Early ceramic types found in the excavations.
Jamestown National Historic Site
The first organized effort toward saving the
Jamestown area came in 1893 when the Association for the Preservation of
Virginia Antiquities acquired 22.5 acres of the old townsite. This land,
donated for preservation by Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Barney, embraced the
Old Church Tower, the graveyard, and the west end of the townsite.
The Association which was chartered in 1889 is better
known, perhaps, as the APVA. It is a non-profit organization interested
in the acquisition, preservation, and restoration of "ancient historic
grounds, buildings, monuments, and tombs in the Commonwealth of
Virginia" and in the collection and care of relics associated with them
or with the history of the State. Its Jamestown property is one of a
number of holdings which it administers. Another is the 17th-century
Warren House on the Rolfe property in Surry County just across the James
River from Jamestown.
Until 1934 the Association was the sole active agency
working at Jamestown to conserve and interpret the site for the American
people. As the custodian of a significant part of the site of old "James
Towne," it continues working to promote measures insuring the protection
of the site and making it available for your use and inspiration.
Landscaping, limited reconstruction, some restoration, and the
stabilization of the remains of the Old Church Tower, the tombs, and
foundations have all been a part of its program; together with the
acquisition and display of Jamestown relics. In its work, it has
solicited and received aid from various organizations, particularly
patriotic societies, in the placement of memorials, and related
activities. The Memorial Church was constructed by the National Society
of the Colonial Dames of America. The Association was especially active
in preparation for the Jamestown Exposition in 1907.
The Association was successful in its efforts to
encourage the United Stares Government to construct the seawall which
was built by Col. Samuel H. Yonge in 1900-1901 to halt bank erosion by
the James River along the Association grounds. Colonel Yonge became a
serious student of Jamestown history and wrote The Site of Old "James
Towne," 16071698, a work still available through purchase from
the Association. In 1907, the Association made available the grounds on
which the Tercentenary Monument was erected, and again in 1956 it
provided land on which to place the Jamestown Visitor Center.
In 1940 the Association entered into agreement with
the United States of America, through the Secretary of the Interior, to
provide for a unified program of development and administration for the
island. It was at this time that the APVA grounds were designated as
Jamestown National Historic Sire. The joint cooperative agreement
continues in force and the Association and the National Park Service are
working together to preserve, maintain, and interpret this historic
In 1956 it became possible to present the townsite as
a single unit when the ferry to the island and the State highway
crossing the island were moved upriver above Jamestown. The APVA and the
Service then combined their separate museum exhibits to form the
displays now seen in the Visitor Center, and consolidated other
operations at the center where both are hosts to Jamestown visitors.

Excavation in progress at Jamestown in
In 1930, by Presidential proclamation, all of
Jamestown Island's 1,559.5 acres (equally divided between marsh and dry
land) were included within the boundaries of Colonial National Monument.
The monument designation was changed to that of a national historical
park by act of Congress in 1936. Actual Federal ownership of the island
(other than the 22-acre Association tract) was obtained in 1934, and
some years later, a bit of the mainland opposite the western tip of
Jamestown was added because of its close ties to the site.
Colonial National Historical Park is made up of
several areas of which Jamestown is one. It includes, as well, the Cape
Henry Memorial, at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, where the first
settlers who established Jamestown first stopped in Virginia; the
Yorktown Battlefield; and the Colonial Parkway.