Fighting near the junction of the Orange Plank and
Brock Roads, a line of Winfield Hancock's VI corps looses a volley in
the sketch by Edwin Forbes. Courtesy, Library of
During the day fighting raged furiously all along the
line, from south of the Orange Plank Road to north of the
turnpikefighting such as these two armies had never seen before
and would never see again. Troops could not maneuver in the wild
country, battlelines broke into tiny fragments, nobody could set
anything at all. Line officers guessed at the progress of the battle by
the sound of the musketry. Regiments, brigades, and even divisions
became inextricably mixed. Yet, in fighting as vicious as any in the
whole war, neither side gave an inch. Here and there the dry underbrush
caught fire, adding to the horror and confusion, and many of the wounded
burned to death in the flaming Wilderness.
In the hot, still air the thick smoke clung to the
ground before lifting, and through it muskets flashed and crackled as
men fired blindly. The noise roared to a crescendo that left them dazed.
Regimental and company commanders lost communication and control in the
dense forest, amid the underbrush, swamps, creeks smoke, flames, and
noise. In some places even companies had to advance or retreat in single
file, never knowing who or what was on their left or right.
As the sunset faded, darkness finally settled like a
gently restraining hand over the horror and confusion on the field.
Motionless forms covered the ground in grotesque positions, as if
carelessly heaved there. That night, in the flickering light of candles
and lanterns, stretcher bearers worked to carry in the wounded and

A supply wagon brings ammunition to troops of
Gouverneur Warren's V corps in the Wilderness. Courtesy, Library
of Congress.
The next morning it began all over again. Hancock had
reached the Brock Road late the previous afternoon, just in time to save
Getty's division from being driven off by A. P. Hill, and now was firmly
entrenched along it. When Burnside's IX Corps came up, Grant used it to
try to fill the gap between Hancock's right and Warren's left. The
entire army was now committed to action, and Grant ordered Hancock to
drive Hill back and roll up Lee's right flank before Longstreet's corps
could arrive. Sedgwick and Warren were to keep pressure on Ewell to
prevent Lee from shifting forces from left to right to help Hill.
Hill's men had fought all the previous day and were
trying to straighten out their lines that morning when Hancock's
relatively fresh troops hit them and drove them west along the Orange
Plank Road. About 2 miles west of the crossroads was a meager little
clearing in the woods around the Widow Tapp farm. Here stood Lee himself
among some parked guns trying to rally the men. Another mile west and
the Federals would be around his right flank and among his supply
trains, and the whole Army of Northern Virginia would be in grave

As the ranks cheer, Grant pushes through
to the head of his columns on the night of May 7, 1864, heading south
and leading his men on to more fighting.
But as Hancock's men emerged from the woods into the
Tapp clearing, the massed Confederate cannon blasted them back. Before
they could regroup for another advance, Longstreet's troops appeared
dramatically on the field at the most crucial moment of the battle for
Lee. The furious fighting continued all day, but Longstreet had stopped
Hancock's advance. By swinging south of the Plank Road he had overlapped
the Federal left, and forced Hancock to withdraw behind his works along
the Brock Road. Confederate attempts to capture these works failed, and,
in the process of reconnoitering, Longstreet was wounded. Gen. A. H.
Anderson then assumed command of the corps.
As night came on, it was evident to both Lee and
Grant that the two armies were now entrenched so strongly that attack by
either side could be suicidal. The struggle in the Wilderness was over.
The Federals lost 15,387 out of 118,000 in killed, wounded, and missing;
the Confederates 11,400 out of 62,000.