![commanding officer's quarters](images/hh38n1.jpg)
These views show Fort Davis in 1875, by then a post tolerably
comfortable for the times and place. Above is the commanding officer's quarters.
The two officers in the foreground are 2d Lt. Charles G. Ayers, 10th Cavalry,
and 1st lt. H. B. Quimby, 25th Infantry. Standing in the left lattice opening is
2d Lt. James C. Ord, 25th Infantry, and in the right is 2d Lt. Henry H. Landon,
25th Infantry. National Archives
Life at Fort Davis
LIFE AT FORT DAVIS DIFFERED little from life at other
frontier posts of the time. Scouts, patrols, escort duty, and campaigns
were part of the life throughout the period of Indian hostility. For
most, these were welcome diversions, for the routine of garrison
existence accounted for the greater share of one's service. Day after
day, official activities followed the same monotonous pattern: mounted
and dismounted drill, target practice, care of weapons and stock,
fatigue labors, guard duty, inspections, parades, and a variety of other
Under the post commander, each officer and man had
his part to play. The post adjutant and the sergeant major were the
administrative voices of the commanding officer, with whom they shared
offices at post headquarters on the north edge of the parade ground.
Most of the commander's orders were transmitted through these men. The
post quartermaster officer and sergeant were responsible for clothing,
housing, and supplying the garrison, the post commissary officer and
sergeant for feeding it. They occupied offices and warehouses south of
the corrals during the 1870's, then moved to new buildings north of the
corrals in the 1880's. The post surgeon, aided by the noncommissioned
hospital steward, presided over the hospital behind officers' row and
also looked after the sanitary condition of the fort. Each company was
supposed to have a Captain and two lieutenants, but this was an ideal
rarely achieved. Company officers could be found supervising their units
in the field or occupied with paper work in the company orderly room in
the barracks. Sergeants and corporals of the line usually stayed with
the troops. Numerous enlisted specialistsblacksmith, farrier,
saddler, wagoner, wheelwrightworked in shops that formed part of
the quartermaster and cavalry corrals. At specified times of the day, an
infantry bugler or cavalry trumpeter blew the appropriate calls that
regulated the routine of the military community.
![officers' row](images/hh38n2.jpg)
![barracks, quartermaster and corrals](images/hh38n3.jpg)
At top is officers' row, and to the left of it is the roofless ruin of
stone barracks, built in 1856. The bottom photo surveys the post from the southwest. In
front are barracks and behind are the quartermaster and cavalry corrals. National
The troops ate their meals in buildings housing
kitchen and messroom adjoining each set of barracks. Staple fare had
changed little since the 1850's. In 1877 the meat ration consisted of
three-tenths bacon and seven-tenths fresh beef. Beans and flour were
purchased locally, and bread came daily from the post bakery. Scurvy
swept the garrison in the spring of 1868, and the surgeon, Dr. Daniel
Weisel, stressed the necessity of including plenty of fresh vegetables
in the diet. In 1869 he persuaded Colonel Merritt to start a post garden.
Two were planted, one of 4 acres on Limpia Creek for the post and one of
3 acres at the spring southeast of the corrals for the hospital. These
gardens flourished year after year until abandonment of the fort in
1891. Some of the officers' wives kept chickens, but Major Bliss thought
that they made the post look unmilitary, and he decreed that "On and
after Feb. 1, 1874, no fowls will be kept within the limits of this
garrison." Dr. Weisel thought it worth noting that, unlike white troops,
Negro soldiers customarily ate their entire ration.
Water for all purposes was hauled from the Limpia in
water wagons. The troops suffered from chronic dysentery, and everyone
blamed the water. Dr. Weisel, however, insisted that it was pure and
that "the water is made a shield of carelessness and neglect in
enforcing necessary hygienic and sanitary measures." Nevertheless, in
1875 the spring was substituted for the Limpia as the source of water.
By 1878 the drainage ditch leading to the spring had become "the resort
of pigs" (chickens were probably back, too, now that Major Bliss had
been transferred), and the water took on impurities. Finally, in 1883,
construction began on a new water system, with a well and a steam pump
on the Limpia and pipes leading into the post.
The state of sanitation was a constant worry to the
post surgeon. Dr. Weisel complained that the squad rooms in the
barracks were "very untidy, dirty and disorderly," that the kitchens and
messrooms were equally dirty, that the sinks were "in a very bad
condition," and that "offal and slops" were not hauled away as often as
necessary. The doctor also tried to get orders issued requiring every
soldier to bathe in Limpia Creek at least twice a week during the
summer, but he appears not to have been successful. "The difficulties of
a medical officer . . . at a frontier post," he wrote, "can only be
fully estimated by actual and trying experience." And, he added, "much
more might be said."
![regimental band](images/hh38n4.jpg)
The regimental band provided entertainment as well as martial
inspiration at the frontier post. The 9th Cavalry band served at Fort Davis
in the 1870's. here it is shown in the plaza of Santa Fe, N. Mex., about 1885.
Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe
For diversion, the troops had a band, a library, a
chapel, and a school, the last usually presided over by the chaplain.
But the chief off-duty pastimes were gambling, drinking, and sampling
the pleasures of the village of Chihuahua, just off the reservation.
Boasting a population of about 150 Mexicans and 25 Americans, all
dependent on the Army or the stage line for a living, Chihuahua was the
scene of frequent violence. In October 1870, for example, someone shot
Pvt. Anderson Merriweather with an army pistol. The bullet tore up his
stomach, and Dr. Weisel could not save him. Several months later Pvt.
John Williams got into a scrap with a comrade and was killed instantly
with a butcher knife. Similar incidents occurred regularly. Diversions
took their toll on officers, too.
On January 16, 1870, a captain died "of acute
inflammation of the stomach produced by intemperance." Major Bliss tried
to put a stop to some of this sort of trouble. In November 1873 he
issued two general orders, one forbidding gambling on the post, the
other forbidding enlisted men from "carrying concealed weapons of any
description, especially knives, razors, slingshots and pistols."
There were also wholesome forms of amusement.
Especially did the garrison look forward to the annual Fourth of July
holiday. After the ceremonies commemorating American independence, the
men played baseball and organized competition in foot racing and
wheelbarrow racing. An accident marred the celebration of 1873. A
soldier fired the salute gun before Pvt. John Jordon had withdrawn the
rammer. Jordon received severe powder burns on the face and was speared
in the arm by the broken rammer.
Many of the officers had their wives and families at
the fort, and the women took an active lead in organizing social
diversions. Balls, charades, dinner parties, and weddings were frequent
and well-attended events. The arrival of official visitors from other
posts or from department headquarters in San Antonio always prompted
parties of one kind or another; and such occasions as the inspection of
Fort Davis in 1882 by General of the Army William T. Sherman and staff
were highlights of the continual war on monotony.