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The Braddock Expedition
articles of capitulation signed on July 4, 1754, after the action at
Fort Necessity, the French now hoped that further conflict in the
trans-Allegheny region would be ended. The British, however, far from
accepting the unfavorable outcome of that battle as a conclusive test of
their strength on the frontier, soon began preparations to challenge
again the French power west of the Alleghenies.
The renewed effort to drive the French from the Ohio,
however, was not to be a Colonial undertaking. Governor Dinwiddie,
attributing the defeat at Fort Necessity to lack of knowledge of French
and Indian reinforcements at Fort Duquesne and to the indifference of
certain colonies, particularly New York, in supporting the expedition
against Fort Duquesne, now began preparation for a new campaign. On July
20, he ordered the enlargement of the post at Wills Creek. A log fort
and a storage magazine, capable of holding provisions for 1,200 to 1,400
men over a 6-month period, were built.
With this greatly strengthened establishment, he
planned to send some 900 men and 6 swivel guns under Colonel Innes
across the Alleghenies in an effort to capture the French fort on the
Ohio. The refusal of the officers of the Independent Companies of New
York and South Carolina and the mutinous conduct of the Virginia troops
compelled Dinwiddie to abandon his plan. The failure of support in his
expedition against Fort Duquesne and the lack of Colonial cooperation
reflected in the Albany Congress of 1754 led him to believe that only
with aid from England could a Colonial force successfully deal with the
French. The British Government, therefore, prepared an elaborate plan of
attack. Four expeditions were projected against the French strongholds
at Fort Duquesne, Fort Niagara, Fort St. Frederic (Crown Point), and
Fort Beausejour, with the main thrust directed against Fort
The Duke of Cumberland. From Cunningham,
Lives of Eminent Englishmen.
The Duke of Cumberland, Captain General of the
British Army and soldier son of the King (George II), now took the
initiative in promoting the British campaign against the French. He
appointed Maj. Gen. Edward Braddock, an officer of 45 years' service and
a veteran of the Coldstream Guards, to be in command of the Fort
Duquesne expedition as well as of all British troops in America. With
the 44th regiment under Sir Peter Halkett and the 48th under Col. Thomas
Dunbar, augmented by Colonials mainly from Virginia and Maryland,
Braddock had assembled a formidable force. Lt. Col. George Washington
accepted a place on Braddock's staff as one of the general's three