Custer's Crow Indian scouts visit Custer
Battlefield. From left to right are White-Man-Runs-Him, Hairy Mocassin,
Curley, and Goes Ahead. (Photograph by Wanamaker about
Custer's Troops Take to the Trail
General Custer had started up the Rosebud Creek with
about 600 soldiers, 44 Indian Scouts, and 20 or more packers, guides,
and civilians. They moved cautiously along the creek, crossing it
several times as they sought the most advantageous marching and
camping ground. The afternoon of the third day, June 24, the scouts
reported that the Indian trail they were following turned abruptly to
the right and went west ward toward the Little Bighorn River Valley.
They were then only about 8 miles from where the Indians had defeated
Crook's forces on June 17, but having received no communication from
General Crook, they had no knowledge of the battle. After darkness set
in and the men and horses had rested, Custer broke camp and continued to
follow the trail. During the night the cavalrymen moved several miles
nearer the high divide between the Little Bighorn and Rosebud Valleys.
Then they halted to await daylight so that a more careful reconnaissance
of the surrounding country might be made.
At daybreak, from a high point on the divide, the
scouts observed smoke in the Little Bighorn Valley, implying that the
Indians were encamped there. This information was carried to Custer,
but by the time he reached the point a haze, caused by the brilliance of
the sun, obscured the view. Evidently, Custer was not entirely convinced
as to the location of the Indians. On returning to camp, he was informed
that the Indians had discovered their presence. He then called a
conference of officers and to them he stated that his plan had been to
rest a day in the hills and to make the attack early on the morning of
the 26th as was previously outlined by General Terry. Their discovery
by the Indians, however, altered the plan, and it now seemed urgent to
attack at once. A delay until the next day might result in the escape
of the Indians.