Lincoln visits McClellan and his staff after the battle. McClellan
is the fourth man to the left from the President. Courtesy,
National Archives.
The War for the Union Takes on a New
After Antietam there was no serious threat of foreign
recognition or intervention on behalf of the Confederacy. And the
repulse inflicted on Lee's Army of Northern Virginia gave Abraham
Lincoln the opportunity he had sought: On September
22just 5 days after the battlethe President
issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. It declared that upon
the first day of January next all slaves within any State or district
then in rebellion against the United States " . . . shall be then,
thenceforward, and forever free."
With the formal Emancipation Proclamation of January
1, 1863, the war took on new purpose. In the North, and in many foreign
lands, the cause of American Union had become one with that of human

Lincoln and McClellan confer on the field of Antietam.

The President reads the Emancipation Proclamation to
his cabinet. From an engraving based on the painting by
Francis Bicknell Carpenter. Courtesy, Library of Congress.