Early print of the bombardment of Fort McHenry.
Courtesy Maryland Historical Society.
The Bombardment of Fort McHenry
To render effective assistance to Brooke's army, it
was necessary for Cochrane to reduce Fort McHenry, which barred the
entrance to Baltimore harbor. At dawn on September 13, 16 warships,
including five bomb ships and one sloop equipped with rocket launchers,
dropped anchor about 2 miles below the fort and commenced an intensive
bombardment. The Americans responded with a brisk fire, but, much to
their disappointment, their shot and shell fell short. The superior
range of the 13-inch sea mortars on the bomb ships, reported Maj. George
Armistead, commander of Fort McHenry, exposed the garrison to a constant
and tremendous shower of shells." In the early afternoon, a bomb landed
on the southwest bastion of the fort, dismounting a gun and inflicting
casualties on the crew. During the excitement, three bomb ships
approached the fort but were quickly driven off by the Americans.
In its description of the action on the 13th,
Niles' Weekly Register wrote that "Four and five bombs were
frequently in the air at a time, and, making a double explosion, with
the noise of the foolish rockets and the firings of the fort, . . .
created a horrible clatter." Armistead's report of the action on this
day omits any mention of rockets, thus making it difficult to discuss
the role played by the rocket ship, H. M. S. Erebus.
The critical period of the attack developed shortly
after midnight when a picked British force under Captain Napier
penetrated the branch of the river to the right (west) of the fort.
Their mission, Armistead believed, was to storm the fort. Before they
could land, however, they were detected and subjected to a withering
fire from the guns of Fort McHenry and the two smaller works, Forts
Babcock and Covington. The British fought back strongly with cannon and
rockets. In the inky darkness, the Americans trained their weapons by
the muzzle blasts of the enemy guns and the blaze of their rockets.
Gradually, American fire power prevailed, and Napier was compelled to
retire to the warships, safely anchored beyond the range of even the
42-pound cannon of the fort.
The British repulse impelled Admiral Cochrane to
suspend the attack. A messenger was dispatched to Colonel Brooke to
inform him of the admiral's decision and to advise him to move his
troops back to the transports. Brooke, confronted with the perplexing
problem of attacking a city defended by powerful entrenchments and
manned by troops superior in numbers to the English, hastily accepted
Cochrane's advice.
After a final bombardment, which lasted until 7
o'clock on the morning of the 14th, the fleet got under way and moved
down river. Thus the fort, by denying the British access to the North
West Branch, had frustrated the British strategy for the capture of
Baltimore. The failure to take Baltimore also strengthened the position
of the American peace negotiators at Ghent.
Armistead estimated that the British had hurled
between 1,500 and 1,800 shells at the fort, of which number about 400
landed within the defense works. Two of the buildings were severely
damaged, the others received slight injury. The casualty list was
amazingly small. Of the 1,000 defenders, only 4 were killed and 24
injured. The appearance of the fort after the attack is picturesquely
described in an entry of the Orderly Book of the Lebanon Blues which
mentions that:
The captain was at Fort McHenry and reports it is all
cut up Round about ithe brought A piece of the bumb shell with
himhe further says that there is some so large that they weigh 200
Measures were immediately undertaken to repair and
strengthen the fort. The Committee of Vigilance and Safety was asked to
furnish heavy timbers to build a covered way and brick to strengthen the
magazines and erect bombproofs. It was also asked to repair those gun
carriages which had failed to withstand the shock of recoil. Above all,
Armistead stressed the need for 13-inch mortars and appropriate

Map of the bombardment of Fort McHenry.
(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)