The Ark Royal or Ark Raleigh. Somewhat smaller ships of
this general appearance brought the colonists to Roanoke Island.
Raleigh's First Colony, 158586
The next spring, Raleigh sent a colony of 108 persons
to Roanoke Island. The expedition, commanded by Raleigh's cousin, Sir
Richard Grenville, sailed from Plymouth, England, on April 9, 1585, in
seven ships, the largest of which was of 140 tons' burthen. Included in
the group of ship captains and colonists were Philip Amadas and Simon
Ferdinando of the expedition of the previous year; Thomas Cavendish,
then on his first great voyage but destined to be the third
circumnavigator of the globe; Grenville's half-brother, John Arundell,
and brother-in-law, John Stukeley; and other Raleigh cousins and
connections, among them Richard Gilbert, a Courtenay, a Prideaux, Ralph
Lane, and Anthony Rowse, a friend of Drake's. There were an artist, or
illustrator, John White; a scientist, named Thomas Hariot; and, among
the humbler folk, an Irishman, Darby Glande or Glaven. The two Indians,
Wanchese and Manteo, returned to America on this voyage.