A Union assault during the battle of Champion's
Hill. From a wartime sketch.
The Vicksburg
Campaign: Grant Moves Against Vicksburg and
Succeeds (continued)
THE BATTLE OF CHAMPION'S HILL. Events preceding the
battle of Champion's Hill emphasized the opposing tactical views held by
the two Confederate commanders. Pemberton believed the retention of
Vicksburg so imperative that no move which might endanger the city
should be considered. It was Johnston's view that Admiral Porter's
successful passage of the batteries and Grant's approach from the rear
had already doomed the city, and that it was consequently valuable only
for the military supplies and troops which it contained. Johnston
believed that the South's only chance to prevent loss of the Mississippi
was for Pemberton and himself to join forces and fight the great battle
which might smash and destroy Grant's Army.
On the morning of May 14, Pemberton, at Edwards
Station, received the dispatch from Johnston (a copy of which Grant had
already intercepted) informing him of the position of Union troops at
Clinton, between the two Confederate forces, and ordering him "if
practicable, come up on his [Grant's] rear at once." Pemberton
considered the order "suicidal," Convinced that Johnston's recent
arrival on the field and separation from the main body did not give him
sufficient information to survey the situation accurately, Pemberton
called a council of war and placed the order before his commanders.
Although a majority of his council favored obedience to Johnston's
order, Pemberton was unwilling to endorse a movement which might
endanger Vicksburg. It was decided to move instead against Grant's
supposed communications which were believed essential to the Union
Army's existence away from the river.
On May 15, Pemberton marched to the southeast with
17,000 men, his route further separating him from Johnston to the north.
Grant, meanwhile, prepared to head westward, his line of march
threatening to pierce the gap between Johnston and Pemberton and beat
both of them in the race for Vicksburg. On the morning of the 16th, a
second order was received from Johnston ordering Pemberton to move to
the north and join Johnston. This order was obeyed, but as Pemberton's
troops were countermarching they were struck by Union troops.
The battle of Champion's Hill centered around a
crescent-shaped ridge of about 75 feet elevation near the Champion
plantation home and involved three parallel roads leading from Edwards
Station to Raymond. Each of Pemberton's three divisionsled by
General Bowen, General Loring, and Maj. Gen. Carter L.
Stevensoncovered one of these roads. The battle opened shortly
before noon on the 16th when Brig. Gen. A. P. Hovey's Union Division,
supported by Logan's Division, attacked along the north road which
passed over the slope of Champion's Hill. From the crest of the hill,
Stevenson's Confederate Division opened a heavy fire on the advancing
Union lines which steadily mounted the ridge, driving the Confederates
back and capturing 11 guns. To meet this threat to the Confederate left
flank, Bowen's Division was shifted to the north to prevent a
breakthrough. Re-forming his lines, Bowen counterattacked the ridge
position. He dislodged the Federal infantry, driving them from the
slope, and recaptured all but two of the lost guns.
Grant, in turn, was now compelled to reinforce his
hard-pressed right, and at 3:30 p. m. massed Union batteries
concentrated fire on the ridge. The Federal infantry followed with heavy
and repeated attacks along the entire line, and for the third time the
hill changed hands. Pemberton was unable to rally his troops against
these attacks, and the divisions of Bowen and Stevenson began to retreat
toward Baker's Creek. Loring was detailed to hold the road open for the
withdrawal of the Confederate Army. Before Loring could rejoin the main
body, after its crossing of the stream, the Union Army secured the
crossings. Loring was thus cut off, and he was only able to join
Johnston after a long 3-day march around the Union Army. Pemberton
retreated toward Vicksburg and that night took position at Big Black
River, 12 miles east of the city.
The battle of Champion's Hill (or Baker's Creek) was
the bloodiest action of the Vicksburg campaign. The numbers actually
engaged were relatively equal, although a large Union reserve was close
at hand. Pemberton lost nearly 4,000 men, not counting the entire
division of Loring which was lost to his army. Grant listed casualties
of 2,500, with Hovey losing one-third of his entire division killed and