Going into Action.
From etching by W. H. Shelton. Courtesy, Library of Congress.
Jackson Prepares an Ambush
By 9 a.m., 3 hours of killing had passed. The Miller
cornfield had become a no-mans' land, its tall stalks trampled to the
ground and strewn with blood-soaked corpses. Firing had been so intense,
had so fouled the men's muskets, that some of them were using rocks to
pound their ramrods home.
Jackson was in extreme danger. Green's Federals still
lurked near the Dunkard Church, waiting only for support to renew their
attack on the frayed Confederate line. And at this very moment a mass
of blue-clad infantry could be seen emerging from the East Woods half a
mile awayit was part of Sumner's II Corps moving up for the
morning's third major Federal attack.

Knap's Independent Pennsylvania Battery "E" supported Mansfield's corps
Courtesy, National Archives.
Swiftly Jackson gathered together reinforcements from
other sectors of the battlefield. Some had just arrived from Harpers
Ferry; these were McLaws' men. With hardly a pause they moved north and
disappeared into the West Woods. Lee ordered Walker's two brigades north
from the Lower Bridge; they too disappeared into the West Woods. Thus
they came, racing from far and near.
For a moment, the fighting ceased. Then powerful
reserves were rushed forward by commanders of both armies to renew
the battle.
As soon as they came in, Jackson craftily placed
these men behind the rocks and ridges at the western fringe of the
woods. Soon they formed a great semicircle whose outer points perfectly
encompassed the 5,000 men in Sumner's approaching column. Ten-thousand
Confederates were there. Now they disappeared into the landscape and

Closeup of Dunkard Church where Greene's men were halted.
From Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book. Courtesy, Library of
Sumner's II Corps, under orders to support the attack
on the Confederate left, had prepared at dawn to cross Antietam Creek at
Pry's Mill Ford. Impatiently, Sumner had awaited the signal to march
while the battle raged with increasing violence on the ridge beyond the
stream. Finally, at 7:30 a.m., he led Maj. Gen. John
Sedgwick's division across the ford. Brig. Gen.
William French's division followed, but soon drifted to the south and
lost contact with Sedgwick.
Believing that he still led two divisions, Sumner
continued his march past the East Woods. By now he knew that the earlier
Federal attackers could give him no support, but he believed that the
Confederates who had repulsed them must be equally exhausted and
disorganized. Striking nowimmediatelyhe might
turn the tide before the enemy had time to recover. In his hurry, Sumner
neglected to make sure that French's division followed closely in his
rear. Neither had he taken time to reconnoiter the Confederate front in
the West Woods.
Soon after 9 a.m., Sedgwick's heavy column, with
Sumner at the head, started toward the Hagerstown Pike. Battleflags
waving, bayonets glistening, the division marched forward in brigade
frontlong swaying lines of two ranks each.

(click on map for an enlargement in a new window)
Unmolested, they crossed the pike and passed into the
West Woods. Almost surrounding them were Jackson's quietly waiting
10,000. Suddenly the trap was sprung. Caught within a pocket of almost
encircling fire, in such compact formation that return fire was
impossible, Sedgwick's men were reduced to utter helplessness.
Completely at the mercy of the Confederates on the front, flank, and
rear, the Federal lines were shattered by converging volleys. So
appalling was the slaughter, nearly half of Sedgwick's 5,000 men, were
struck down in less than 20 minutes.
But the trap had not been completely closed. In the
confusion of the surprise assault, many regiments on the Federal right
found an opening. Hastily withdrawing to the northeast, they soon found
cover under the protecting fire of Sedgwick's artillery in the cornfield.
Other batteries in the East Woods and to the north joined in the

Federal artillery at Antietam. Note the observer in foreground,
and the smoke of battle. From photograph by Alexander Gardner.
Courtesy, Library of Congress.
Eagerly grasping the opportunity for a counterattack,
Jackson's line now swept across the open fields and charged the Federal
batteries in front of East Woods. But the fire was more than sheer
valor could overcome. Blasted with grape and canister from the crossfire
of 50 guns, the Confederates staggered, then gave way and drew back to
the cover of West Woods. There, protruding rock strata protected them.
Meanwhile, from his menacing position near the Dunkard Church, Greene
was driven back by Confederate reserves.
Three-quarters of Lee's army was now north of
Sharpsburg. The successive Federal attacks had punched the northeast
salient of the Confederate left and center inward toward the Dunkard
Church. Now these two sectors were merged into one long line that ran
roughly southeast from Nicodemus Hill, past the Dunkard Church, to end
along the Sunken Road. What had been the right (southern)
end of the long Confederate line was now the rear.
Properly speaking, Lee had no center. He had two separate
linesthe main one facing northeast toward East Woods; and a
detached guard force, facing southeast toward the Lower Bridge. Between
them was only a thin line of riflemen. If McClellan now delivered
simultaneous hammer blows from northeast, east, and southeast, he would
surely destroy Lee's weak defensive setup. But if he continued his piece
meal attacks, Lee could keep on shuttling his brigades back and forth to
meet them. And this is what they both did.

Maj. Gen. Edwin V. Sumner. From photograph by Brady
or assistant. Courtesy, Library of Congress.

Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick.