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Guide to the Area
Vicksburg National Military Park is shaped like a
great crescent, enclosing the city of Vicksburg within a 9-mile arc
which curves from the old bed of the Mississippi River north of the city
to the river south of Vicksburg (from U. S. 61 north of Vicksburg,
across U. S. 80 east of the city, to U. S. 61 south of Vicksburg). The
two main avenues in Vicksburg National Military Park, Union Avenue and
Confederate Avenueconstructed along the siege lines established by
the two armiesare parallel. The black markers, on iron standards,
indicate the position of the fortified lines and the units which
occupied that sector. The remains of artillery batteries, forts (and the
ditches in front), and trenches are clearly visible, although, during
the 36-year interval between the siege and the establishment of the
park, the fortifications and trenches have suffered marked alteration
from wind and weather. All the cannon barrels are originals, used during
the Civil War; the carriages are replacements. This self-guiding tour
begins at the museum, going north on Confederate Avenue. It provides a
brief inspection of Union Avenue, proceeds to the national cemetery, a
distance of 6 miles, and returns south by way of Union Avenue. The
numbered stops of this tour correspond to the numbers on the tour map
found above.

Museum and administration building of Vicksburg National Military
center of Confederate Avenue, at its junction with U. S. 80. Here are
exhibits illustrating and explaining the campaign and siege of Vicksburg
and the outstanding features of Vicksburg National Military Park. A
recorded lecture synchronized with lights on a large relief map explains
fully the story of the Vicksburg operations.
2. JEFFERSON DAVIS STATUE (in front of museum). Davis
was a West Point graduate, Mexican Warcolonel, Mississippi cotton
planter, United States Senator, Secretary of War, and, finally,
President of the Confederacy.
As you begin the tour, notice the natural strength of
the Confederate position on the crest of the ridge. The ground drops
away to your right and, several hundred yards across the ravine, rises
to a similar and parallel ridge. From this, the Union Army launched its
siege operations against the Confederate line. Before the siege began,
all the trees between the lines had been cut down by the Confederate
engineers to insure a clear field of fire.
3. PEMBERTON STATUE. Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton, a
native Pennsylvanian, elected to fight for the South and commanded the
Confederate Army of Vicksburg. When a command in keeping with his rank
of three-star general was unavailable after Vicksburg, he voluntarily
resigned his commission and served as a lieutenant colonel of artillery
for the remainder of the wara testimonial of his loyalty to the
4. MISSISSIPPI MONUMENT. A State memorial to her
4,600 soldiers in the siege, the bas-relief and sculptures around the
base of the shaft depict battle scenes. The 9-inch Dahlgren gun at the
rear of the monument was one of the largest used at Vicksburg.
5. TILGHMAN STATUTE. This is a monument to Brig. Gen.
Lloyd Tilghman who was killed at the battle of Champion's Hill, 18 miles
east of Vicksburg, as he manned an artillery piece in an attempt to hold
off a Union charge. A broken gun carriage lies under his horse's
fort on the Confederate line, its well-preserved walls extend on both
sides of the Louisiana memorial. On top is the Eternal Torch. The low
marble markers on the slope, below the avenue in front of the fort, mark
the farthest advance of Union regiments in the unsuccessful assault of
May 22. On the ridge, 200 yards away, is the Union line.
7. SURRENDER SITE. Grant and Pemberton met under an
oak tree, midway between the lines, for surrender negotiations. The tree
immediately vanished to provide souvenirs of the historic event; notches
on this monument erected by Union soldiers after the surrender are the
work of latter-day souvenir hunters.
The tour now follows Union Avenue, which parallels
Confederate Avenue, for a short distance before returning to the
Confederate line.
8. MICHIGAN MONUMENT. Symbolic figure of Michigan
bringing laurels to her soldiers of the siege. Beyond the monument, left
of the avenue, notice the wall which protected the Union artillery.
9. SHIRLEY HOUSE. A siege landmark, and termed the
"White House" by the soldiers, it is the lone surviving wartime
structure in the park.

The Illinois Memorial.
10. ILLINOIS MONUMENT. Modeled after the Pantheon in
Rome, this Memorial Temple, the largest monument on the field, is
dedicated to the 36,312 Illinois men whose names are inscribed on the
bronze plaques within. The Illinois Commission specified that no device
in dicative of war should appear on the memorial.
11. THIRD LOUISIANA REDAN. This Confederate fort,
marked by the three artillery pieces at right of the avenue, was reached
by "Logan's Approach," a Union advance trench. Federal engineers
constructed a mine underneath the redan and exploded 2,200 pounds of
powder, which blasted a tremendous crater into which Union infantry
raced, only to be driven back after severe fighting.
12. GLASS BAYOU BRIDGE. The precipitous slopes of the
ridges and deeply cut ravines protected the city, making Vicksburg a
natural fortress. The 75-foot drop from the bridge well illustrates the
difficult terrain over which the Union Army moved.
13. ARKANSAS MONUMENT. Site of the Arkansas memorial.
The twin pylons are representative of North and South, which were split
by the sword of war and reunited by the cross of faith in a restored
Union. Depicted on the left are Arkansas soldiers repelling a Union
assault; on the right, the Confederate ram Arkansas.
14. MISSOURI MONUMENT. A border State, Missouri was
divided in sympathy during the Civil War. Her soldiers enlisted in the
armies of both the North and the South. By the fortunes of war, in this
sector of the siege line, Missouri soldiers of the Union and Confederate
armies faced and fought each other. The monument honors both. The plaque
on the left depicts Missouri Federals attacking this position; on the
right, Missouri Confederates defending it. Between the panels, the prow
of the Ship of State symbolizes the divided Union; the figure above is
the Republic, emerging from the war with renewed strength.
15. STOCKADE REDAN. For a close view of siege
warfare, walk up into the fort, to the artillery piece at the right of
the avenue. From the ridge 150 yards away, Union cannon, which are
trained on the fort, blasted the Confederate defenders continuously.
During the assault of May 22, Grant's infantry reached the wall of the
fort. The two black markers in front of the cannon and just below it
indicate where colorbearers planted their flags, almost at the top of
the wall, before the assault was broken and driven back.
16. OBSERVATION TOWER. Erected by the Vicksburg
National Military Park Commission, in 1909, to provide a panoramic view
of the park and the city of Vicksburg.
17. FORT HILL. Anchoring the Confederate left flank
on the Mississippi River, its guns commanded the Union right as well as
the river. The flags of England, France, Spain, the United States, and
the Confederate States have flown over this historic site, where the
bluffs meet the river, during the centuries-old struggle for control of
the Mississippi. Fort Nogales (Spanish) was built here in 1791, and Fort
McHenry, 1798, was the first American settlement at Vicksburg. The water
below the fort is not the Mississippi Riverit changed its course
in 1876but the Yazoo Diversion Canal, bringing the Yazoo water
into the old bed of the Mississippi.

Terraces in Vicksburg National Cemetery.
18. VICKSBURG NATIONAL CEMETERY. Established in 1866
to reinter the remains of nearly 17,000 Union soldiers who had been
given temporary burial in scattered locations during the war. The
identity of almost 13,000 of the soldiers is unknown. The national
cemetery also contains the remains of veterans of the Mexican and
Spanish-American Wars, World Wars I and II, and Korea.
From the lower cemetery drive, you may leave the park
and emerge 2 miles north of downtown Vicksburg on U. S. 61. If time
permits, we recommend your completing the tour of the park by following
the "Park Tour" arrows from the cemetery, south on Union Avenue, in
order that you may view the Union lines and monuments and the southern
portion of the park.
19. UNION NAVY MEMORIAL. The 202-foot shaft is a
tribute to the achievements of the Union Navy in the Vicksburg
operations. Statues of four fleet commanders, Admirals Farragut and
Porter and Flag Officers Davis and Andrew H. Foote, surround the
20. GRANT'S HEADQUARTERS. An equestrian statute of
General Grant marks his headquarters location. Impressive monuments,
here, of five northeastern StatesPENNSYLVANIA, NEW HAMPSHIRE,
MASSACHUSETTS, NEW YORK, and RHODE ISLANDindicate their troops
were on the exterior line of defense against Johnston's army.
21. WISCONSIN MONUMENT. "Old Abe," the famous
Wisconsin war eagle and mascot of the 8th Wisconsin, was carried
alongside the regimental colors, on the march and in battle, through 3
years of war. A 6-foot bronze replica atop the State monument now honors
his war service. Names of all Wisconsin soldiers at Vicksburg are on
plaques around the base.
22. MINNESOTA MONUMENT. At the base of the 100-foot
shaft, a symbolic figure of Peace holds a shield and a sword, signifying
that the soldiers of both armies have placed their weapons in her
keeping, and the Union is at peace.
23. IOWA MONUMENT. In front, a mounted colorbearer
with unfurled flag awaits the order to advance. The six bronze
bas-relief panels portray scenes of the Vicksburg operations in which
Iowa soldiers participatedthe bombardment of Grand Gulf, the
battles of Port Gibson, Jackson, Champion's Hill, and Big Black River,
and the assault on Vicksburg of May 22, 1863.
24. FORT GARROTT. Also called Square Fort, its walls
are well preserved. The two lines of markers in front of the fort
indicate the site of "Hovey's Approach"a Union trench dug almost
against the walls of the Confederate fort.

The Alabama Memorial.
25. ALABAMA MONUMENT. Around the flagwhich
represents the spirit of Alabamathe group of figures symbolizes
the courage and devotion of both the soldiers and women of Alabama
during the war. The monument was dedicated in 1951.
This completes the park tour. By continuing northward
on Confederate Avenue for one-half mile, you will reach U. S. 80 at
Memorial Arch. Turning left, through the arch, you will be in the city
of Vicksburg. Colored route markers will guide you over U. S. 61 north
and south and U. 5. 80 west through the city. You may also reach U. S.
61 south and U. 5. 80 west by turning south at the Alabama Monument and
following Confederate Avenue through the southernmost portion of
Vicksburg National Military Park to U. 5. 61, below the city of