Under a darkening late afternoon sky, units of
Couch's I Corps move up to stem Jackson's fierce onslaught, while
Howard's corps (foreground) flees from the field.
During the night the XI Corps was reorganized and
held at Chancellorsville. Reynolds' I Corps, which had previously been
ordered up from Fredericksburg and arrived on the field during the
attack, now held the Federal right flank, with its own flank resting on
the Rapidan River and facing west rather than south.
Lee's strategy was successful. The whole movement had
been a model of maneuvering, screening, and massing. Yet Lee had gained
little. His situation was almost as critical as when the flanking
movement was being made. The Army of Northern Virginia was split into
three parts, with Sickles' corps and most of Slocum's between Lee and
Jackson's corps, now commanded by Stuart. Until he could reunite these
two wings Lee was in danger of being destroyed piecemeal.
The Army of the Potomac had not been seriously hurt
by Jackson's surprise attack. Howard's corps, though temporarily routed
in panic, suffered only 2,412 casualties during the whole campaign,
while Sickles' corps, for example, lost 4,119 and Slocum's 2,824. During
the night Howard reorganized his men, and by morning they were ready and
willing to fight, if given a chance. Moreover, with the arrival of
Reynolds' corps from Fredericksburg, Hooker now had approximately 90,000
men around Chancellorsville to throw against Lee's divided 48,000.
Unfortunately for the Army of the Potomac, Hooker was thinking only of
defense. Strategically, most of the advantages were still his, but the
Union commander had lost his nerve.

Lee turns back Sedgwick at Salem Church, May 4,
1863. (click on image for an enlargement in a new
Early the next morning Lee and Stuart resumed the
assault, fighting desperately to connect with each other. Then Hooker
suddenly made it easy for them. He voluntarily withdrew Sickles to
strengthen his new, shorter defensive line to the north. This not only
enabled Lee to unite the two wings of his army, it also gave him
strategic high ground at Hazel Grove, just south of Chancellorsville,
from where his artillery could inflict severe damage on the Federals.
This forced Hooker to withdraw from Chancellorsville entirely into a new
defensive position closer to the rivers. The Union army now arched
between the Rapidan and the Rappahannock. Behind the strong defensive
works that he had built, Hooker should have felt safe even though his
90,000 men were "surrounded" by Lee's 48,000.
In the meantime, Sedgwick's VI Corps had been ordered
to seize Marye's Heights behind Fredericksburg from Early's division,
then march to Hooker's assistance. In a daring bayonet charge, Sedgwick
drove Early off the heights and back toward Richmond. Pausing only long
enough to regroup, he then proceeded west on the turnpike toward
When Lee learned that Early had lost the heights and
a Federal force was marching on his rear, he again boldly split his
army. Showing his complete contempt for Hooker, he marched McLaws' and
Anderson's divisions back toward Fredericksburg, leaving Stuart with
about 25,000 men to hold the Union army of 90,000.
Late that afternoon Lee met Sedgwick's advance
division near Salem Church on the Orange Turnpike and halted it, while
Sedgwick waited for his other divisions to come up. The next day, May 4,
Early advanced on the Federals from Fredericksburg. Attacked furiously
on three sides, Sedgwick wisely abandoned any idea of joining Hooker.
Instead, he gradually swung his corps around toward the Rappahannock to
protect his flanks and that night crossed the river to safety at Scott's
Ford, just below Banks' Ford. Hooker made no move to help Sedgwick at
any time.
Lee promptly marched his weary men back to
Chancellorsville to join Stuart, intending to attack Hooker again in his
strongly fortified position. Fortunately for the exhausted Confederate
troops, the Army of the Potomac retreated across the Rappahannock before
Lee could mount another assault. The battle of Chancellorsville was
over. The Union loss in killed, wounded, and missing totaled 17,287; the
Confederate, 12,821.