The Massacre
When Monday, November 29, 1847, dawned cold and foggy
in the Walla Walla Valley, there were 74 people staying at the Waiilatpu
mission. Most of them were emigrants, stopping over on the way to the
Willamette Valley. The mission buildings were crowded almost beyond
capacity: 23 people were living in the mission house; 8 in the
blacksmith shop; 29 in the emigrant house; 12 in the cabin at the
sawmill, 20 miles up Mill Creek; and the 2 half-breeds, Lewis and
Finley, were living in lodges on the mission grounds.
The Whitmans, aware that a crisis was at hand, had
discussed what they should do. Both Marcus and Narcissa rejected the
idea of attempting flight. Dr. Whitman believed that if the Cayuse went
on the rampage only he would be involved and the others would not suffer
on his behalf. Courageously, the missionaries decided to continue
administering to the sick and to attempt to keep peace with the Indians.
On that Monday morning, Marcus treated the ill and officiated at the
funeral of an Indian child. Narcissa, ill and temporarily despondent,
remained in her room until nearly noon, not touching the breakfast
brought to her.
After lunch Whitman stayed in the living room,
resting and reading. Narcissa, feeling better, was in the room also,
bathing one of the Sager girls. Throughout the rest of the mission, the
duties of the day were being carried out. Several children were in the
classroom where L. W. Saunders had begun to teach that day after a
forced vacation caused by the measles epidemic. Isaac Gilliland, a
tailor, was working in the emigrant house on a suit of clothes for Dr.
Whitman. At the end of the east wing of the mission house, Peter Hall
was busy laying a floor in a new addition being built that autumn. Out
in the yard, Walter Marsh was running the gristmill, and four men were
busy dressing a beef. There were more Indians than usual gathered about
the grounds that day, but it was thought they had been attracted by the
Into this scene walked two Cayuse chiefs, Tiloukaikt
and Tomahas. They entered the mission house kitchen and knocked on the
bolted door that led to the living room, claiming they wanted medicine.
Dr. Whitman refused them entry but got some medicine from the closet
under the stairway. Warning Mrs. Whitman to lock the door behind him, he
went out into the kitchen. There, Tiloukaikt deliberately provoked the
doctor into an argument. While the doctor's attention was thus diverted,
Tomahas suddenly attacked him from behind with a tomahawk. Whitman
struggled to save himself but soon collapsed from the blows.

Tiloukaikt and Tomahas, Cayuse chiefs who led the massacre.
Paintings by Paul Kane.
Mary Ann Bridger, in the kitchen at this moment,
dashed out the north door, ran around the building to the west entrance
of the living room, and cried out in terror, "They have killed father!"
John Sager, the oldest of the seven orphans, was also in the kitchen
when the two Indians fell upon the doctor. John, recovering from the
measles, had been busy preparing twine for new brooms. When the doctor
was attacked, John attempted to reach for a pistol but was assaulted by
the Indians before he could get it. He fell to the floor mortally
wounded. At this time, a shot rang out that was apparently the signal
for an attack by the Indians in the yard.
At the sound of the shot, the Indians dropped their
blankets, which had concealed guns and tomahawks, and began their attack
on the men at the mission. Saunders, the school teacher, was killed
while trying to reach his wife in the emigrant house. Hoffman, one of
the butchers, was killed while furiously defending himself with an ax.
Gilliland, the tailor, was killed in the room where he had been sewing.
Marsh was killed working at the grist mill. Francis Sager, the second
oldest of the family, was in the schoolroom when the attack began. With
the other children, he hid in the rafters above the room. Before long he
was discovered by Joe Lewis, and soon he too was shot and killed.
Two othersKimball who also was working on the
beef, and Andrew Rodgers who was down by the riverwere wounded;
but both were able to reach the mission house where Narcissa let them
into the living room. A few minutes later, Mrs. Whitman, looking though
the window in the east door, saw Joe Lewis in the yard. She called out
to him asking if all this was his doing. Lewis made no reply, but an
Indian standing on the schoolroom steps heard her voice and, raising his
rifle, fired. The bullet hit Mrs. Whitman in the left breast. She fell
to the floor screaming but quickly recovered her composure and staggered
to her feet.
Narcissa gathered those about her, including several
children and the two wounded men, and led them up stairs just as the
Indians burst into the living room. In the attic bedroom, a broken,
discarded musket was found, and the refugees used it to fend off the
Indians. Finally, Tamsucky, an old Indian whom the Whitmans had long
trusted, convinced Narcissa that the mission house was about to be
burned and that all must go to the emigrant house for safety.
Narcissa and Rodgers agreed to come downstairs, but
for the time being the children and the wounded Kimball were to stay. At
the foot of the stairs Narcissa caught a glimpse of her husband who now
lay dead, his face horribly mutilated. Shocked and weak from loss of
blood, she lay down upon a settee. Rodgers and Joe Lewis picked up the
settee and carried Mrs. Whitman outdoors. Just beyond the north door of
the kitchen, Lewis suddenly dropped his end of the settee, and a number
of Indians standing there began firing at Narcissa and Rodgers. After
her body had rolled off the couch into the mud, one Indian grabbed her
hair, lifted her head, and struck her face with his riding whip. Mrs.
Whitman probably died quickly, but Rodgers lingered on into the
Kimball remained upstairs with the children through
the long night. In the early dawn of Tuesday, he slipped down to the
river to get water for them. But he was discovered by the Indians and
killed. On that same day, unaware of what had happened, James Young
drove down from the sawmill with a load of lumber. He was caught a mile
or to from the mission and slain on the spot. A few days later two more
victims were added when the Indians killed Crocket Bewley and Amos
Sales, two sick youths who dared to openly criticize the Cayuse for the
massacre. These two young men brought the death total to 13.
Peter Hall, the carpenter working on the house,
managed to escape when the Indians attacked. He made his way to Fort
Walla Walla where he received help from the trader, William McBean.
Departing from there, he started across the Columbia River to make his
way down the north bank to Fort Vancouver. But he never arrived. Perhaps
he drowned in the Columbia, perhaps he was caught and killed. Nothing
further is known about him.
A few of the people at the mission made successful
escapes. W. D. Canfield, one of those dressing the beef, managed to hide
in the blacksmith shop until nightfall. Then he set out on foot for
Lapwai, 110 miles away. Though he had only a general knowledge of the
trail and the direction, he reached Spalding's mission on Saturday. But
the most desperate escape was that of the Osborn family. Josiah Osborn,
his wife, and their three children were living in the "Indian Room" of
the mission house. When the attack came, Osburn hid himself and his
family under some loose boards in the floor and escaped detection
throughout the afternoon and evening. Crouched under the floor, they
could hear the groans of the dying and the sounds of looting above their
After the coming of darkness when the rooms above
them grew quiet, the Osborns came out of hiding and made their way
silently to the river. They started walking to Fort Walla Walla, but
after a short distance, Mrs. Osborn, who had just recovered from measles
and the loss of a child at its birth, could not go on. Hiding his wife
and two of the children in the willows, Osborn continued on to the fort
where he eventually was able to get a horse and a friendly Indian to
help him. After some difficulty, he found his family where he had left
them and took his wife and children on to Fort Walla Walla. The Osborns
did not reach the security of the fort until Thursdayafter 4 days
in the damp cold of an Oregon autumn. Sick and afraid, all five of the
family survived ordeal and eventually reached the Willamette Valley.
At Waiilatpu, the Cayuse were exultant. They had
destroyed what they believed had been the cause of all their troubles;
once again their lands would be free from the tracks of wagon wheels and
the unfathomable ideas of the whites.
Their victory was to be but a short respite. Before
long, the Cayuse were to suffer heavily for these deeds. They could not
foresee that Marcus and Narcissa Whitman would be regarded as martyrs by
their countrymen. They did not understand that Americans could and would
wreak a terrible vengeance.