"General Custer's Last Battle," painted by Elk
Eber. The original is on exhibition in the Karl May Museum, Dresden,
Germany. This painting is fairly accurate in details. The absence of
sabers or swords agrees with factual data. The soldiers were equipped
with Springfield carbines and Colt or Remington revolvers; and perhaps
one-third of the Indian warriors used firearms.
THE BATTLE of the Little Bighorn River, on
June 2526, 1876, was one of the last important instances of
violent resistance by the American Indians to the advance of white
settlement. This fight was the principal one in the war whereby the Northern
Cheyenne and several tribes of Sioux, described as hostile, were
The battle consisted of two entirely separate
actions. The first, in the valley, was fought under the leadership of
Major Reno, whose troops retreated before an overwhelming number of
Indians and took refuge on the bluffs across the river where, joined by
Captain Benteen's force, they defended themselves until the foe
withdrew. In the other action fought nearly 5 miles away, in the
vicinity of what is now the monument headquarters, five troops of the
Seventh Cavalry under Custer's personal command were overwhelmed by the
savage fury of the attacking horde. This was "Custer's Last Battle."

Maj. Gen. George A. Custer about 1865. The wide hat, sailor's
shirt, and red cravat were of his own design.
(Photograph by Brady.)
Causes of Warfare
The continued expansion of the white men west of the
Mississippi River forced the Plains Indians on restricted reservations.
Good grazing and hunting lands had been allotted to them, only to be
taken away when avaricious white settlers and fortune hunters demanded
the land for other uses.
The treaty of 1868, signed at Fort Laramie, Wyo.,
provided that a large area be set aside as a permanent home for Sioux
and Cheyenne Indians. This area, known as the Great Sioux Reservation,
included the Black Hills, which were abundant with game, and was for the
exclusive use of the Indians. The treaty also specified that the Indians
retain certain hunting privileges within defined limits outside the
In 1874 General Custer and the Seventh Cavalry were
sent from Fort Lincoln, in Dakota Territory, with a scientific
expedition into the Black Hills, principally to explore the area and to secure
military information. While exploring the country, rumors of gold in the
hills were confirmed by prospectors who accompanied the military force.
The immediate effect of the circulation of news of
the gold discovery by Custer's Black Hills expedition was the invasion
of the region by hordes of miners. Since the hills lay within the Great
Sioux Reservation the Federal Government was bound by treaty stipulation
to prevent the migration of its citizens to the area. Because of actual
and potential values of the Black Hills to the Indians, would-be
intruders could expect anything but gentle treatment. The magnetic
attraction of gold, however, was too powerful for either fears of
physical dangers or personal hardships to counteract. Nor did respect
for the sanctity of treaty obligations serve as an effective deterrent.
Hence, the white adventurers were ready to brave the hardships of a
Dakota winter in an isolated wilderness infested by semihostile Indians
and possible military eviction.
From the viewpoint of the whites, the conflict was
caused by the hostility of certain Indians who made raids on the white
settlements and refused to reside on the reservations. From the Indian
point of view, the conflict was due to the repeated encroachment upon
their lands by frontiersmen, often in violation of treaty stipulations.
The rations issued the Indians at the reservations did not always seem
sufficient to meet their wants, and they were angered particularly by
the invasion of their reservations by gold seekers who, in defiance of
Government orders and despite the eviction of some of their numbers by
the military, persisted in going into the Black Hills.
