Man in the San Juan Valley
THE PUEBLOS. (continued) The most obvious
change in the Developmental Pueblo Period, as compared to the preceding
Basketmaker, was a gradual shift in the type of house construction. The
single-unit mud, slab, and jacal semisubterranean house was giving way
to the huge multistoried stone and adobe structures, which were to
predominate in the Great Pueblo Period 250 years later. In some areas
even earlier than A.D. 750 a few people began to build single-room
houses above-ground in a contiguous arrangement, often crescent-shaped,
forming small villages. The construction varied from district to
district. Some houses were quadrangular in form and wholly aboveground,
made of adobe and mud with upright, supporting posts; others were still
semisubterranean; some even showed the beginnings of true stone
At this time also, a new type of structure was coming
into existence (though a few examples are known from late Basketmaker
times). This new structure, the kiva, was simply a modification of, and
change in, the use of the old pithouse. A kiva is a ceremonial room and
clubhouse for the men, usually constructed underground (or, where
aboveground, so clustered in other rooms as to appear belowground in its
relation to the surrounding rooms). It is circular like the early
pithouses, but normally contains a fireplace, a deflector (to prevent
the draft from fanning the fire too much), and a ventilator shaft by
which to bring in the fresh air. A "sipapu" (a small hole which
supposedly leads to the underworld) was located in the floor on the
opposite side of the fire place from the deflector. Usually there was a
bench around the inside of the kiva near the floor, which may either
have been used as a place on which to store religious objects and other
paraphernalia or may have served the functional purpose of
strengthening the lower part of the kiva wall. Smaller kivas frequently
had pilasters built upon the bench and extending upward a short
distance; these supported the cribbed roof structure. Large kivas had four
centrally located posts which helped support the roof. Entrance to a
kiva was normally gained by means of a ladder through the central smoke
hole in the roof.
It is difficult to assign the same dates to this
Developmental Pueblo Period in all areas of the San Juan Basin.
Culturally some sections seemed to lag behind others; some ideas,
concepts, and artifacts spread and were accepted faster than others.
Also, certain regions have been much better explored archeologically,
and we know more about them.
Unfortunately, the Animas is one of the river valleys
in the San Juan drainage which has not been particularly well surveyed
or investigated archeologically. Accounts by early settlers, and passing
references in some of Morris' reports, indicate that in aboriginal times
(certainly during Pueblo times), the valley was no doubt heavily
populated. It should have been. Good water is readily available in the
river and the climate is healthful; prehistorically, game must have
abounded in the nearby foothills and mountains. Settlement and clearing
of lands in more recent times have eliminated many of the prehistoric
remains, but the higher banks along the river terraces still show low
mounds of rubble, obviously man made, with indications of cobble and
sandstone walls, which evidently were dwellings of the Pueblo
Best known in this valley area are the cave and open
sites that Morris excavated north of Durango and which contained the
remains of early Basketmaker peoples already mentioned and the great
pueblo of Aztec, near the town of the same name about 15 miles above the
confluence of the Animas and San Juan Rivers. As described elsewhere,
this latter structure was also excavated by Morris in 1916-21. Without
doubt, parts of the valley were more or less continuously occupied from
early Basketmaker times until the final abandonment of the Four Corners
country about A.D. 1300. Although we have no firm data on which to base
conclusions, it would be safe to assume that the Developmental Pueblo
Period in the Animas Valley lasted from about A.D. 750 or 800 to 1050 or
1100, and that conditions in the living patterns of the people elsewhere
were reflected in the Animas Valley.
As the Developmental Pueblo Period progressed, house
arrangements became more complex. The next step seems to have been an
extension of the earlier linear or crescent-shaped alinement of
contiguous houses by adding on one or more wings, so that the resulting
plan was L-shaped or formed a rectangular U. In these cases, the
semisubterranean kiva was still retained in the courtyard as a definite
religious structure. These types of planned communities are called
"unit houses." Most were single storied, though some may have had a
second story added on the back tier of rooms.