Description of the Mansion
Vanderbilt Mansion was designed by the firm of McKim,
Mead, and White in 189698 in an Italian Renaissance style then
popular with that firm. The mansion has about 50 rooms on 4 levels,
including servants' quarters and utility features like the kitchen and
laundry. The entire construction of concrete and steel, faced with cut
stone, is fireproofexcept for the interior paneled walls and the
Main Entrance Vestibule. This is a small,
high-ceilinged room that leads from the imposing front portico of the
mansion to the reception hall. It is without distinctive furnishings
except for a pair of large Mediterranean green-glazed pottery jars.
Reception Hall. Green and white marble imported
from Italy is used with arresting effect for cornices and pilasters in
this elliptically shaped room. Above the massive fireplace, which came
from an Italian palace, is a Flemish tapestry bearing the insignia of
the famous Italian Medici family of Renaissance times. In the center of
the room is a French table with a porphyry top; upon it is a French
clock with a matching porphyry base. Around the walls are high-backed
Italian throne chairs. Two French Renaissance cabinets, in tooled
walnut, stand at either side of the doorway. A pair of busts, male and
female, are of Carrara marble. Many of these pieces are hundreds of
years old.
Study. Woodwork is Santo Domingo mahogany.
Plates on the wall are Chinese, and a painting by the French artist,
Lesrel, hangs over the desk. Above the fireplace, early Italian and
Spanish flintlock pistols are grouped about an old Flemish clock. A
hand-carved Renaissance panel forms the back of the desk chair. In the
bookcase are about 400 volumes, mostly fiction and travel. Included
among these are the college textbooks that
Frederick Vanderbilt used at Yale. From this room Vanderbilt conducted
his estate affairs, such as tree culture and the operation of the
greenhouses, gardens, and his 350-acre dairy and stock farm across the

Library and family living room.
Library. This room reflects the work of
decorator Georges A. Glaenzer of New York City. Hand-carved wood on the
walls was done by Swiss artists brought to this country for that
purpose. A vaulted section of the ceiling is molded plaster, made to
simulate carved wood. The carved mantel of the fireplace is said to have
come from a European church. A porcelain clock-and-candelabra set on the
mantel was a gift from Mrs. Vanderbilt's mother. Guns on the wall
opposite the fireplace are antique Swiss wheel locks. More than 900
volumes on history, literature, natural science, and other subjects fill
the bookcases in this room. This library was the family living room.
Here the Vanderbilts and their intimate friends gathered for tea in the
afternoon. Mrs. Vanderbilt used the table in this room to write letters
to her friends. Frederick Vanderbilt's favorite chair stands near a
large window overlooking the grounds.
South Foyer. On one of the venerable Italian
dower chests in this room is a model of Vanderbilt's yacht,
Warrior. On the other chest is a small bronze group depicting a
Russian winter scene. Above the chests are two 16th-century Brussels
tapestries showing incidents in the Trojan War. By the chests are a pair
of Venetian torcheres and two small bronze chateau cannon.

Drawing room, northwest corner.
Drawing Room. Furniture in this room is
predominantly French, except for two Italian refectory tables and a
number of Chinese lamps. Two of these lamps have silk shades with
hand-painted designs copied from the bases; this touch of luxury is
repeated in other rooms, notably in Frederick Vanderbilt's bedroom. The
grand piano, an American Steinway, was decorated in Paris in gold-leaf
with the medallions of noted composers, it was originally used in the
home of Vanderbilt's father in New York City. Seventeenth-century
Florentine tapestries on the end walls bear the coat of arms of the
Medici family. Two 16th-century Brussels tapestries with more scenes
from the Trojan War flank the doorway. Wall paneling is Circassian
walnut. Twin fireplaces are Italian marble. As it now appears, this room
represents the design of architect Whitney Warren, who redecorated the
room in 1906. The original ceiling mural by H. Siddon Mowbray was
removed at that time.
French doors open to a porch from which a path led to
the Italian gardens. Formal entertaining in this room might include tea,
after-dinner coffee, games of whist, and, on special occasions, a spring
or autumn dance.

Gold room or French salon.
Gold Room. This French salon was designed by
Georges A. Glaenzer after an 18th-century French drawing room. An inlaid
tulipwood desk is Louis XV. A standing clock, made by Paul Sormani is a
copy of one in the Louvre. One of the inset wall panels contains an
Aubusson tapestry; two other panels (one above the marble fireplace)
contain large mirrors which, reflecting in one another, provide a
striking repetition of mirrors to infinity. As is evident from its
gilded appearance, goldleaf was not spared in the room's decoration.
Here guests would gather for sherry before dinner.
North Foyer. In this room is a large
Florentine storage chest of hand-carved wood, decorated with goldleaf
and lacquer. Above the chest is a 17th-century Brussels tapestry. On the
opposite wall is an 18th-century Aubusson tapestry. Overhead is a
Venetian lantern matching the one in the south foyer. In one corner is a
large Chinese bowl with blue-dragon design against a white background;
it rests on a Chinese teakwood stand.

Dining room.
Dining Room. This room is 30 by 50 feet. Its
floor is covered by a huge Oriental (Ispahan) rug which measures 20 by
40 feet and is more than 300 years old. Furniture is a reproduction of
Louis XIV period. The large dining table could be extended to seat 30
people. A smaller table at the east end of the room was used by the
Vanderbilts when dining alone or with a few intimate friends. At such
meals, Frederick Vanderbilt always sat on the south side of the table
with Mrs. Vanderbilt opposite him on the north side. Across the room
from the doorway are two 18th-century planetaria, made in
Londoninstruments used for the study of the sun and planets. On
the walls on either side of the door are a pair of French 17th-century
tapestries, believed to be of Beauvais manufacture. Florentine chairs
around the walls and two carved Renaissance mantels all emphasize the
spaciousness of the room. Hand-painted and gilt panels decorate the
ceiling. Two marble columns of the Ionic order flank the doorway,
matching those in the drawing room. All original marble work in the
mansion was done by Robert C. Fisher and Company, of New York City, then
one of the largest importers of marble in the world.
The hostess made it a point to blend the color of the
flowers, the cloth, and the china. If yellow flowers were being used,
the lace cloth would have a yellow undercover, the service would be
gold-plated, and the china would be white with a gold stripe.