The Tullahoma Campaign
The Army of the Cumberlandthe Union
forcehad undergone a reorganization since the Battle of Stones
River. It now comprised three corps: The Fourteenth, Maj. Gen. George H.
Thomas in command; the Twentieth, Maj. Gen. Alexander McD. McCook in
command; and the Twenty-first, Maj. Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden in
command. Maj. Gen. David S. Stanley commanded the Cavalry Corps. Maj.
Gen. Gordon Granger commanded the Reserve Corps.
The left wing of General Bragg's defense line was at
Shelbyville under Gen. Leonidas Polk and its right wing at Wartrace and
Fairfield under Lt. Gen. William Hardeea line nearly 13 miles
long. Two Confederate cavalry corps occupied positions on either
flankthat on the right at McMinnville under Maj. Gen. Joseph
Wheeler, the other on the left at Columbia under Brig. Gen. Nathan B.
Forrest. The total strength of the Army of Tennessee was approximately
43,000 men at this time.
The Confederate position was good. The terrain
favored a defensive fight. To traverse the Cumberland Plateau the Union
Army would have to move along roads that pierced the mountains by way of
Hoover's Liberty, and Guy's Gaps. The railroad to Chattanooga and
another road passed through Bellbuckle Gap. This latter route and the
road by way of Shelbyville were well fortified. Rosecrans resolved to
make a feint toward Shelbyville with Granger's Reserve Corps and most of
the cavalry while the rest of his army moved toward the Confederate
right. After stubborn fights at Hoover's and Liberty Gaps the
Confederates withdrew toward Tullahoma. So successful was Rosecrans'
flanking movement that Col. John T. Wilder's mounted infantry brigade
reached Decherd, on the main line of the Nashville and Chattanooga
Railroad, and destroyed the depot and a few hundred yards of track.
Although Wilder withdrew when superior Confederate forces appeared, his
raid against the railroad was of great importance in forcing Bragg to
evacuate Tullahoma.
Rough terrain and bad weather were the worst enemies
of the Union Army. Brig. Gen. John Beatty records in his diary that "The
road was exceedingly rough, and the rebels had made it impassable, for
artillery, by rolling great rocks into it and felling trees across it."
He frequently mentions the rain which fell incessantly during the
campaign. His entry of July 5 states that "Since we left Murfreesboro
(June 24) rain has been falling almost constantly; today it has been
coming down in torrents, and the low grounds around us are overflowed."
Yet, in spite of mountains and rain and the Confederate Army, Rosecrans,
by this series of brilliant flanking maneuvers, forced Bragg to evacuate
Tullahoma on July 1 and withdraw toward Chattanooga.
(click on map for an enlargement in a new window)