Guide Map of Fort Sumter.
(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
Guide to the
The visitor to Fort Sumter today enters on the left
face of the fort, near the salient, at an elevation approximating the
floor level of the original second tier of casemates. Directly ahead is
the flagpole monument to Maj. Robert Anderson. Beyond the flagpole,
stairs lead down to the fort parade ground, now but one-quarter of its
original extent and 5-1/2 feet higher. At the far end of the parade, a
raised sidewalk marks the exterior of the gorge, or rear wall of the
fort. The huge concrete structure at the left of the parade is the
emplacement for Battery Huger, a battery of two long-range seacoast guns
erected in 1899. The earth and masonry embankment at the right of the
parade is the ruin of the left flank. A wooden gatehouse at its center,
halfway down the parade, marks the entrance to a modern passageway
leading to the old casemates of the left flank.
The following guide to points of interest in the area
should be used in conjunction with the map on pages 2223. Numbers
on the map correspond to numbers in the text below.
1. RODMAN GUN. Fifteen-inch smoothbore gun. Part of
Fort Sumter's post-Civil War armament.
2. THE FLAGPOLE MONUMENT. Monument to Major Anderson
and his garrison, erected under bequest of Major Anderson's daughter,
Eba Anderson Lawton, accepted by act of Congress, approved May 11, 1928.
The inscription at the base of the flagpole reads: "In honor of Major
Robert Anderson and the 128 men of his command who for 34 hours April
1213, 1861, withstood the destructive bombardment of Fort Sumter
and withdrew with the honors of war. The War of Secession began here."
The figure "128" includes the 43 workmen who helped man the guns during
the bombardment.
3. THE RIGHT FACE. Guns mounted in the lower tier of
the right face duelled with Fort Moultrie in the initial attack, April
1213, 1861. Since the right face was so situated as to escape
"broadsides" from the Federal batteries on Morris Island, 186365,
its outer wall remained at nearly full height in February 1865. After
Fort Sumter was silenced in August 1863, the Confederate garrison
mounted three guns in the first-tier casemates just above the right
shoulder angle. This was the "Palmetto Battery," called thus because of
the protective log cover raised on the exterior. For several months this
battery was the sole armament of the fort. All the lower tier casemates
of this face were reclaimed in the seventies and armed with "100
pounder" Parrott rifled cannon. These guns, rusted and worn, were buried
with the casemates just before Battery Huger was constructed.
4. ORIENTATION POINT. The visitor stands at this
point atop Battery Huger, almost in the center of old Fort Sumter. On
either side are the emplacements for the 12-inch guns of Battery Huger.
The grass-covered area stretching out to the right flank wall is earthen
fill, the height of which averages 20 feet above the original parade
ground. Markers erected at the ends of directional arrows give relevant
information on Forts Johnson and Moultrie, Morris Island, the "Swamp
Angel," and Charleston. In the center of the area there is a model of
Fort Sumter, oriented exactly with the fort.
5. THE RIGHT FLANK. This wall bore the brunt of the
(Federal) "iron clad" attack of April 7, 1863. The great bombardments
that followed almost completely destroyed it. By the end of the war, the
right flank had become an irregular ruin 25 to 30 feet above low water,
shored up on the interior by a timber "blockhouse" built by the
Confederate garrison in preparation for expected invasion. The outer
wall of the right flank was partially rebuilt following the war.
6. RIGHT GORGE ANGLE. From a gun in the first tier of
casemates, Capt. Abner Doubleday fired the first shot from Fort Sumter,
April 12, 1861. Also in this section of the fort occurred the deepest
penetration of Confederate shot and shell in the initial attack. In
part, this was the work of the Confederates' rifled gun, the first
rifled gun fired in action in America.
7. THE GORGE. The row of bricks in the parade ground
marks the original inner limit of the gorge, or rear wall of the fort.
The raised sidewalk at the end of the parade marks the line of the outer
wall. As is evident, most of the gorge was destroyed by the Federal
bombardments of 186365. Originally designed to house officers and
their families, living quarters replaced here the gunrooms that lined
the other walls of the fort. At each end of the gorge, on both casemate
tiers were the fort magazines. The gorge was armed with only one tier of
guns. These were mounted on the open "terreplein" (earthen platform)
below the parapet of the outer wall and behind the third floor of
8. ESPLANADE. A 25-1/2-foot-wide promenade and
landing-space which lined the full length of the gorge exterior, at its
base. Out from the center of the esplanade ran the original stone wharf
171 feet long. Through the gorge, at the head of the wharf was the
original sally port (gateway) of the fort.
9. GARRISON MONUMENT. Monument "in memory of the
garrison defending Fort Sumter during the bombardment April 1214,
1861" erected by the United States Government in 1932. The roster of the
original garrison is listed on the tablet.
10. ENTRANCE TO MAGAZINE. This arched passageway
connected the two magazines at the western extremity of the gorge, on
the first tier. Originally, there were two other magazines above these,
and a similar arrangement at the opposite extremity of the gorge.
11. SIDE POSTERN. Side entrance to the fort. Designed
to permit access to the water by the enlisted men in the barracks on the
left flank interior. Note the narrow, wedge-shaped bricks in the arch
12. THE LEFT FLANK CASEMATES. These casemates
(gunrooms) of the lower tier of the left flank are the only casemates of
the original fort open to the visitor. Originally, these rooms were
surmounted by a second tier identical in appearance. On the open
"terreplein" above that tier, the "barbette" tier of guns was mounted.
This was the over-all arrangement followed on the right flank, and along
the two faces. Each of the casemates was designed for the mounting of a
gun, crosswise, to fire through the embrasures in the outer wall. Guns
mounted in the angle next to the gorge exchanged shots with Fort Johnson
during the initial attack, April 1213, 1861.
Shielded (by the mass of the gorge) from the Federal
guns on Morris Island, 186365, the left flank casemates were used
as Confederate head quarters and hospital during that time. The lower
half of the outer wall retained its full height at the end of the siege,
but was leveled to approximately half that height during the 1870's. The
sally port through the center of the left flank is not original; it was
constructed after the war to replace a gun embrasure.
13. GUNS, LEFT FLANK EXTERIOR. Two 13-inch mortars
and one rifled-and-banded "42 pounder" are mounted outside the modern
sally port on the left flank. The "42 pounder" may have been part of
Fort Sumter's Civil War armament; at least, types like it were used in
the casemates by both Union and Confederate garrisons. The mortars were
types used against the fort by Federal troops on Morris Island,
left flank wall, near the (modern) sally port. Plaque erected by the
Charleston Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1929
"In reverential memory of the Confederate garrison of Fort Sumter who
during 4 years of continuous siege and constant assaults from April 1861
to February 1865, defended this harbor without knowing defeat or
sustaining surrender."

The case mates of the Left Flank, first tier, today. These are the
only casemates now open.