"Fort Sumter from Fort Moultrie, November 10, 1863"
painted by Conrad Wise Chapman. Courtesy Confederate Museum,
Second Great Bombardment
On October 26, "on the strength of certain reports
... that the enemy have recently been at work remounting some guns,"
Gillmore resumed the bombardment; at least Fort Sumter could be "kept
down" while the Navy prepared. For the next 12 days, the concentration
of fire was comparable to the great bombardment of the preceding August.
But now, firing from the new batteries on Cummings Point, with range
shortened to less than a mile, the effect was far greater. For the first
rime, 16 heavy mortars were in use2 of them 8-1/2-ton pieces
(13-inch bore) throwing 200-pound projectiles. Their sharp, plunging
fire was added to that of 12 Parrott riflesthe types already used
so effectively against the fortand 1 powerful Columbiad. In
addition, 2 monitors, with guns "equal to a dozen" Parrotts, crossed
fire with Gillmore's artillery.
Sumter's "sea front" (right flank), upright and
relatively unscathed till then, was breached now for nearly half its
length. The ramparts and arches of its upper casemates were cut down and
the interior barracks demolished. The accumulated debris made ascent
easy inside and out. Through the breach, the Federal guns took the
channel fronts "in reverse." For the first time, these were exposed to
direct fire; soon they were "cut and jagged." Still, the gorge ruin
remained much the same; to Admiral Dahlgren, that "heap of rubbish"
looked "invincible."
Night and day, Gillmore's batteries maintained a
"slow fire" against Fort Sumter throughout November and into December.
On occasion the monitors assisted. Sumter could return merely "harmless
musketry"; only telescopic rifle sights made even that much possible.
But, the "rebels" seemed "snug in the ruins"; and if Sumter was without
guns, Confederate batteries on James and Sullivan's Islands kept up an
irritating counterfire.
On November 6, the Confederate engineer at Fort
Sumter reported the bombproofs (quarters) unhurt. Although the height of
the mass of the fort was "diminishing visibly on the sides away from the
city," still, "when it gets down to the lower casemates [he wrote] it
will have become so thick from accumulated debris as to resist further
battering." Two weeks later, Major Johnson found the fort stronger than
ever, and casualties were "either among those carelessly exposing
themselves outside the bombproof or obliged to do so when at work."
Indeed, casualties had been surprisingly lowonly 2 men had been
killed in the bombardment of August and only 22 more since the start of
the second great bombardment; 118 had been wounded. Major Johnson did
not "apprehend being run out by the big guns"; his chief anxiety was
over "exposure to assault from barges at night."
In mid-November such an attack seemed to be
forthcoming. During the early hours of the 18th, the defenders of the
fort had "four distinct alarms" as small boats approached within hailing
distance; "all hands out each time and expecting a fight." On the
following night, a force estimated at 250 men approached within 300
yards of the fort, only to be driven off by the muskets of the aroused
But General Gillmore had merely ordered a
"reconnaissance ... of the nature of a simulated attack, with a view to
compel the garrison to show its strength." Nor would he make another
attempt. The next move remained up to the Navy.
Admiral Dahlgren continued to make no move. In any
event, he could not advance until the repairs on the monitors were
finished. As late as January 1864 these still were not complete.
Meanwhile, in the face of reports of greatly strengthened harbor
fortifications other than Fort Sumter and increasingly concerned over
the nature of the harbor obstructions he was reluctant now to move
forward without additional monitors. Defeat was always possible, and
defeat for the Union's "only ironclad squadron" might have serious
consequences, not only for the blockade and Gillmore's command on Morris
Island, but for future operations elsewhere along the coast. In the
meantime "substantial" advantages had already been gained; the blockade
at Charleston was tighter with Morris Island in Federal hands. To all
this, the Navy Department agreed. Elsewhere, however, the war gathered
momentum. In November, the North won decisively at Chattanooga.
The additional monitors, always promised, never
seemed to arrive. On December 5, General Gillmore stopped the
bombardment of Fort Sumter begun 41 days earlier. There seemed no great
advantage in continuing, and it required considerable ammunition.