Tour Map.
(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)
Guide to the Area
A self-guided tour of Petersburg National Military
Park may be made by automobile. This tour, extending 27 miles, begins at
the Crater and park museum and follows the lines of earthworks around
the city. It offers a nearly complete picture of the engagements which
occurred during the campaign and gives an idea of the scope and
magnitude of the area covered by the contending forces. Throughout the
tour you will have an opportunity to study exhibits and narrative
markers which will help you to orient yourself with the terrain.
In the description of the tour which follows an
attempt has been made to provide you with a guide to all the important
points of interest. The following remarks about this description may
prove useful. The total road distances from the starting point at the
Crater and park museum to the various points of interest are shown in
parentheses. The distances are stated to the nearest tenth of a mile.
All route numbers are State or county unless they are identified as
United States highway routes. Points of historic interest are identified
in capital letters (FORT FISHER, BATTERY PEGRAM, etc.) where they are
mentioned for the first time. The numbers at the beginning of various
paragraphs correspond to the circled numbers on the Park Tour Map found

View from east to west across the Crater.
1. The CRATER (0.0) is the scene of the Battle of the
Crater, July 30, 1864. You may see the results of the explosion of the
Union mine and the ground for which both armies contested. Information
can be obtained at the park museum, where there is usually a member of
the staff on duty. Talks on the Battle of the Crater and the Petersburg
Campaign are given at frequent intervals. The museum contains exhibits
pertinent to the fighting at Petersburg.
You should then follow the small "Park Tour" signs
which will conduct you to Battery 5. Return to the junction of the
Crater entrance with U. S. 460 and 301 (0.3). A left turn is made
on this highway (called in 1864 the JERUSALEM PLANK ROAD) which is
followed to the fork where U. 5. 460 branches left (east) to Norfolk
(0.5). Follow U. S. 460 across the bridge which spans the tracks of the
Norfolk and Western Railroad. These tracks are on the same approximate
roadbed used by the NORFOLK AND PETERSBURG RAILROAD in 186465.
Continue across bridge to the intersection of Siege Road (1.3) which is
identified by a large "Park Tour" sign. Turn left on Siege
2. BATTERY 16 was located at the left of this
intersection. This is one of many Union artillery emplacements
constructed during the campaign.
Similar batteries were constructed by the
Confederates. Siege Road follows the Union lines east of Petersburg
which were held from June 18, 1864, to April 2,1865.
3. FORT MORTON (1.4). The site of this fort is a
short distance past Battery 16 and on the left of Siege Road. This fort,
obliterated after the war, was the place from which Gen. Ambrose E.
Burnside directed the attack of the Union IX Corps during the Battle of
the Crater. It was a strongly fortified position and considered by many
contemporary observers as one of the best of the nearly 50 forts
surrounding the city.
4. Union BATTERY 13 (1.7). The tour continues along
Siege Road, passing the remains of this battery, which are to the left.
The Union batteries were numbered consecutively, beginning with Battery
1 on the Appomattox River east of Petersburg and running south and west
around the city. There were 42 of these Union batteries by the end of
the campaign. In a like manner, the Confederate batteries were numbered
starting at the river. In the original defense lines (the "Dimmock
Line") there were 55 Confederate batteries.
Notice on the left of Siege Road, and at numerous
other places throughout the tour, the low breastworks which connect the
forts and batteries to make a long, continuous line. It was behind these
that the enlisted men spent much of their time during the campaign.
5. FORT HASKELL (2.0), on the left of Siege Road, is
one of the best pre served of the earthworks. The most important event
in its history occurred on the morning of March 25, 1865, when the
defense made here by Union troops helped turn the tide against the
Confederates during the Battle of Fort Stedman. The moat, or ditch,
around the embankments was made more formidable at that time with the
aid of sharpened stakes (fraise) or brush (abatis). Chevaux-de-frise
(timbers with sharp ened stakes driven through at right angles) may also
have been placed outside the moat. Gabions (cylindrical wicker baskets)
and sandbags were placed on the fortifications to protect them from shot
and shell. All of these devices were used regularly by both armies.
Siege Road crosses the Union siege line a short
distance beyond Fort Haskell so that the earthworks are now on the right
(east) of you. The road leads through a ravine.
6. BATTERY 11 (2.3) is situated at the top of the
rise from the ravine. This, along with BATTERY 12 (since destroyed), was
captured by the Confederates in the Battle of Fort Stedman, March 25,
1865. In the course of the engagement that followed, the battery changed
hands several times. After the final Southern withdrawal that same day,
the battery remained in Northern possession until the end of the

An interior view of the remains of Fort Stedman.
7. FORT STEDMAN (2.4) is close to Battery 11. The
site is marked by well-preserved remains. This Union fort was the place
selected by Confederate General Gordon for his attack on Grant's supply
line. This attack occurred only 15 days before Lee surrendered at
Appomattox Court House and was the last large-scale offensive movement
of the Army of Northern Virginia. Although captured by the Confederates
shortly after 4 a. m. on March 25, 1865, it was regained by the Northern
forces within 4 hours. Fort Stedman also stands on the site of heavy
fighting on June 18, 1864, when Grant failed to break the defense line
that had been built the night before. However, the fort was not
constructed until a month following this opening battle. Inside the fort
is a monument erected by the State of Pennsylvania to the memory of the
3d Division, IX Corps, Army of the Potomac, which participated in the
Battle of Fort Stedman.
Twenty-five yards past the Fort Stedman trailside
exhibit, turn left on Sortie Road. This road passes between the
lines and indicates their proximity at this point.
8. The MAINE MONUMENT may be seen near the bottom of
the gentle slope on the right (north) of Sortie Road. This marks the
scene of the heaviest fighting on June 18, 1864. At this point the 1st
Maine Heavy Artillery suffered the heavy casualties referred to in the
9. COLQUITT'S SALIENT (2.6) is reached after
traversing the short distance between the lines. This fortified position
was named for Confederate Gen. A. H. Colquitt. It was one of the closest
to the Union lines and was selected by Gordon as the place from which to
launch the attack of March 25, 1865.
10. GRACIE'S DAM ruins (2.8) are behind Colquitt's
Salient. This dam was one of several constructed by the Confederates
around the city in order to flood the ground between the lines and
prevent a surprise attack.
The tour continues around Colquitt's Salient and back
to Siege Road.
A left turn is made on Siege Road where it is
followed by a right turn on PRINCE GEORGE COURT HOUSE ROAD (3.2)
50 yards north. This road is a colonial stage route which connected
Petersburg with Prince George Court House. Part of the road has been
restored. It leads east behind the Union siege line and in the general
direction of Grant's supply base at City Point.
11. HARRISON'S CREEK (3.5) is the major point of
historic interest on this road. On the banks of this stream the
Confederate drive of March 25, 1865, was checked by a Union artillery
barrage from a low ridge to the east followed by charges of Blue-clad
Continue straight on Prince George Court House Road
to Attack Road (4.1). This is the first intersection past Harrison's
12. BATTERY 9. The partially destroyed remains of
this battery may be seen across Attack Road. This Confederate artillery
position was part of the "Dimmock Line." It was captured by Union troops
advancing from the north in the early evening of June 15, 1864. About
one-third of a mile southeast of this point Prince George Court House
Road crossed Grant's military railroad. MEADE'S STATION, an important
Union supply and hospital depot, was located at this intersection.
A left turn is made on Attack Road. The tour
now travels north along the site of the original Confederate line
("Dimmock Line").
13. BATTERY 8 (4.5) lies to the left of a sharp curve
in Attack Road. This Confederate battery, like Battery 9, was part of
the line which fell on June 15, 1864. It was turned into a Union
artillery post named FORT FRIEND and, ironically, guns placed here by
the Northerners were used to repel the Confederates who had broken the
line at Fort Stedman. The spires of Petersburg may be seen about 2-1/2
miles west of Battery 8.
Continue on Attack Road to the intersection (4.9)
with State Route 36 (Perersburg-Hopewell Road). Turn right on
this highway and continue to the entrance to the park on the
left. This entrance is marked by a large "Petersburg National
Military Park" sign (5.1). Turn left on this road.

Battery 5 on the original Confederate defense line,
captured by Union forces on June 15, 1864.

Monument to Col. George W. Gowen, 48th
Pennsylvania Regiment, killed in the assault on Fort Mahone,
April 2, 1865.
14. BATTERY 5 (5.4) is located at the end of this
short park road. This is another of the original Confederate works which
fell on the evening of June 15. The Union Army renamed it BATTERY 4. You
may follow a path through the battery and observe the commanding
position it held against attack from the north and east. Grant's troops
overcame this by slipping around to the southwest and entering it there.
This path also leads to a full-size replica of the large siege mortar
17,000-pound, 13-inch mortar shelled Petersburg from the approximate
position where the replica now stands.
To continue the tour proceed on Mortar Road, which
encircles Battery 5, and brings you back to State Route 36 (1 mile).
Retrace your route from this point to the intersection (10.7) of U. S.
460 and 301.
At the intersection of U. S. 460 and 301A turn
left on U. S. 301 and continue to intersection (11.8) with U. S.
15. The GOWEN MONUMENT erected in honor of Col.
George W. Gowen, a Union officer from Pennsylvania, who was killed on
the last day of battle at Petersburg, April 2,1865, stands at the right
of this intersection.
16. "FORT HELL" (FORT SEDGWICK) of the Union line may
be seen on the left of U. S. 301, a short distance past the Gowen
Monument. It was given its nickname because of the heavy Confederate
artillery fire, which was concentrated there when the fort was begun.
Fort Sedgwick is now privately owned.

The moat and embankments of Union Fort Davis.
17. FORT DAVIS. Continue on U. S. 301 until you come
to this fort, on the right of the highway (12.5). In is one of the best
remaining examples of Union works. Near here Grant launched his first
attack on the WELDON RAILROAD on June 2122, 1864, but was driven
Within the fort, evidences of "bombproofs" and
traversing trenches still exist.
Turn right on to Flank Road at Fort Davis.
This follows the Union siege lines south and southwest of Petersburg.
Low breastworks still remain between the forts and batteries in many
18. FORT ALEXANDER HAYS (13.5). On the right of Flank
Road may be seen the almost completely obliterated remains of this fort.
It was built in August and September of 1864.
19. Union BATTERY 24 (13.9) stands on the left of
Flank Road. This, like other batteries on both sides, was very active
during the siege operations. It participated in the final artillery
barrage during the night of April 12, 1865.
20. BATTERY 25 (14.4) will next be seen as you
continue driving to the west on the tour.
21. The site of FORT HOWARD is approximately
one-third of a mile beyond Battery 25, although not visible from the
tour route. At Battery 25 the Union line crosses Flank Road and
continues north, or right, of the road.
22. BATTERY 26 (15.3), like Battery 25, is found on
the left. Near this battery Flank Road recrosses the earthworks.
The next important landmark after passing Battery 26
is the junction (16.0) of Flank Road with State Route 604 (Halifax
Road). In front of you is the monument to Johnson Hagood's South
Carolina brigade, and Fort Wadsworth.
23. FORT WADSWORTH stands on the left, a short
distance past this intersection. This was a strategically located
position for the Union Army, as it was close to the tracks of the Weldon
Railroad. In this vicinity, but before Fort Wadsworth was built, the
Battle of Globe Tavern was fought on August 1821, 1864. The site
of GLOBE TAVERN is about one-half mile southeast of Fort Wadsworth.
Globe Tavern was Gen. G. K. Warren's headquarters during the August
battle. Directly west of Fort Wadsworth, Flank Road underpasses the
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. The tour continues straight west,
following Union infantry breastworks on the left, to the intersection
(16.7) with State Route 675. State Route 675 may be found mentioned in
Civil War dispatches as VAUGHAN ROAD. A left turn is made on
State Route 675.

Poplar Grove National Cemetery.
(16.2) is identified by a marker. Turn left on to the cemetery
grounds. Poplar Grove is situated on ground captured by the Union Army
in the fight for the Weldon Railroad, August 1821. In the winter
of 186465, the 50th New York Engineers, encamped here, constructed
a large log church. The cemetery contains the graves of more than 6,000
soldiers and veterans, of which over 4,000 are unknown. Nearly all are
Union veterans of the Civil War.
After a drive through the cemetery grounds the tour
returns to State Route 675 (17.9). Turn right and drive north to
the junction (18.3) with State Route 676 which intersects 675 on the
left. A turn is made on Route 676. That route is followed to the
end, where it connects with State Route 613 (19.1), known to history as
25. Union FORT URMSTON was constructed in the autumn
and early winner of 1864 on the west side of the Squirrel Level Road. It
was named in honor of a Union officer killed at the Battle of Peebles'
Farm (September 29October 1, 1864). The heaviest fighting of this
engagement took place around Peebles' Farm, three-quarters of a mile
southwest of here.
Turn left on State Route 613 and continue to
the intersection (19.6) with State Route 672 (CHURCH ROAD). State Route
672 is the right fork at this intersection. Turn on this road and
continue in a northwest direction.
26. FORT FISHER (20.3) is situated on the right side
of the road. This Union stronghold is in an excellent state of
preservation, and it is one of the largest earthen forts constructed in
the Civil War. Fort Fisher played an important part in the campaign
after it was built in late 1864. Near it was a 150-foot Union watchtower
used to observe enemy movements and to spot artillery fire. Behind it, a
short distance to the south, was a field of execution for military
offenders and spies where, according to one observer, violators paid the
supreme penalty nearly every week. It was a signal gun from Fort Fisher
which boomed the beginning of the final assault on the defenses of
Petersburg, April 2,1865.
27. FORTS WELCH and GREGG. On the left of the road
the Union line continues to these forts, the remains of which are not
visible from the road.
The tour is resumed on State Route 672, or Church
Road. This runs from the Union to the Confederate line. The road crosses
the tracks of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad and, later, overpasses the
Norfolk and Western Beltline Railroad. The direction of the tour is
north toward the Appomattox River (21.8). Turn right at the
intersection with State Route 603 and continue to the end of State Route
672 (21.3) where it inter sects State Route 142. This road (142) was
named the BOYDTON PLANK ROAD at the time of the siege. Turn right
on State Route 142. The direction of the tour is east along the
Confederate defense line which was built south of Petersburg.
28. Confederate FORT GREGG (22.4). The partially
destroyed remains of this fort are located nearly opposite a Union fort
of the same name. Fort Gregg is situated about 100 yards to the left, or
north, of the highway. It is memorable for the desperate struggle it put
up against the Union attack on April 2, 1865. When it fell, the last
Confederate stronghold on the outer line west of the city was in
Northern hands.
29. FORT LEE (23.3). Continue on State Route 142 to
this fort and junction with Park Road (Defense Road) on the right.
Originally Battery 45 on the "Dimmock Line," Fort lee was renamed in
honor of the Confederate commander in chief. It was successfully held
after the outer line fell on April 2, but was evacuated when the
Confederates fled from Petersburg that night.
Turn right on Defense Road at Fort Lee and
continue to the junction (23.8) with the Squirrel Level Road (State
Route 613). On the right, or south, of Defense Road may be seen the
remains of Confederate breast works. Cross Squirrel Level Road
and follow Defense Road. A short distance past this intersection the
route underpasses the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. After winding
through a stand of tall pine trees, Defense Road merges with City Park
Road (25.0).
30. BATTERY PEGRAM, an important Confederate
artillery position, lies 100 yards to the right of this point.
The tour continues straight on City Park Road, which
is a continuation of Defense Road. This curves through a ravine and, on
the right, as the ascent from the ravine is begun, is Wilcox Lake, owned
by the city of Petersburg.
31. FORT WALKER (25.5) is at the top of the hill.
This, like Fort Lee, was taken by the Union troops after Lee's
withdrawal during the night of April 23, 1865.
At Fort Walker, City Park Road merges with
South Boulevard. This street approximates the Confederate defense line
and now passes through the Walnut Hill section of Petersburg. Follow
South Boulevard to the junction (26.6) with South Sycamore Street (U. S.

Interior of Confederate Fort Mahone as it
looked shortly after its capture in April 1865.
Courtesy, National Archives.
32. Confederate FORT MAHONE was situated near the
large Pennsylvania Monument which is visible 150 yards to the right of
this intersection. This fort was the scene of heavy fighting on April 2,
1865. You may turn on South Sycamore Street if you so desire. A right
turn will lead toward Emporia, Va.; a left turn north toward
Cross South Sycamore Street and continue on South
Boulevard to intersection (26.8) with U. S. 301. Turn left on U.
5. 301 and return to the Crater (28.0) and park museum where tour
In addition to these tours you may follow U. S. 1
south to the point where Gen. A. P. Hill fell, and on to Hatcher's Run,
Burgess' Mill, and Dinwiddie Court House. These, and other important
historical points, are identified by Virginia State historical markers.
Four miles south of U. S. 460, west of Petersburg, is the Five Forks
Battlefield where the fight occurred on April 1, 1865. The point closest
no in on U. S. 460 is also indicated by a Virginia marker.