"The First Gun at Chickamauga." Confederates open fire on Union
cavalry at Reed's Bridge. A. R. Waud wartime sketch.
From Brown, The Mountain Campaign in Georgia.
The Battle of Chickamauga
Chafing over the failure of his subordinate
commanders to strike the divided units of Rosecrans' army and wishing to
seize the initiative, General Bragg had his troops do an "about face."
Turning northward, he planned an all-out attack on General Crittenden
who had been following in his rear since the evacuation of Chattanooga
and was now at Lee and Gordon's Mills. General Bragg moved his troops
northward on the east side of the Chickamauga Creek. His plan was to
cross the Chickamauga north of Lee and Gordon's Mills, seize the roads
leading to Chattanooga, bear down on Crittenden, and crush this corps or
drive it back into the Union center in McLemore's Cove. By turning the
Union left in this manner, he hoped to force Rosecrans back into the
mountains and to reoccupy Chattanooga.
Maj. Gen. John B. Hood (Longstreet's Corps) and Brig.
Gen. Bushrod Johnson's troops were to cross at Reeds Bridge and turn
left; Walker's Corps to cross at Alexander's Bridge; Buckner to cross at
Tedford's Ford; Lt. Gen. Leonidas Polk's Corps to cross at Lee and
Gordon's Mills; and Hill's Corps to cover the Confederate left.
Bragg did not seem to suspect that Rosecrans had
guessed his intentions, and was hurriedly moving to support Crittenden
and deploying his troops so as to protect the roads to Chattanooga.