The Story of Jamestown
On May 13, 1607, three small English ships approached
Jamestown Island in Virginiathe Susan Constant of 100 tons
commanded by Capt. Christopher Newport and carrying 71 persons; the
Godspeed of 40 tons commanded by Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold and
carrying 52 persons; and the Discovery, a pinnace, of 20 tons
under Capt. John Ratcliffe, carrying 21 persons. During the day (as
George Percy, one of the party on board, relates) they maneuvered the
ships so close to the shore that they were "moored to the Trees in six
fathom [of] water." The next day, May 14, he continues, "we landed all
our men, which were set to worke about the fortification, others some to
watch and ward as it was convenient." Thus, the first permanent English
settlement in America was begun on the shores of the James River, in
Virginia, about 20 years after the ill-fated attempts to establish a
colony on Roanoke Island and 13 years before the Pilgrims made their
historic landing at Plymouth, in New England.
THE ENGLISH BACKGROUND. The settlement at Jamestown,
in 1607, was another step, albeit a most significant step, in England's
quest for a place in the vast New World first indicated by Columbus in
his discovery of 1492 and made known to Europe through his and other
expeditions. King Henry VII of England early sought to establish a claim
in North America and sponsored the now famous voyage of John and
Sebastian Cabot in 1497. The Cabots touched points along the Atlantic
coast, and their discoveries were ever afterward pointed to with pride
by Englishmen discussing their rights in the New World. As William
Strachey wrote, in 1612, ". . . our voyages hither for a while might
seeme to lye slumbering, yet our tytle could not thereby out sleepe
ytself . . .". Despite this, England was occupied at home and in Europe
and did not press this advantage. Spain took the lead in colonial
settlement and held it for decades. How many Englishmen set foot on the
North American continent in the first three-quarters of the 16th century
may never be known. They were no strangers in the fishing waters off
Newfoundland, and in this region there appear to have been landings and
temporary settlements. Even so, serious attempts at colonization did not
begin until the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and then it was pushed
vigorously by men of the mark of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Sir Walter
Raleigh, and their associates.
Sir Humphrey lost his life in 1583 when returning
from his attempted settlement of St. John's Port, Newfoundland. Sir
Walter Raleigh diligently sought to establish the English flag to the
south. He sent out two colonial expeditions to found a settlement on
Roanoke Island in present eastern North Carolina. Both failed in their
over-all purpose. It was the expedition of 1587 (the last) which set
sail for the Chesapeake Bay country and landed on Roanoke Island that
has come down to us as the "Lost Colony"the settlement that saw
the birth of Virginia Dare and that left the baffling inscription
suggesting that the members of the colony moved, willingly or
unwillingly, to be with the Croatan Indians who lived not far from
Roanoke. The early men at Jamestown knew of their countrymen who were
lost in America and were under orders to seek them. This they did, but
their search went unrewarded.
By 1600, England was readying herself for a concerted
drive to establish colonies in the New World. The way had been prepared
by the farsighted Queen Elizabeth and her supporters. Within England
there had been growth; capital had accumulated; industry was taking
root; commercial organization was beginning; and Englishmen were ready
for new adventures. Outwardly, England had grown through its naval
successes and had developed a keen hostility to Spain. Individual
Englishmen, each depending on his own circumstances, were seeking more
profitable employment, personal freedom (particularly religious
liberty), land ownership, personal advancement, adventure, and just
plain change. A new England was in the making and the British Empire was
about to rise in the West and in the Orient as well. With the accession
of James I to the English throne, peace was made with Spain, a peace
that was maintained although it was an uneasy onefrom time to time
little more than an armed truce. Yet, because of it, English capital
came out of hiding and sought profitable investment. Business
development increased and joint stock companies began to organize for
overseas settlement.
Colonization was expensive, however, and required the
pooled resources of many men. Advertising, which reached a peak early in
the 17th century, was put to work in a manner that would do credit to
the present day. Its use in commerce and government is by no means of
recent date. Spokesmenspeakers, writers, poets, pamphleteers, play
wrights, and preacherssolicited all England to take part in these
new endeavors which, in their words, gave every assurance of profitable
The exploits of men such as Raleigh and Gilbert,
Martin Frobisher, Michael Lok, John Davis, Thomas Cavendish, Sir Francis
Drake, and Sir John Hawkins had already made England conscious of the
potentialities of the New World and of the need to seek a part of it.
Others followed these earlier leaders. In 1602 Raleigh sent yet another
ship under Samuel Mace to seek the lost settlers of Roanoke, and in the
same year a vessel went out under Bartholomew Gosnold who attempted a
settlement on Elizabeth's Island in present Massachusetts. Gosnold and
another in this party, Gabriel Archer, were to become prominent later in
the Jamestown settlement. In 1603, Martin Pring made a voyage along the
northern part of Virginia. In 1605, came the expedition under George
Weymouth to the Kennebec River on the New England coast. He spent some
weeks here and returned to England carrying with him several Indian
natives from that region.

The arrival of the settlers at Jamestown in 1607.
(A painting by Griffith Baily Coale in the State Capitol, Richmond,
On April 10, 1606, the first Virginia charter
received the great seal of England. This document recognized two groups
and two spheres of influence that would fall between the thirty-fourth
and forty-fifth parallels of north latitude along the American coast.
One was interested in North Virginia and was granted to Thomas Hanham,
Raleigh Gilbert, William Parker, George Popham, and others of and for
Plymouth and other English places. This group was first in the field
with exploration, dispatching a ship in August 1606 under Henry
Challons. In May 1607, they sent a colony to the mouth of the Kennebec
in Maine, but, in the spring of 1608, after a severe winter, the
settlement was given up.
The second group, organized under the charter of
1606, was that interested in south Virginia. This patent went to Sir
Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, Richard Hakluyt, Edward Maria
Wingfield, and others of and for the city of London. The treasurer of
the group was Sir Thomas Smith, one of the most capable businessmen of
the day. Richard Hakluyt, the foremost authority on travel, foreign
regions, and colonization in general, assembled helpful data and had a
large part in the preparation of instructions and orders for those to be
sent our as colonists. It was this group and their associates that
organized, financed, and directed the expedition that reached Jamestown
on May 13, 1607, and saw to it that supplies came through and
reinforcements were procured in the lean years of the settlement.
The immediate and long-range reasons for the
settlement were many and, perhaps, thoroughly mixed. Profit and
exploitation of the country were expected, for, after all, this was a
business enterprise and they were necessary for long-range activity. A
permanent settlement was the objective. Support, financial and popular,
came from a cross section of English life. It seems obvious from
accounts and papers of the period that it was generally thought that
Virginia was being settled for the glory of God, for the honor of the
King, for the welfare of England, and for the advancement of the Company
and its individual members. In England and in Virginia they expected and
did carry the word of God to the natives, although not with the same
verve as the Spanish. They expected to develop natural resources, to
free the mother country from dependence on European states, to
strengthen their navy, and to increase national wealth and power. They
expected to be a thorn in the side of the Spanish Empire; in fact, they
hoped one day to challenge and overshadow that empire. They sought to
find the answer to agricultural unemployment at home. They sought many
things, not the least of them being gold, silver, and land. As the men
stepped ashore on Jamestown Island, perhaps each had a slightly
different view of why he was there, yet some one or a combination of
these motives was probably the reason.