The Battle of Kings Mountain
After passing through Hambright's Gap, the frontier
detachments moved rapidly into their preassigned positions around the
ridge. Seeking cover in the wooded ravines, the patriots advanced, and
Campbell and McDowell hurriedly passed through the gap at the
south-western end of the ridge. They took positions respectively on the
southeastern and eastern slopes. Sevier formed along the western slope,
while Shelby took position on the northwestern slope. Meanwhile, the
other patriot detachments were forming along the bottom of the ravine
leading around the northern and northeastern base of the ridge.
Ferguson's main camp was near the northeastern end of
the ridge, but his picket line extended along the crest nearly to its
southwestern end. About 3 p. m., as the patriots began to encircle the
ridge, Ferguson's pickets sounded the alarm and engaged the advancing
mountaineers in a brief skirmish. Then, as they reached their positions,
Campbell and Shelby almost simultaneously opened the main attack. From
the crest the Tories and Provincials replied with a burst of trained
volley firing. But Campbell's and Shelby's men moved steadily up the
slope Indian fashion, from tree to rock. For 10 to 15 minutes they
maintained their attack, while the other patriot detachments moved into
position around the ridge.

Troop Positions of The Battle of Kings Mountain.
(click in image for an enlargement in a new window)
While the trained Tory force "depended on their
discipline, their manhood, and the bayonet," the mountain men relied
upon their skill as marksmen. According to an eyewitness account of this
phase of the battle "the mountain appeared volcanic; there flashed along
its summit and around its base, and up its sides, one long sulphurous
blaze." Ferguson believed steadfastly in the effectiveness of the
bayonet charge, but the terrain at Kings Mountain proved "more
assailable by the rifle than defensible with the bayonet."
As the two patriot commands neared Ferguson's lines,
the Tories charged and drove them down the slope at the point of the
bayonet. Though they had no bayonets, the patriots rallied at the foot,
and the unerring markmanship of their deadly Kentucky rifles forced
their pursuers to retire. Slowly following the retreating Tories and
Provincials, Campbell's and Shelby's men were again driven down the
rugged incline by the Tory bayonets. Taking cover behind trees and
rocks, the two patriot commands again forced the Tories to retreat
toward the crest.
Much of the volley firing of the Provincials and
Tories, with their muskets and a possible scattering of Ferguson
breech-loading rifles, was aimed too high. It passed harmlessly over the
heads of the two patriot detachments, which now pushed even higher
toward the crest. As the Tories began their third bayonet charge upon
Campbell and Shelby, they were suddenly attacked along the northern and
eastern slopes by the other patriot detachments. Moving to meet the
patriot attack from these quarters, the Tories allowed Campbell and
Shelby to gain and hold the southwestern summit.
Now completely surrounded, Ferguson's disorganized
and rapidly decreasing force was gradually pushed toward its campsite on
the northeastern end of the ridge. In this desperate situation, with
attacks and counterattacks raging on all sides, the piercing note of
Ferguson's silver whistle urging his forces on continued to be heard
above the shooting and shrill whoops of the mountaineers. Suddenly,
Ferguson attempted to cut through Cleveland's lines near the
northeastern crest, but was struck from his horse by at least eight
balls fired by the mountain sharpshooters. He died a few minutes

Capt. Abraham de Peyster, second in command to
Ferguson at Kings Mountain.
Courtesy New York Historical Society.
Captain de Peyster assumed command and attempted to
rally the confused surviving Tories and Provincials, but his efforts
were useless and he ordered a surrender. During the bloody 1-hour
engagement that raged along the heavily wooded and rocky slopes, the
mountaineers gained a complete victory. They were veterans of countless
frontier clashes, even though untrained in formal warfare and, with a
slight loss of 28 killed and 62 wounded, had killed, wounded or captured
Ferguson's entire force.
Order and quiet were not immediately restored to the
rugged battlefield. A number of patriots continued to fire into the
group of defenseless Tories, because it was not known that a surrender
had begun. Others fired upon the Tories to avenge the merciless
slaughter of Col. Abraham Buford's patriot force by Col. Banastre
Tarleton's British raiders at the Waxhaws in South Carolina, on May 29,
While Dr. Uzal Johnson of Ferguson's corps tended the
wounds of patriots and Tories alike, others buried Ferguson's body and
those of the Tory dead on the battlefield. Of the patriots killed in the
engagement, only fourMaj. William Chronicle, Capt. John Mattocks,
William Rabb, and John Boydare buried there. They share a common
grave at the site of the Chronicle markers.

"The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, 19 October
From a painting by John Trumbull. Courtesy Yale University' Art
The patriots rested on the battleground overnight. On
Sunday morning, October 8, they started the homeward march. One week
later they reached Bickerstaff's plantation near Gilbert Town with their
prisoners. The frontiersmen had not dared delay their march, for they
feared Cornwallis would send Colonel Tarleton in pursuit to avenge
Ferguson's defeat. At Bickerstaff's, a court martial was held and 30
Tories were condemned to death; of these, 9 were hanged and the
remainder spared. Since an investigation showed that these 9 Tories had
robbed, pillaged, and committed more serious crimes, the patriots
believed they were justified in this action. They also wished to
retaliate for similar types of rude justice rendered so often in the
past by the British.
The patriot detachments reached Quaker Meadows on
October 15 with the prisoners. From this point they were marched
northward toward Virginia; this was in accordance with the instructions
of October 12 from General Gates, the American commander in the South.
On October 26, Colonel Campbell entrusted Colonel Cleveland with the
safekeeping of the prisoners and, with Colonel Shelby, called upon
General Gates to determine the fate of the remaining Tories.
Meanwhile, the volunteer army melted away. Most of
its members lost no time in returning to their home settlements. As the
number of troops guarding the prisoners declined, escape became easy.
After a long period of indecision, the remaining Tory prisoners were
finally moved to Hilisboro, N. C., and exchanged. The mighty army of
mountain men whose very existence confounded Ferguson, now vanished as
quietly as it had gathered.