The Indian Village of Pomeiooc, engraved by De Bry from a drawing
by John White.
The Lost Colony of 1587
In the year 1587, Sir Walter Raleigh organized
another colonial expedition consisting of 150 persons. Its truer
colonizing character was evidenced by the significant facts that, unlike
the expedition of 1585, this one included women and children, and the
men were called "planters." Its government was also less military, since
the direction of the enterprise in Virginia was to be in the hands of a
syndicate of sub-patenteesa governor and 12 assistants whom
Raleigh incorporated as the "Governor and Assistants of the Citie of
Ralegh in Virginia."
The new arrangement indicated that colonization was
becoming less of a one-man venture and more of a corporate or business
enterprise, anticipating in a certain degree the later English companies
that were to found successful colonies in Virginia and New England.
Exactly what inducements Raleigh offered to the planters are not known.
His terms were probably liberal, however, because Hariot, writing in
February 1587, paid tribute to Raleigh's generosity, saying that the
least that he had granted had been 500 acres of land to each man willing
to go to America. Those contributing money or supplies, as well as their
person, probably stood to receive more. From the list of names that has
come down to us, it would appear that at least 10 of the planters took
their wives with them. Ambrose Viccars and Arnold Archard brought not
only their wives but one child each, Ambrose Viccars and Thomas Archard.
Altogether there were at least 17 women and 9 children in the group that
arrived safely in Virginia.
In still another respect, this second colonial
expedition seemed to anticipate the later Jamestown settlement. Raleigh
had directed, in writing, that the fort and colony be established in the
Chesapeake Bay area where a better port could be had and where
conditions for settlement were considered to be more favorable.
The fleet, consisting of three ships, sailed from
Plymouth for Virginia on May 8. Continuity with the previous expeditions
was afforded in the persons of the Governor, John White, who was to make
in all five trips to Virginia, Simon Ferdinando, Captain Stafford, Darby
Glande, the Irishman, and perhaps others. The route, as in 1585, lay via
"Moskito Bay" in Puerto Rico. Here Darby Glande was left behind, or
escaped, and lived to testify regarding the first Roanoke Island colony
before the Spanish authorities at St. Augustine some years later. The
expedition sailed along the coast of Haiti, even passing by "Isabella"
where Grenville had traded with the Spaniards for cattle and other
necessities in 1585, but this time there was no trading, possibly
because of the precarious relations between England and Spain, now on
the eve of open war. Whatever the reason for this failure to take in
supplies in Haiti, it constituted a certain handicap for the colony of