These views of the Ferguson rifle show the
unique features of its breech mechanism.
The Ferguson Rifle
Great as Maj. Patrick Ferguson's success was as a
soldier, probably his most outstanding achievement was the development
of the first breech loading rifle to be used by troops in battle. This
arm, which is known as the Ferguson rifle, was expected by its inventor
to bring revolutionary changes to gunnery practices. In the patent,
which was granted by the British Patent Office on December 2, 1776,
Ferguson describes it as ". . . an arm which unites expedition, safety,
and facility in using with the greatest certainty in execution, the two
great dessiderata [sic] of gunnery never before united."
This rifle corrected many inadequacies of earlier
breechloaders. Its center of interest was the screw-plug attached to the
trigger guard which passed directly through the breech of the barrel
from the bottom to the top. This plug had from 12 to 14 rapid twist
threads so that with one turn of the trigger guard the loading aperture
in the top of the barrel could be opened or closed The single-screw
thread on breech plugs of earlier breechloaders made it necessary to
rotate the trigger guard three or four times to open or close the
breech. The Ferguson screw-plug had the further advantage of being so
designed that it never came completely out of its socket.
For years prior to its invention, gunsmiths had given
thought to the development of a rapid-firing rifle. Patrick Ferguson
believed he had invented such an arm; he hoped it would prove its
effectiveness when tried under battle conditions in the War for American
Firing tests of the new weapon were conducted in the
summer of 1776 at the Blackheath and Woolwich Arsenals, in England.
Because of its remarkable performance, it was also demonstrated before
the King at Windsor. In the course of a series of tests, and with a high
degree of accuracy, Ferguson fired 6 shots per minute at a target 200
yards distant from a stationary position and 4 shots when advancing at a
4-mile-an-hour pace. He then wet the inside of the barrel, and fired
effectively after a minute to prove the worthiness of this weapon in
inclement weather.
Ferguson missed the target only three times during
these tests, which impressed most favorably the high army officers who
witnessed them. The tests proved that the Ferguson rifle was a weapon of
infinitely greater accuracy and rapidity of fire than the "Brown Bess,"
the regulation musket of the British army.
After Ferguson was granted the patent on his rifle,
arrangements were made for the manufacture of a limited number, probably
200 in all. The names of all the gunsmiths who produced this arm in the
last years of Ferguson's lifetime and for a short time thereafter are
not known with certainty. They were made, however, by Durs Egg, Barbar
of Newark, Barker of Birmingham, Innes of Edinburgh, Newton, and Wilson
of the Minories. In all likelihood, Durs Egg completed the greater part
of Ferguson's order for the new military weapon with which to arm his
rifle corps.
Three distinct types of rifle, depending upon the use
intended for the weapon, were madethose with the proportions of a
musket for the foot soldier, lighter models for the officers, and
sporting arms. There was a variation of 48 to 60 inches in the length of
these weapons; and a corresponding variation in the length of the
barrels, which were either octagonal or round in shape. Their bores
ranged in size from five-eights to three-quarters of an inch and were
slightly larger than the usual bore of the long American rifle. Their
rifling consisted of 6 or 8 grooves. These were equally spaced and
completed at least three-quarters of a turn in the length of the
The earliest use of the Ferguson rifle was on
American soil by rifle men whom Major Ferguson had personally trained.
It was used at the Battle of Brandywine and is said to have been used
later, with possibly a few having been in action at Kings Mountain. The
successful use of this rifle in battle is sufficient proof that its
inventor had made a notable contribution to military technology and
developed a most effective arm. Unfortunately, it was at least 90 years
ahead of its time.
What happened to these Ferguson rifles continues to
be a matter of conjecture. While Ferguson convalesced after the Battle
of Brandywine, his rifle corps was disbanded and his rifles put in
storage by Sir William Howe. Later, an undetermined number were
withdrawn from storage for further service. Though it can be assumed a
number were destroyed in action and others carried off for use as new
hunting rifles, a large number still remain unaccounted for.
Today there are only a few known specimens of this
arm. Although those still in existence are largely in private ownership,
there are several on public display in America. Two such arms are in the
National Museum in Washington, one of which was originally given by
Ferguson to Frederick de Peyster, the most important example in this
country. The Rudolph J. Nunnemacher Arms Collection at Milwaukee, Wis.,
also has one of these weapons, as does the museum at the United States
Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.
The National Park Service is fortunate in owning two
Ferguson rifles. One of these, perhaps the second most important example
in the United States, is in the museum at Morristown National Historical
Park, Morristown, N. J. It is marked with the initials P. F., indicating
it was very probably inspected personally by Patrick Ferguson. The other
is in the Kings Mountain National Military Park Museum. Though one
occasionally hears of a Ferguson rifle for sale, their acquisition is a
collector's dream.