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Brig. Gen. Daniel Morgan
Brig. Gen. Daniel Morgan, the "Old Waggoner," defeated the British cavalry under the command of Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton at Cowpens.
From an engraving by Chappell. Photo by Cook. Donated to the National Park Service by the Guilford Battle Ground Company.

Battle of Cowpens

The British commander's answer to this threat was to divide his own army. He sent Col. Banastre Tarleton with a strong column to operate against Morgan, while he intended to move into position to intercept the Americans whom he expected Tarleton to drive northward. Unfortunately for Cornwallis' plan, Morgan roundly defeated Tarleton in a battle at Cowpens, and then escaped because Cornwallis had delayed about 48 hours in moving the main British force northward. The Battle of Cowpens took place in mid-January 1781, and in it the British suffered a reverse almost as serious as that of Kings Mountain 3 months earlier.


First Battalion of the Guards
First Battalion of the Guards.
Tarleton's Legion
Tarleton's Legion.

Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton
Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton was Cornwallis' chief subordinate and a brilliant cavalry officer.
From a lithograph print donated to the National Park Service by the Guilford Battle Ground Company.


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