The Southern Campaign
In 1778 the British again turned to the South in
their final major campaign to end the American Revolution. Military
failures in the North during 177778 and a strong belief in
southern loyalist strength encouraged the British War Office to
undertake a full-scale southern invasion in the autumn of 1778. The
American-French alliance following the British defeat at Saratoga and
the threat of French intervention also made it urgent for the British to
move southward. They hoped to obtain food and recruits in the South and
an effective base from which to attack the remaining patriot armies in
the East. A British military and naval expedition was also to assemble
in the Chesapeake Bay area and from that point aid the British forces in
the South to crush patriot resistance. This time the British were
confident of success. They strongly doubted that the South, thinly
populated and torn by sectional strife between patriot and loyalist
groups, could unite and fight off the invader.