With one exception the Pacific Railroad confirmed the
expectations of its advocates and justified the participation of the
U.S. Government. Politically, the Railroad Act of 1862 strengthened the
loyal element in California, and undoubtedly insured (if insurance were
needed) the continued allegiance of the Pacific Coast to the United
States during the Civil War. Militarily, the railroad (more accurately,
the railroad network that developed between 1869 and 1884) provided the
key to conquering the Indians, and the means of considerably improving
coastal defenses on the Pacific coast. It also furnished quicker and
cheaper transportation for Government supplies and the mail.
Commercially, it permitted a vast and profitable trade to develop
between East and West. Only in the confident assurance of a huge trade
with Asiathe principal motivewere the promoters of the
Pacific Railroad disappointed. In November 1869, 6 months after the
Golden Spike ceremony, the first ship steamed through the newly
completed Suez Canal and destroyed this hope.
Aside from this contemporary significance, there was
a larger and more profound significance which the projectors of the
Pacific Railroad only dimly perceived. The Union Pacific and Central
Pacific hastened the end of the continental frontier. They did not, as
writers occasionally generalize, destroy the frontier. "From a narrow
strip across the plains," said historian Frederick L. Paxson, "Indians
had been pushed to one side and another and a single track had crossed
the mountains, but north and south great areas remained untouched, for
the demolition of the frontier had only just begun." Nevertheless, "In
the history of the frontier the Union Pacific Railway marks the
beginning of the end." The end did not come until after completion, in
1882-84, of the other transcontinental railroads, and then as a result
of the collective influence of all. But the Central Pacific and Union
Pacific established the process by which the end was attained.

A lone Indian gazes upon C.P. track in the Palisades section of the Humboldt River Robert Weinstein Collection
This process had two stages. First, the railroad
pierced the Indian barrier and gradually ate into it on either side of
the right-of-way. Next it brought in its wake immigration, settlement,
and development of industry and agriculture. The frontier inevitably
disappeared. Settlement of the plains and mountains had been entirely
unforeseen by the builders of the first Pacific Railroad, who wished
only to bridge the "Great American Desert" and tap the commerce of Asia.
But business from along the line came to furnish the bulk of traffic on
the transcontinental railroads and tempered the disappointment over
failure to capture the Asiatic trade.
Frederick Jackson Turner's famous frontier thesis,
advanced in 1893, noted an essential difference between the Midwestern
and Far Western frontiers of the United States and the determining role
in this difference played by the railroad: "the frontier reached by the
Pacific Railroad, surveyed into rectangles, guarded by the United States
Army, and recruited by the daily immigrant ship, moved forward at a
swifter pace and in a different way than the frontier reached by the
birch canoe or the pack horse." Paxson, Turner's leading disciple,
carried this thinking a step further: "The effort that finally destroyed
the continental frontier differed from all earlier movements in the same
direction in that it was self-conscious, deliberate, and national."
After 40 years of controversy the principle of Federal aid to internal
improvements at last gained general acceptance with passage of the
Railroad Act of 1862. With this measure and later amendatory
legislation, Congress struck the first really effective blow at the
frontier. And while the first transcontinental railroad was under
construction, Congress insured the complete collapse of the frontier by
legislating aid to the Northern Pacific, Atlantic and Pacific, Texas and
Pacific, and Southern Pacific railroads.
Thus the paramount historical significance of the
first transcontinental railroad lies in its effect upon the Far Western
frontier. It made the first serious and permanent breech in the
frontier, and it established the process by which the entire frontier
was to be demolished.
A century after the joining of the rails at
Promontory Summit, America's transcontinental railroads continue to
foster the economic and political unity of the Nation. Sleek diesel
liners hasten freight and passengers from Atlantic to Pacific in half
the time of their wood-burning ancestors. Speeding across prairie and
desert, or threading the passes of the Rockies and Sierra, they
symbolize a dream come true beyond the most fanciful imaginings of the
promoters and builders of the Pacific Railroad.

Santa Fe Railway
Golden Spike National Historic Site is administered
by the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. A
superintendent whose address is P.O. Box 897, Brighman City, Utah 84302,
is in charge.