Missionary Ridge from a Union trench.
From Elson, The Civil War Through the Camera.
Lifting the SiegeThe Battle of Chattanooga (continued)
operations were in progress, east of Chattanooga, Hooker moved into
action west of the town. The failure of Osterhaus' Division to join
Sherman resulted in another change of orders. A new plan for Hooker to
take Lookout Mountain and descend into Chattanooga Valley replaced the
original one of having him merely hold Lookout Valley and the route to
Bridgeport. Hooker had three divisions in his force commanded by
Brigadier Generals Peter J. Osterhaus, John W. Geary, and Charles Cruft,
each from a different army corps. Geary was on the right at Wauhatchie,
Cruft in the center, and Osterhaus near Brown's Ferry. It was a unique
team. One who was present wrote, "We were all strangers, no one division
ever having seen either of the others."
The terrain that confronted Hooker's command was
rugged, steep, heavily timbered, and topped by a rocky cliff. At the
northern end, at the cliff base and halfway up the mountain, was a bench
of nearly level land. On it stood the Cravens Farm. At 8 a. m. on
November 24 Hooker sent Geary's Division, supported by a brigade from
Cruft's Division, to effect a crossing of Lookout Creek. The troops
accomplished this with little opposition and Geary climbed the mountain
until the head of his column reached the cliff. The division then moved
to the left and proceeded northward toward the point of the
While Geary climbed the mountain, Cruft, with his
force, moved farther down the valley toward the Tennessee River and
seized a bridge over the creek. Osterhaus's Division then crossed the
stream at that point in the face of sharp skirmishing with Confederate
defenders before the latter retreated up the mountain. The three Union
divisions soon joined on a common line and, supported by Union batteries
on Moccasin Point, steadily drove Walthall's Confederate brigade around
the point of Lookout Mountain to the Cravens farmhouse. By noon,
Hooker's forces were in possession of the farm but the Confederates made
a stand beyond the Cravens house within prepared defense works, and were
joined there by two brigades from the top of the mountain. Fog which
coveted the mountainside most of the morning became so heavy that by 2
p. m. it was almost impossible to see. This factor, plus a shortage of
ammunition, caused Hooker to halt and consolidate his position. Later in
the afternoon, Carlin's brigade arrived with a resupply of
During the night, General Stevenson withdrew the
Confederate forces from Lookout Mountain and marched them to Missionary
Ridge where they joined their comrades holding that sector of the
"The Battle Above the Clouds" was fought on the bench
of land surrounding the Cravens house. There was no fighting on top the
mountain. The romantic name given in later years to this action on the
Union right was the result of the fog and mist which shrouded the
mountain that day from observers below. It was not until the next
morning that the 8th Kentucky Volunteers planted the Stars and Stripes
on top of the bluff.