"The Arrival of the Englishmen in Virginia," engraved by Theodore
de Bry from one of John White's drawings. The view is toward the west,
and Dasamonquepeuc is shown on the main land west of the north end of
Roanoke Island.
Cape Hatteras, now known as Ocracoke, was reached on June 26. The
remainder of the month and most of July were spent in exploring the
coastal islands and the adjacent mainland. During one of these
expeditions, Grenville sought to strike terror into the hearts of the
Indians by burning the Indian village of Aquascogok in retaliation for
the theft of a silver cup stolen by one of the Indians. Not until July
27 did Grenville anchor at Hatoraske, off the barrier island, a short
distance southeast of Roanoke Island. Here at a break in the barrier
reef, almost due east of the southern tip of Roanoke Island, Simon
Ferdinando discovered a port, named Port Ferdinando in his honor and
considered the best port along that stretch of coast.
A colony was established on the "North end" of
Roanoke Island, and Ralph Lane was made Governor. From Port Ferdinando,
and later from Roanoke Island, letters were written by Lane to Secretary
Walsingham informing him of the successful founding of the colony. Still
another letter was written to Sir Philip Sidney, son-in-law of
Walsingham, who was interested in western discovery. A letter to Richard
Hakluyt, geographer and historian, written by Lane from the settlement
on Roanoke Island indicated that the Governor of Virginia was impressed
by the "huge and unknowen greatnesse" of the American continent. He
added that if Virginia only had horses and cows in some reasonable
proportion and were inhabited by Englishmen, no realm in Christendom
would be comparable to it. The Indians, he said naively, were
"courteous, and very desirous to have clothes," but valued red copper
above everything else. Wingina, chief of the Roanoke Island Indians, had
received the white men hospitably and had cooperated with them in the
initial phases of the founding of the settlement. This is clear from
Grenville's account as well as Lane's.

Sir Philip Sidney, from a portrait painted
in 1571. Courtesy National Portrait Gallery, London.

Sir Richard Grenville about 1577.
Courtesy National Portrait Gallery, London.
Grenville lingered a short while after the founding
of the settlement, then returned to England for supplies. On the way
home he captured a richly laden Spanish ship, which must have repaid him
handsomely for his western trip. On his arrival in England, he too
reported to Walsingham, thus acknowledging the interest of the Queen and
emphasizing the seminational character of the Virginian enterprise.
Lane built a fort called "The new Fort in Virginia,"
where the present Fort Raleigh National Historic Site is situated and
where the remains of a fort were still visible as late as 1896. The fort
was located near the shore on the east side of Roanoke Island between
the "North Point" of the north end of the Island and a "creek." The
mouth of the so-called creek was big enough to serve as the anchorage
for small boats (Shallow Bag Bay, known as late as 1716 as "Town
Lane's fort on Roanoke Island resembled in some
noteworthy respects the fort which he had built on St. Johns Island,
Puerto Rico, in May 1585, when he seized the salt supply. Both forts
seem to have been roughly shaped like a star built on a square with the
bastions constructed on the sides of the square instead of at the
corners, as was common in later fortifications. Copies of the plans of
these forts may be seen in the Fort Raleigh museum.
The dwelling houses of the early colonists were near
the fort, which was too small to enclose them. They were described by
the colonists themselves as "decent dwelling houses" or "cottages" and
must have been at least a story and a half or two stories high, because
we have a reference to the "neather roomes of them." The roofs were
thatched, as we learn from Ralph Lane's statement that the Indians by
night "would have beset my house, and put fire in the reedes that the
same was covered with." The chimneys and the foundations may have been
of brick, because Darby Glande later testified that "as soon as they had
disembarked [at Roanoke] they began to make brick and fabric for a fort
and houses." Pieces of brick were reported found at the fort site as
late as 1860, and recent archeological work at the fort turned up a few
brickbats, possibly of the Elizabethan period.
Thomas Hariot remarked that though stone was not
found on the island, there was good clay for making bricks, and lime
could be made from nearby deposits of oyster shells in the same manner
that lime was made "in the Isles of Tenet and Shepy, and also in divers
other places of England." However, as no evidence of the extensive use
of brick has yet been found, it is perhaps safe to assume that the chief
building material was rough boards. It has already been noted that they
had a forge which they could set up to make nails. Richard Hakluyt, in
his Discourse of Western Planting, written at the request of Sir
Walter Raleigh in 1584, about 1 year before the colony sailed, had
recommended as "things to be prepared for the voyadge" that any colonial
expedition should include "men experte in the arte of fortification,"
"makers of spades and shovells," "shipwrights," "millwrights, to make
milles for spedy and cheape sawing of timber and boardes for trade, and
first traficque of suertie," "millwrights, for corne milles," "Sawyers
for common use," "Carpinters, for buildinges," "Brick makers," "Tile
makers," "Lyme makers," "Bricklayers," "Tilers," "Thatchers with reedes,
rushes, broome, or strawe," "Rough Masons," "Carpinters," and
"Lathmakers." The presumption therefore is that typical English thatched
cottages and houses, such as were found in rural Elizabethan England,
were built at Roanoke. (The log cabin appears to have been introduced
into America about 50 years later by the Swedes and Finns on the
Delaware.) The Roanoke cottages were presumably well built. The skilled
labor of the expedition had been able to construct a seaworthy pinnace
at Puerto Rico in less than a month's time.