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Suggested Readings

ALEXANDER, E. P. Military Memoirs of a Confederate. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 1907.

BEATTY, JOHN. Memoirs of a Volunteer. W. W. Norton & Co. New York. 1946.

GOVAN, GILBERT E., AND JAMES W. LIVINGOOD. The Chattanooga Country 1540-1951. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 1952.

GRANT, U. S. Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant. Vol. II. Charles L. Webster & Co., New York. 1886.

GUERNSEY, ALFRED H., AND HENRY M. ALDEN. Harper's Pictorial History of the Great Rebellion. Part II. Harper & Brothers, New York. 1866.

HORN, STANLEY E. The Army of Tennessee. The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis. 1941.

JOHNSON, ROBERT UNDERWOOD, AND CLARENCE CLOUGH BUEL, Eds. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Vol. III. The Century Co., New York. 1884-88.

LIVERMORE, THOMAS L. Numbers and Losses in the Civil War in America 1861—65. Houghton Muffin & Co., Boston. 1900.

MILLER, FRANCIS T. The Photographic History of the Civil War. Vols. II, V, X. The Review of Reviews Co., New York. 1911.

MOTTELAY, PAUL F., AND T. CAMPBELL-COPELAND. The Soldier in Our Civil War: A Pictorial History of the Conflict, 1861—1865. Vol. II. Stanley Bradley Publishing Co., New York. 1890.

SHERIDAN, P. H. Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan. Vol. I. Charles L. Webster & Co., New York. 1888.

STEELE, MATTHEW FORNEY. American Campaigns. Vol. I text: Vol. II, maps. Byron S. Adams, Washington. 1909. 2 Vols.

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Government Printing Office, Washington. 1891—95.

VAN HORNE, THOMAS B. History of the Army of the Cumberland. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1876. 2 Vols. and Atlas.

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