The useful yucca plant.
Origins of the People
DROUGHT AND MIGRATIONS. It seems, however,
that the gods were fickle. Some two centuries of growth and prosperity
were all that were to be allowed the farmers of the Great Pueblo
centers. In the last quarter of the 13th century, a period of drought
came to the high plateaus of the Pueblo people. From the evidence of the
tree rings of the time, the majority of the years between A. D.
1276 and 1299 were so deficient in rainfall that the Indian corn crops
could not have matured. Although this drought was not actually
continuous, and varied between regions, there was undoubtedly much
starvation, and a decimation of the inhabitants of the great towns,
perhaps from enemy raids as well as hunger. There were undoubtedly
numerous migrations from the drought-stricken areas into places with
reliable streams.
These troubled times in the western centers and
emigrations therefrom were responsible in large part for the settling
of the Pajarito Plateau and the canyons of what is now Bandelier
National Monument. The streams of the Jemez Mountains continued to flow
during the dry time, apparently, for large-scale colonization of
well-watered canyons such as Frijoles appears to date from the end of
the 13th century. The drift of the emigrants from the western areas is
impossible to trace in detail, continuing as it did for several
generations and originating from many sources. The Bandelier region may
have been something of a melting pot, assimilating migrants from various
distant places. A study of the pottery types produced in the early days
of residence here affords the best clue to possible origins. Among these
types are found precise copies of decoration styles from a number of the
western centers, indicating that the women potters carried on their
respective traditional decorations upon arrival in their new homes. One
particular kind of black-on-white pottery can hardly be distinguished
even by microscopic examination from a similar ware made in the Mesa
Verde country.