Working under a brisk and accurate rifle fire,
Federal engineers begin laying a pontoon bridge across the Rappahannock
early on the morning of December 11. Courtesy, Library of
Wednesday, December 10, dawned gray and blustery.
Snow blew across the tents and guns and covered the fields. The cold
wind cut through the men, as couriers galloped from Burnside's
headquarters with the orders that finally set the Army of the Potomac in
Franklin's Left Grand Division would cross the river
below Fredericksburg and advance on Jackson's position; Sumner's Right
Grand Division was to cross opposite the city and attack Longstreet on
Marye's Heights; Hooker's Center Grand Division was held in reserve,
ready to support either wing if the occasion warranted.
Early the next morning under cover of a heavy fog,
Federal soldiers began laying the pontoon bridges, six in all, varying
in length from 400 to 440 feet. Below the city the work proceeded as
scheduled, but opposite Fredericksburg it was a different story. As the
first rays of sun pierced the mist, Confederate sharpshooters, concealed
in the houses and streets, opened a deadly fire. The bridge building
Burnside ordered a bombardment. The massed Federal
artillery on Stafford Heights opened with a frightful roar. A storm of
shot and shell tore through the streets, alleys, and houses. spreading
death and destruction. Thick clouds of smoke swirled high in the air as
buildings caught fire. Walls and chimneys crashed to the ground. Yet
when the bombardment lifted and the smoke drifted away, the
sharpshooters were still there.
In desperation the Federal officers called for
volunteers who were ferried across the river in a daring bridgehead
operation. After bitter house-to-house fighting, the outnumbered
Confederates withdrew to the heavily fortified heights behind the town,
enabling the engineers to complete the bridges.
The next day Federal troops poured over the river.
Franklin put Reynolds' I Corps on his left opposite Jackson's right at
Hamilton's Crossing where the Mine Road crossed the Richmond
Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railroad. Smith's VI Corps formed on
Reynolds' right, opposite Jackson's left at Lansdowne Valley. Sumner had
Couch's II Corps in Fredericksburg, and Willcox's IX Corps just south of
the city connecting with Smith's right near Deep Run. By nightfall
everything seemed set. Corps and division commanders waited anxiously
for their attack orders. Behind them was the river; in front were the
heights. bristling with Confederate cannon and bayonets.