Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant, commanding the Union Army of the Tennessee.
Courtesy National Archives.

Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton, commanding the Confederate Army of
Vicksburg. Courtesy Flohr Studio, Vicksburg.
The Bayou Expeditions:
Grant Moves Against Vicksburg and Fails
By the end of January, Grant had arrived at the Union
encampment at Milliken's Bend, 30 miles north of Vicksburg, and assumed
leadership of the operations against Vicksburg. His army, numbering
about 45,000, was divided into three corps under General Sherman, Maj.
Gen. John McClernand, and Maj. Gen. James Birdseye McPherson.
Cooperating with the army, and providing aid without which the bayou
expeditions would not have been possible, was the Western Flotilla under
Porter. This fleet consisted of 11 ironclads, 38 wooden gunboats, rams,
and sundry auxiliary craft mounting over 300 guns and carrying a
complement of 5,500. The war in the West now hinged upon the
effectiveness of this combined land and naval force. Under Grant's
direction it maneuvered over hundreds of miles of river and bayou
seeking to outflank Vicksburg. The capture of the city would result not
from great battles but from a war of movement.
Vicksburg proved difficult partly because of the topography of the area,
which so favored defense of the city as to render the fortress almost
impregnable to attack. To move against the city it was necessary to
reach the bluffs which extended north and south and on which Vicksburg
had been built. Behind the bluffs, to the east, lay dry ground on which
an army might maneuver; below the bluffs, on both sides of the river,
flooded swamplands prevented ground movements. With his army behind the
bluffs, either above or below, Grant might come to grips with
Pemberton's Army of Vicksburg. Unless he reached the bluffs, capture of
the city would be impossible; it could not be assaulted from the
The line of bluffs which marks the eastern boundary
of the Mississippi Valley leaves the river at Memphis, curves in a great
250-mile arc away from the river, and then swings back to reach the
river again at Vicksburg. Enclosed between the bluffs and the river is
the "Delta"a strip of land averaging some 60 miles in width, which
is now a fertile, well-drained, cotton-growing region. In 1863, it was a
swampy bottom land containing numerous rivers and bayous, subject to
incessant floods. It was covered with thick forests and dense
undergrowth, a condition, which, according to Grant's engineer officer,
"renders the country almost impassable in summer, and entirely so,
except by boats, in winter." This impenetrable swampland, lying before
the bluffs, effectively guarded Vicksburg's right flank. Unless the
waterways of the Delta might provide a passage to the bluffs, operations
against Vicksburg to the north were hopeless.

Pivot-gun and crew of the Union warship
Wissahickon, which fought the Vicksburg batteries.
From Photographic History of the Civil War.
South of Vicksburg the prospect for the Union Army
was equally dismal. After meeting the river at Vicksburg, the bluffs
follow the river course closely to the south and were accessible,
therefore, to troops from the Mississippi River. But the river batteries
of the city prevented passage of transports to the river below; for
troops to get below the city it was necessary to move through the
Louisiana lowlands west of the river. This region was like the Delta
north of Vicksburgflooded bottom lands interspersed with bayous,
rivers, and lakes. It would prove equally obstinate to land
To increase Grant's difficulties, his campaign
against Vicksburg was begun during the wet season when streams were
overflowing and lowlands impassable. The winter of 186263 was a
period of unusually high water, the Mississippi cresting higher than its
natural banks from December until April. Had Grant reached Vicksburg
during the dry season, his problem would have been less formidable.
Until the bottoms were dry enough to permit land
movements, the Union commander felt himself compelled to keep the army
active. Even if success along the water routes seemed unlikely, he
reasoned that prolonged idleness would be injurious to the health and
morale of his troops. Grant had come to believe that military success
was won by the aggressive. To Grant's critics, who demanded that he open
the Mississippi without delay or be replaced by someone who could,
Lincoln replied, "I can't spare this man; he fights."
As Pemberton prepared to defend Vicksburg he was
beset by difficulties rivaling those of his opponent, despite the
topography which was friendly to his defensive purpose. Vicksburg would
be secure only so long as the Confederate Army could prevent Grant from
achieving a foothold on the high ground above or below the city. Yet, to
prevent such a lodgment, it was necessary for Pemberton to defend a wide
front extending 200 miles above and below Vicksburg, at any point along
which Grant might strike. To cover this large area the Confederate
commander would have to disperse his limited garrison dangerously and at
the same time retain sufficient troops to protect the cityhis
primary responsibility. Under such conditions it was essential for
Pemberton to receive information of Federal movements in order to
concentrate his troops rapidly to meet the advance. Yet Pemberton was
almost wholly lacking in cavalry and had no navy to interfere with and
report Union progress through the rivers and bayous. Both Pemberton and
Grant faced exacting problems in command during the Vicksburg