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National Monument
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How To Reach the Monument

George Washington Birthplace is 72 miles south of Washington, D. C., via the Potomac River Bridge. It may also be reached from Washington by way of Mount Vernon and Fredericksburg, a distance of 83 miles. The national monument is 69 miles northeast of Richmond, by way of Bowling Green and Port Royal, or 75 miles via U. S. 360, and State Routes 3 and 204. It is 100 miles from Williamsburg and 123 miles from Norfolk over good roads. Washington's Birthplace is on the Potomac River, and should not be confused with Wakefield, Va., which is in Sussex County, south of the James River.

About Your Visit

George Washington Birthplace National Monument is open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., Eastern Standard Time, every day of the year including Sundays and holidays, except Christmas and New Year's Day. Admission to the area is 25 cents for adults. Children under 12 are admitted free. Special interpretive talks are given to school classes and other organized groups if arrangements are made in advance with the superintendent.

Soft drinks, postcards, potted plants, herbs, and souvenirs may be purchased at the Washington's Birthplace Post Office, located at the main parking area.

Related Areas

There are several other areas in the eastern United States administered by the National Park Service which illustrate various aspects of George Washington's life and public career. These include: Fort Necessity National Battlefield Site, Pa.; Independence National Historical Park, Pa. (which includes the Deshler-Morris House in Germantown, where Washington lived for a short while in 1793 and again in 1794); Morristown National Historical Park, N. J.; Colonial National Historical Park (including Yorktown), Va.; and Federal Hall National Memorial, N. Y.


George Washington Birthplace National Monument, now containing about 400 acres, was authorized by an act of Congress on January 23, 1930. It is administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. Communications concerning the national monument should be addressed to the superintendent whose address is Washington's Birthplace, Westmoreland County, Va. Inquiries should not be sent to Wakefield, Va.


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Last Modified: Mon, Jan 20 2003 10:00:00 pm PDT