Typical prehistoric pottery vessels made in the Bandelier
(Photo courtesy Museum of New Mexico.)
Origins of the People
As a result of such concerted study and deduction, there exists today a
fairly solid understanding of the general course of human events in the
Southwest for the past 2,000 years. Many details are still missing, and
some will always be, but the general outline of Indian life and customs
is established back to the early centuries of the Christian era; beyond
that, the picture becomes hazy. Those earlier years were seemingly times
of a seminomadic, hunting-gathering existence for the early
Southwesterners; only from about 3,000 years ago is there clear evidence
of the advent of intensive farming and a settled life.
As soon as agriculture became their primary
sustenance, the people began to live more or less permanently in one
place. From certain early cave-shelters are derived the clues which
begin to formulate the story of the days before history. Human burials
have been found in the earth floors of shallow caves scattered through
the San Juan river drainage; and in these same caves are found storage
chambers prepared to protect the foodstuffs, principally corn. Their
outstanding handicraft was basketry, as far as remaining evidence shows.
Because of the great numbers of skillfully worked baskets found in their
homesites, archeologists have named these people Basketmakers. It is
now quite certain that the Indians who came much later to live in the
Bandelier vicinity can claim as ancestors the Basketmaker people of the
area to the west.
The life of these ancestral farmers was a primitive
one, even by the standards which prevailed in Frijoles Canyon 1,000
years later. For one thing, no permanent dwellings appear to have been
constructed until late in Basketmaker times, and even then dwellings
were of crude pithouse typean excavation some 3 feet into the
ground, walled up and roofed with logs, brush, and earth. Further, the
bow and arrow was not used by these people until perhaps A. D. 600; the
early weapon of hunting and warfare was the spear and spear-thrower
(atlatl). For the greater part of Basketmaker times, pottery was
unknown; only after A. D. 400 was true fired pottery introduced in the
northern Southwest.
The production of decorated pottery late in
Basketmaker times began a development which has had the greatest
archeological significance. The long-enduring fragments of painted
pottery found in subsequent housesites have been a principal tool by
which students have pieced together the relative chronology of ruins and
the migrations of the pottery-makers.
With successive introduction of pottery, the bow and
arrow, and other new traits in the approximate period A. D. 450 to 750,
the character of Basketmaker life became so modified that a new
name the Puebloswas applied to the subsequent peoples.
Presently they began to move from the Basketmaker pithouse into masonry
chambers above ground, perhaps with several rooms connected, the old
pithouse surviving in use as the ceremonial kiva. Cotton came under
cultivation and was woven into garments. Hoes and axes of stone with
serviceable handles came into use. Turkeys and dogs were by this time
commonly domesticated, the former being valued primarily for feathers
which served to make warm robes and ceremonial garb.