The Second Battle at Freeman's Farm.
(click on window for an enlargement in a new window)
The Battle of October 7
Confident and self-assured as a result of their first
encounter, the American troops grew restive as they impatiently awaited
a further attack. Despite drenching rains, chill nights, inadequate
supplies, and scanty rations, these ragged troops, who held the destiny
of a nation in their hands, could still find heart to make merry at
night. So exuberant was their revelry, in fact, that the sentries
complained that because of the noise they could not hear the British and
would find it impossible to warn their comrades if they did. In order to
correct this condition, Gates had to issue an early curfew order.
Nearly 3 weeks of futile waiting brought Burgoyne no
aid from either Howe or Clinton. On October 6, however, unknown to
Burgoyne, Clinton did succeed in capturing the forts along the highlands
of the Hudson (he reached as far north as Esopus [Kingston] on October
With the strength of his opponent greatly increased
by the arrival of 4,000 militia reinforcements so that he was
outnumbered now two to one, and, with his supplies rapidly diminishing,
Burgoyne's position became a desperate one necessitating either an
advance or a retreat. After some hesitation, he decided to risk
everything on a second battle.

Uniform of an American officer, regiment unknown: black hat, brown
coat, red facings, red and white waistcoat, red epaulette, buff
breeches, white stockings.

Uniform of an American soldier, regiment unknown: black hat
with brown brush, gray coat with yellow facings, red-brown breeches, and
light blue stockings.
Accordingly, on the morning of October 7, Burgoyne
ordered a reconnaissance in force to determine the nature of the ground
and the advisability of a thrust at the American left. With 1,500 picked
men led by Generals Fraser, Riedesel, and Phillips, and supported by two
12-pounders, six 6-pounders, and two howitzers, Burgoyne moved out from
camp about 12 o'clock and advanced toward the American left. After
moving in a southwesterly direction for a distance of approximately
two-thirds of a mile, the troops deployed in an open clearing where some
of them foraged in a wheat field.
Extending his line for more than 1,000 yards to the
west, Burgoyne occupied the southern slope of the rise of ground just
north of the Middle Ravine. On the right, under the Earl of Balcarres,
was stationed the British Light Infantry and the British 24th regiment,
both under the command of General Fraser. In the center was Riedesel
with his German contingent and batteries of two 12-pounders and two
6-pounders under Major Williams and Captain Pausch. On the left was
stationed Major Acland in command of the British Grenadiers with the
greater portion of the artillery. Though the larger part of Burgoyne's
front was open, both his flanks rested in woods and were thus exposed to
a surprise attack. Investigating the news of the British advance, James
Wilkinson, Adjutant General to Gates, found their position favorable to
attack and so reported to headquarters, whereupon Gates replied: "Order
on Morgan to begin the game."
The American plan of attack was simple and direct. As
Morgan undertook a flanking movement against the Light Infantry on the
British right in that portion of the field farthest removed from the
river, Poor was to move against the Grenadiers on the British left. Once
these two movements had developed, Learned was to strike the German
contingent which made up the British center. The American attack opened
about 2:30 in the afternoon with Poor's savage assault upon the British
left. Outnumbered two to one, the Grenadiers crumpled under the
withering fire of the Americans. By this time Morgan had struck the
British right. The British Light Infantry was driven back in confusion,
and the right flank and rear of the troops led by Balcarres were now
seriously threatened.
At this critical stage, General Fraser rode back and
forth among his men in a desperate effort to encourage them to make a
stand and cover the developing British retreat. In spite of all that he
could do, his troops continued to withdraw under the deadly fire of
Morgan's corps. In the confusion of attack and retreat, General Fraser
was shot, perhaps by a member of a party detailed for that purpose by
Colonel Morgan. Mortally wounded, he was carried from the field.
Before the enemy's flanks could be rallied, Arnold
dashed impetuously onto the field and led Learned's brigade in an attack
against the Germans, who comprised Burgoyne's center. Although without
command because of a quarrel with Gates after the battle of September
19, Arnold now threw himself into the battle. By his powerful
personality and reckless daring he inspired the troops to redoubled
effort. Though the Germans repulsed the first attack, they were soon
driven into retreat, for the withdrawal of Fraser's troops and the
British Grenadiers had exposed them on both flanks.
When the 2,000-strong Albany County militia,
commanded by Brig. Gen. Abraham Ten Broeck, came up to join the
fighting, the British forces, discouraged by the loss of Fraser and the
turn of events, retreated to the protection of their fortified
positions. Within less than an hour after the opening of the attack,
Burgoyne had lost 8 cannon and more than 400 officers and men, killed,
wounded, or prisoners. Flushed with victory, part of the American forces
were led by Arnold in a savage and costly attack on the Balcarres
Redoubt, a position of great strength which lay on the Freeman Farm.

Unique monument to Arnold's left leg which was
wounded in the storming of the Breymann Redoubt in the battle of
October 7.
When repeated attacks failed to carry this position,
into which the remnants of Burgoyne's flanking column had retreated,
Arnold wheeled his horse and, dashing between the crossfire from both
armies, rode northward in the direction of the Breymann Redoubt. In
front of this work were American units that had circled farther to the
north after the retreat of the British flanking column and had taken no
part in the attack on the Balcarres Redoubt. Between the Balcarres and
Breymann Redoubts stood two log cabins, held by Canadian troops. The
attack on Breymann's position was being delayed until these cabins could
be overcome. At about the time that Arnold arrived at the Breymann
Redoubt, an attack was launched against the front and left of the
fortification. Arnold joined the men attacking the left and rear. The
combined attacks rapidly drove the defending German troops from the
redoubt. Only darkness saved Burgoyne from a general retreat. As Arnold
entered the rear of the redoubt, just as the work fell, he was shot in
the leg by a German soldier. Had he died there, posterity would have
known few names brighter than that of Benedict Arnold. The fall of this
redoubt, which covered the right and rear of Burgoyne's fortified camp,
forced him to order a general retreat. Colonel Breymann was killed in
the assault on the redoubt that bears his name.
That night Burgoyne withdrew his army to the high
ground north of the Great Ravine. Fraser's life slowly ebbed away
throughout the night, and on the evening of October 8 he was buried in
the Great Redoubt, in accordance with his own request. The retreat of
the army northward was held up by Burgoyne long enough to administer the
last rites in an impressive ceremony as Fraser's body was lowered into
the ground. Shots from American gunners, who did not understand what was
taking place, struck close and threw dust on the officiating chaplain.
Early in the morning of October 9, the British Army took up its retreat
to Saratoga. The British had suffered approximately 1,000 casualties in
the fighting of the past 3 weeks as compared to an American loss of less
than half that number.

This print, published in London in 1789,
presumably shows the British position at the Great Redoubt. According
to the inscription accompanying the original print, it also portrays a
scene during Fraser's funeral. The original inscription seems to
contain certain inconsistencies. Courtesy Life