Man in the San Juan Valley
THE AZTEC PUEBLO. (continued) However, it is
the large multistoried pueblos of the Chaco Canyon and the great cliff
dwellings of the Mesa Verde that attract the most attention. The native
sandstone at Chaco Canyon made an excellent building materialit
was easily obtainable, it factured along natural cleavage planes into
thin slabs, and it could be ground and pecked into large rectangular
blocks. Both the availability of sandstone and the relative ease with
which it could be worked were important factors in developing the Chaco
style of architecture.
Some of these pueblos may have been as high as five
stories; most were at least three or four stories. All show signs of
constant alteration in individual rooms and in their general layout, as
though some feverish urge was forcing the people to keep shifting the
arrangement of their dwellings. Not all the rooms in any of the large
pueblos were occupied simultaneously; usually the rooms toward the rear
were used for storage or, in many cases, as dumps for refuse and
garbage. Occasionally, burials are found in them.
All the great Chaco pueblos form self-contained
unitsthat is, they were built around central plazas or courtyards,
as in the case of Pueblo Bonito, with a low row of single-storied rooms
closing off the formerly open side of the plaza, or they were roughly
rectangular with closely knit contiguous rooms and internal kivas as in
Yellow House. This closure, plus the fact that the doors and windows
which formerly had opened outward at the rear or sides are now sealed
up, has led many people to believe the later parts of this period were
marked by trouble and strife and that this self-containment was a
defensive measure.
At Chaco Canyon, many parts of the pueblo walls were
finely made. Different styles of decoration were produced by using sand
stone blocks of various sizes. An unusual effect was achieved by
alternating bands of large rectangular blocks with a series of bands of
much smaller, finely laminated sandstone blocks, The interior of the
walls consisted of crude rubble in adobe mud, and, where some form of
banding technique was not used in the outer or veneer wall, the chinks
between the larger stones were filled with adobe mud and spalls or very
small chink stones. When carefully done, this technique also produced an
attractive appearance. Since both the interiors and exteriors of walls
were usually plastered with numerous thin layers of adobe, it is
something of a mystery why the Indians took the trouble to produce such
pleasing effects in their stone work and then to cover it up with plain
plaster. It may be that what we regard as decoratively charming was to
them simply a structural and engineering feature. They may have
considered carefully spalled and banded masonry to be structurally sounder
than simple rock, rubble, and plaster walls. Usually the walls of the
upper stories are successively thinner, and a similar idea was used in
the beams which form the room ceilings (and thus the floors of rooms
above)the heaviest beams were in the lower rooms, and those in the
upper stories were correspondingly lighter and smaller.
In the Chaco-type great pueblo of this period, the
majority of the rooms were large by pueblo standards. They were
rectangular in shape (except for the kivas, which are circular) and
often 8 to more than 12 feet long and 6 to 8 feet wide. Ceilings were 8
or 10 feet high, and doorways, usually with a raised sill, were 3 to 4
feet high and 2 to 3 feet wide. In comparison with the typical rooms in
the Mesa Verde area, those in Chaco were very spacious.
In the Mesa Verde region the people were also
learning to build in sandstone, but the available sandstone was coarser
than that in Chaco and did not have the clean fracture planes, and the
masonry was of a thicker and seemingly cruder sort. Walls were made of
rectangular blocks of tan sandstone which quite often were carefully
shaped and ground to give a pleasing effect.
On the sloping green tabletop mountain, known as the
Mesa Verde (from which the surrounding area gets its name), in the early
part of this period (A.D. 1050-1200), the people built large unit-type
pueblos upon the long finger-like mesatops which extend southward from
an abruptly rising escarpment on the north. Most of these units were
multistoried, and although they centered around a central plaza, they
were much smaller, more tightly contained units than their Chaco Canyon
counterparts of the same period. Frequently they contained at least one
towerlike structure connected by an underground passage to a nearby
kiva. One or more other kivas might be located in, or front on, the
small central plaza.
Although the rooms are smaller than the ones in the
great communal houses of Chaco, they are solidly built of double course
sandstone blocks. Because in most cases the mesas are sloping
southward, many of these unit houses were built upon one or more
terraced flats. Frequently the only entrance into the pueblo was by
staired entranceway leading from the south into the small interior court
or plaza.
At Mesa Verde, in the latter part of this period
(about A.D. 1200-1225), the people who had been living on the mesatops
in the unit house type of dwelling seem suddenly to have abandoned these
dwellings and taken up residence in the nearby caves. Here they built
great pueblo-type structures, often of several hundred rooms with
numerous associated kivas. Since they were limited by the ceiling of the
caves to two and three-story structures, and not so exposed to the
elements, it was not necessary to use such thick, strong walls, roofs,
and ceilings. The general construction at Mesa Verde was therefore
thinner than at Chaco, and the rooms and doorways are considerably'
smaller. In fact, with the warm southern exposure of the caves which
were used, the people must have done most of their living and daily
chores outside, in the small plaza areas and on the roofs of the lower
tiers of rooms. The rooms themselves could be small, for they were
probably used only for sleeping and storage. Because the native
sandstone at Mesa Verde is coarser grained and does not fracture as
easily into blocks and spalls, the style of alternating large and small
banded masonry found at Chaco was not adopted there. But much of the
stonework at Mesa Verde is nonetheless excellent; perhaps some builders
had greater artistry than others, for some of the rooms, especially the
circular towers, contain blocks which have been carefully pecked,
ground, polished, and fitted into exact position with loving care.
In this period, also, a structure known as a Great
Kiva comes into prominence. It usually has an entrance on the north side
(instead of through the smoke hole), often with a stairway. It has a
large raised firebox in the center of the south side, and occasionally
another entrance there. In addition, on the east and west sides of the
floor are large, rectangular stone-lined pits, built up above the floor.
Their exact use is still a mystery, and perhaps they served more than
one purpose. It has been suggested that when covered with boards, they
would make excellent foot drums for the dances, or good places for the
medicine men to conceal themselves while performing certain magical
rites during initiation ceremonies. Finally, four large posts set into
the floor of the kiva supported the roof. Great Kivas are fairly common
in the Chaco area, but in the Mesa Verde vicinity they seem to be very
In each of the two areas mentioned aboveChaco
Canyon and Mesa Verdearcheological work has revealed a continuous
occupation of the sites and the immediate vicinity. At the great Aztec
ruin, however, there is still some doubt as to what really happened. In
two different time periods there seem to be strong architectural
relations to both the Chaco and Mesa Verde centers, as well as close
ties in ceramics and other items of material culture. Part of the
intriguing mystery at Aztec is whether these similarities represent
actual migrations from those centers on a fairly large scale, or an
exchange of ideas, or small groups of migrants who strongly influenced
the local population.