The audience at one of the performances of Paul Green's play "The
Lost Colony."
The National Historic Site
Fort Raleigh was transferred to the National Park
Service of the United States Department of the Interior in 1940. On
April 5, 1941, it was designated Fort Raleigh National Historic Site
under provision of the act of Congress commonly referred to as the
Historic Sites Act, approved August 21, 1935 (49 Stat. 666), to
commemorate Sir Walter Raleigh's colonies and the birthplace of Virginia
Dare, first child of English parentage to be born in the New World. The
area of the site in Federal ownership is 18.50 acres and embraces part
of the settlement sites of 1585 and 1587 and the fort site. By a
cooperative agreement between the Roanoke Island Historical Association
and the United States, the play, the Lost Colony, continues to be
given each season in the Waterside Theater at Fort Raleigh. This
arrangement provides for the unhampered production of the play with all
of its creative folk qualities. The income from the play is dedicated to
the maintenance of the theater, the next season's production, and the
expansion and development of the historic site.
How to Reach the Site
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site is 3 miles north
of Manteo, N. C. on State Route 345. It is 92 miles southeast of
Norfolk, Va., and 67 miles southeast of Elizabeth City, N. C. From
Norfolk, Va., take Virginia and North Carolina Routes 170 and 34 to
junction of U. S. 158, then over U. S. 158 to Manteo. Manteo may be
reached also from Elizabeth City, N. C., over U. S. 158.
Traffic from the south and west can reach the site by
the route from Elizabeth City, or from Washington, N. C., over U. S.
264, or from Williamston, N. C., over U. S. 64.
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site is administered
by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the
Interior. Communications and inquiries should be addressed to the
Superintendent, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, Manteo, N. C.
Related Areas
Other historical areas in the East associated with
early colonization of America, which are administered by the National
Park Service, are Castillo de San Marcos National Monument, Fla.; De
Soto National Memorial, Fla.; Fort Matanzas National Monument, Fla.; San
Juan National Historic Site, Puerto Rico; Ackia Battleground National
Monument, Miss.; Colonial National Historical Park (Jamestown, Yorktown,
and Cape Henry Memorial), Va.; Fort Frederica National Monument, Ga.;
and Fort Caroline National Memorial, Fla.
About Your Visit
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site is open the
entire year. Information and literature may be obtained in the museum.
Organizations and groups are given special service if arrangements are
made in advance with the superintendent. The Lost Colony,
pageant-drama, is produced in the Waterside Theater between June and
September at night according to hours and dates fixed by the sponsoring
Roanoke Island Historical Association.