Blackford's Ford from the Maryland side of the
Retreat from Sharpsburg
Seldom had Lee's army fought a battle so strenuous
and so long. "The sun," a soldier wrote, "seemed almost to go backwards,
and it appeared as if night would never come." From dawn to sunset, the
Confederate commander had thrown into battle every organized unit north
of the Potomac. Straggling in the days preceding Antietam had reduced
Lee's army from 55,000 to 41,000 men. This small force had
sustained five major attacks by McClellan's 87,000-man armythree in
the West Woods and the Miller cornfield, and those at the Sunken Road and
the Lower Bridgeeach time the outcome hanging in the balance.
In the stillness of the night, Lee called his
commanders to his headquarters west of Sharpsburg. Of each in turn he
asked the condition of the men, and each, even Jackson, spoke against
renewal of battle on the morrow. "Still too weak to assume the
offensive," Lee wrote later, "we waited without apprehension the renewal
of the attack."
Early on the following morning, it became apparent
that McClellan was not going to attack, though during the night he had
received strong reinforcements, and more were on the way. Still
undaunted, Lee returned to his plan of striking the Federal right at
Poffenberger Ridge. But after surveying the ground, his officers
informed him that Federal batteries completely dominated the narrow
strip of land over which the attack must be launched. An attempt against
the Federal guns would be suicidal.
Balked in his last hope of a counteroffensive, Lee
realized that he could not recall the decision won by McClellan at South
Mountain: The campaign was lost. During the afternoon, he announced to
his lieutenants his intention of withdrawing that night across the
Potomac. At midnight Longstreet led the way across Blackford's Ford
and formed a protective line on the south bank. Steadily through the
night and early morning, the Confederate columns crossed over into
McClellan did not actively pursue. As the days passed
and Lee's army withdrew into the Shenandoah Valley, President Lincoln
became impatient. The time was at hand, he thought, for the decisive blow.
Calling upon McClellan on the field of Antietam October 1, Lincoln urged
a vigorous pursuit of the Confederate army. McClellan insisted that his
army required reorganization and new equipment. The President, having
lost all confidence in McClellan, removed him from command on November