Steamboat with supplies for Union Army being warped up narrows of
Tennessee River between Bridgeport, Ala. and Chattanooga.
Courtesy National Archives.
Relief of Knoxville
Meanwhile, in East Tennessee, Burnside attempted to
hold Longstreet in check by abandoning territory and skirmishing when
necessary, but avoiding any serious fight. This took Longstreet farther
away from Chattanooga and lessened his opportunity to assist Bragg.
Burnside gained precious time by using these tactics. Grant's plan was
to "whip" Bragg and then help Burnside.
After Missionary Ridge, with Bragg in full retreat,
Thomas prepared to send Granger's Corps and detachments from other
commands, about 20,000 men altogether, toward Knoxville. In addition,
Sherman was to march along the Hiwassee River to protect Granger's
flank. Grant reports that upon "Returning from the front on the 28th, I
found that Granger had not yet got off . . . I therefore determined . .
. to send him [Sherman] with his command, and orders . . . were sent him
at Calhoun to assume command of the troops with Granger, in addition to
those with him, and proceed, with all possible dispatch, to the relief
of Burnside."
Skirmishing was more or less continuous around
Knoxville. Burnside followed the original plan of buying time by giving
up ground and fell back toward Knoxville, withdrawing into the city
during the night of November 1617. Longstreet drew up before the
city the next day, and on the 29th made his initial attack against the
Union position at Fort Sanders. The assault was repulsed and before it
could be renewed Longstreet received word of Bragg's defeat on
Missionary Ridge. The Confederate commander deemed it necessary to
maintain a threatening position before Knoxville until the approaching
Union relief columns were but a day's march distant. On December 4,
Longstreet began his retreat toward Virginia. Sherman arrived on the
6th, and preparations for the pursuit of Longstreet were soon under way.
Burnside's command moved out in pursuit of Longstreet's force; Granger's
Corps became the garrison of Knoxville; and Sherman's command returned
to Chattanooga.