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map of The Battle of Second Manassas
(click on the above map for a larger image)

Second Battle of Manassas (see map above)

FIRST PHASE—BRISTOE AND MANASSAS, AUGUST 27. Pope, now advised of the presence of Jackson in his rear, immediately ordered a concentration of his forces in order to crush him. McDowell's and Sigel's corps, together with the division of Reynolds, were to move to Gainesville, while Reno's corps, with Kearny's division of Heintzelman's corps, was to concentrate at Greenwich. By these dispositions Pope hoped to intercept any reinforcements coming to Jackson by way of Thoroughfare Gap. With Hooker's division of Heintzelman's corps Pope moved along the railroad to Manassas Junction.

On the afternoon of August 27, Hooker attacked Ewell and drove him back upon Bristoe. During the night, Ewell retired to Manassas where he joined the rest of Jackson's force. Pope now learned for the first time that the whole of Jackson's command was at Manassas. New orders were issued for a concentration at that point. Porter was ordered to march at 1 a. m. of the 28th from Warrenton Junction and be in position at Bristoe by daylight. McDowell, Sigel, and Reno were to move at dawn upon Manassas Junction, while Kearny was to advance at the same hour upon Bristoe.

About 3 a. m., August 28, Jackson began to move out of Manassas toward Groveton. In order to mystify and mislead Pope, he sent Taliaferro along the Manassas-Sudley Road, Ewell along the Centreville Road via Blackburn's Ford and the Stone Bridge to Groveton, and A. P. Hill to Centreville and thence along the Warrenton Pike to a position near Sudley Church.

Moving with Kearny's division, Pope arrived at Manassas Junction at noon, to find the town deserted. Later in the day, word was received that the Confederates had been seen in Centreville. Pope thereupon ordered a concentration at this place in the belief that Jackson's whole force was there. The corps of Heintzelman and Reno moved along the Centreville Road; Sigel and Reynolds along the Manassas-Sudley Road; King's division of McDowell's corps along the Warrenton Pike.

battle of Groveton or Second Bull Run
"The battle of Groveton or Second Bull Run between the Union Army commanded by Genl. Pope and Con. Army under Genl. Robert E. Lee. Sketched from Bald face hill (Henry Hill) on Saturday afternoon half past three o'clock . . . Looking toward the village of Groveton."
From original wartime sketch, with title by E. Forbes. Courtesy Library of Congress.
(click on the above image for a larger size)

Note. The artist identified the following points:

 "1. Thoroughfare Gap through which Genl. Lee's Army passed.
  2. Rebs line of battle.
  3. The old R.R. embankment behind which the Con. were posted.
  4. The old Stone House on the Turnpike used as a hospital.
  5. Warrenton Turnpike.
  6. Bald face hill (Henry Hill).
  7. Henry Hill (Buck Hill).
  8. Union line of battle.
  9. McDowell's corps moving to the left flank to repel Longstreet's attack which had just commenced.
 10. Sudley Springs road."

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