons, in places more
than 20 of them in a mile, that carry water to the Paria or directly to
the Colorado. Along this course the rim of the lofty Kaiparowits
Plateau, cut by innumerable notches at the heads of innumerable canyons,
stands on the sky line and carries the view southeastward to the dome of
Navajo Mountain beyond Glen Canyon 80 miles away. From Sunset Point
northeastward, the details of the amazing landscape are dwarfed by the
towering plateau headlands that stand 2,000 feet above the rim of the
Paunsaugunt Plateau and 4,000 feet above the Paria. A pack train
traverse along the base of Kaiparowits Plateau in and out of canyons,
through narrow defiles, across sharp ridges and flat-topped mesas to the
edge of Glen Canyon at the "Crossing of the Fathers" is a memorable
experience, or those fortunate enough to ascend Table Cliffs and follow
its flat surface to Powell Monument will find spread out before them a
landscape matched in scope and beauty only at view points on Navajo
Mountain. It is an unparalled scene of gorges, plateaus, of mesa walls
and volcanic piles on both sides of the Colorado canyons, and on a scale
so vast as to obscure erosional features that in other regions would
dominate the landscape. (See Fig. 3)
Figure 3. View from the rim at Inspiration Point across lower portion of
Bryce Canyon and across upper Paria River Valley (Paria Amphitheater).
Table Cliffs in the left distance. Village of Tropic, Utah in right
center. (N. P. S. photo by Grant)
The rim road in Bryce Canyon National Park is on the
highest tread of a gigantic rock stairway cut in the flank of the great
plateau. As viewed at Rainbow Point, the country descends southward in
an orderly succession of terraces miles in width, separated by cliffs
hundreds of feet high, across the White Cliffs and the Vermilion Cliffs
to the Kanab Plateau 60 miles distant and 4,000 feet below. The terraces
are trenched by deep gorges, and from their floors rise small mesas and
towers and such high mesas as the conspicuous White Cone.
In this broad landscape, flowing water is
conspicuously absent. The one lake in view is the lone representative of
its class in many square miles of territory.
In this region the gentle slopes and sweeping curves
that make up the artist's "line of beauty" are lacking. They are
replaced by horizontal lines, vertical lines, and oblique lines that
meet at angles, and along their trends are offset many times. The
rounded hills, the gently inclined valley sides, the flat river bottoms
of other regions are replaced by flat tables, vertical walls, and
lowlands cut into angular forms that differ from their larger companions
only in size. Because of the absence of soil and covering vegetation,
the walls and canyon floors are the color of bare rock; the blue of
distant highlands, and the subdued tones of "hillside and lowland
meadows" in more humid regions are likewise lacking. The landscape of
all southern Utah is banded with distant colorsdominantly shades
of red, yellow, and brownthat in few places merge into a composite
tone. Areas of green or of gray are rare.