Starting a New Life
On the north bank of the Walla Walla River, 22 miles
upstream from its junction with the Columbia, Marcus Whitman selected
the site of his mission on the lands of the Cayuse Indians. Henry
Spalding picked a site 110 miles to the east on Lapwai Creek, 2 miles
from its confluence with the Clearwater; the Nez Percé tribe at
last had a missionary.

This photograph of the Spalding mission cabin at
Lapwainow called Spaldingwas taken in 1900.
Whitman selected Wai-i-lat-pu, "the place of
the rye grass," for several reasons. Close to Fort Walla Walla at the
mouth of the river, Waiilatpu was near both a source of supply and the
main travel route between Canada and Fort Vancouver. Whitman must have
realized, too, that its location was on the line of march between South
Pass in the Rockies and the Columbia, the trail that Americans would
surely follow. In addition, it was the home of the Cayuse Indians, a
"heathen's" tribe that in the minds of the missionaries needed to be
saved as much as any.
For his wife's arrival from Fort Vancouver, Whitman
built a crude log lean-to as a shelter against the oncoming winter. When
Narcissa arrived at Waiilatpu on December 10, she found that the little
structure had two bed rooms, a kitchen, a pantry, and a fireplace, but
was still without windows and doors. Narcissa, though expecting her
first child, accepted her lot in good humor and set out to make a home.
Meanwhile, Whitman, Gray, and their helpers worked steadily on the main
part of this first house.
Because of the scarcity of suitable timber, the main
part of the one-and-a-half story house was made of sun-dried adobe
bricks. With great difficulty, enough pine boards were whipsawed in the
Blue Mountains 20 miles away to make the floor. The roof was made of
poles covered with earth and rye grass. From the cottonwoods that grew
along the river, some furniture was made. Pierre Pambrun contributed by
sending a small heating stove and a rocking chair from Fort Walla Walla.
Bedsteads were boards nailed to walls, and, except for a feather tick
Narcissa had acquired at Fort Vancouver, corn husks and blankets served
as mattresses.
But even before it was finished, the first house was
flooded by the Walla Walla River, just a few feet away. After a second
flood, Whitman reluctantly decided that it would be necessary to build
again on higher ground. Work was begun on the new T-shaped mission house
in 1838. A few years later, the abandoned first house was torn down, and
its adobe bricks were used to build a blacksmith shop.

Narcissa sent this floor
plan of the mission house to her mother while the house was still being
built. Room A, which was to be her bedroom, was not constructed.
Instead, room B was used for that purpose.
During the first year, the missionaries depended on
the Hudson's Bay Company for provisions to tide them over to their first
harvest. From Fort Vancouver, Fort Walla Walla, and Fort Colville (in
northeastern Washington), they bought pork, flour, butter, corn, and
potatoes. Occasionally the Indians sold them fish and venison.
Horses purchased from the Cayuse provided steaks and
stews. As Dr. Whitman put it:
we have killed and eaten twenty-three or four horses
since we have been here, not that we suffered which causes us to eat
them, but if we had not eaten them, we would have suffered. . . .
In the spring of 1837 the first plantings of
vegetables and grains were made. Also in that first year, both Spalding
and Whitman planted apple orchards.
At the same time, the missionaries began their
efforts among the Indians. Both men encouraged the Cayuse and Nez
Percé to start cultivation of the soil. Although the Cayuse had
an epidemic of sickness at this time, some of the families did plant
crops before departing for the hill valleys to dig camas bulbs in the
early summer of 1837. Whitman was greatly encouraged by this hesitant
start. He wrote: "When they have plenty of food they will be little
disposed to wander." He greatly desired to lead them from their nomadic
ways and to have them establish settled communities. But the Indians
lacked skills and tools, and the results of their farming were far less
than either their enthusiasm or the missionaries' expectations.
Both stations also began educational, spiritual, and
medical work. Spalding and Whitman were preachers, teachers, doctors,
and farmers; and Narcissa and Eliza assisted them in all these phases of
their work.
Since the Nez Percé tongue was understood by
both tribes, it was used as the language of instruction at both
stations. This meant that only one alphabet had to be devised and that
the same written material could be used at both missions. Henry and
Eliza Spalding made the most progress in mastering the difficult Indian
tongue, and they took the lead in forming the alphabet and translating
material. However, by the autumn of 1837 Marcus and Narcissa had learned
enough Nez Percé to begin their school.
Religious instruction was commenced promptly at both
Waiilatpu and Lapwai. The Spaldings held daily prayers and conducted
worship on Sundays. Handicapped by their slowness at learning the
language, the Whitmans resorted mainly to encouraging the Indians to
continue their daily prayer meetings, which some of them, inspired by
fur traders, had been attending before the missionaries arrived.
Although Whitman was the trained doctor, Spalding
also administered to the sick. At first, the Indians were receptive to
white medicine; but it was medicine that was later to become a major
issue of contention between the Indians and the missionaries. For the
time being, however, an encouraging start had been made. The Nez
Percé seemed truly happy to have the Spaldings in their midst,
while the Cayuse, though less enthusiastic, accepted the Whitmans at
Waiilatpu. What were these people like, whom man and wife had come 3,000
miles to convert and civilize?
Nez Percé
The Nez Percé Indians called themselves the
Nimipu, "The People." Lewis and Clark, the first whites to travel
through the Nez Percé country, called them by two names, the
Chopunnish and the Pierced Nose Indians. But available records indicate
that very few, if any, of these Indians pierced their noses. Such a
custom was common with the Pacific Coast tribes who decorated their
noses with sea shells.
Within a few years after Lewis and Clark traveled
through present-day Idaho, some unknown person, probably a
French-Canadian trapper, changed Pierced Nose to Nez Percé and so
the name has come down to us today. The accent over the final "e" is no
longer pronounced; Nez is pronounced as it looks, Percé is
pronounced "purse." Though some writers no longer use the accent, its
usage is considered to be correct by most.